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Related: About this forumAbby Martin on What Hillary Clinton Really Represents
Empire Files -TeleSur
This is what we're up against.
I stand with Abby Martin in saying that as a woman, I absolutely reject Hillary Clinton's bourgeois feminism...for all women including those under her bombs.
(13,039 posts)eom
(156,771 posts)bvar22
(39,909 posts)The ONLY antidote is not Bernie.
The only antidote is US.
The Movement will continue with or without Bernie (though he is a wonderful example and charismatic speaker).
WE are The Movement.
if not this election...then the next one.
We aren't going away.
We aren't going to Sit Down and Shut Up.
Louder & PROUDER of our Liberal New Deal/Great Society heritage....the 99% (Thank You, OWS)
[font color=firebrick][center]The Democratic Party is a BIG TENT, but there is NO ROOM for those
who advance the agenda of THE RICH at the EXPENSE of LABOR and the POOR. [/font][/center]
she's great!
(5,281 posts)Phlem
(6,323 posts)cprise
(8,445 posts)Bill Clinton to journalist.... If I get elected president, it will be an unprecedented partnership, far more than Franklin Roosevelt and Eleanor. They were two great people, but on different tracks. If I get elected, well do things together like we always have.
Having also campaigned in 2008 on Bill's record, I don't think she has any excuses for trying to dodge that record now. Mrs. "two for the price of one" is a sleazeball for trying to paint her critics as sexist.
(17,196 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)uhnope
(6,419 posts)And why should I care?
(3,688 posts)840high
(17,196 posts)daughter - Bernie supporter. She'll use it on social media.
Hillary Clinton is nothing but a female version of Henry Kissinger himself. She is no doubt a female, but she has no heart. No soul.
(1,539 posts)Iwillnevergiveup
(9,298 posts)about Hillary not to support her, but this gives many examples that undergirth my belief that she shouldn't come anywhere near the Oval Office.
(1,192 posts)This is not 1992 Bill and Hillary. She's not even 2008 Hillary.
2016 Hillary and Bill cannot go anywhere near the Oval Office.
beastie boy
(10,504 posts)And if you absolutely reject bourgeois feminism of Hillary, you also reject bourgeois feminism of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lena Dunham, among others.
Not a nice thing to do.
(10,510 posts)Fact check it, do your due diligence, I urge you! She is a leading member of the club that George Carlin said you are not in. She represents the people/corporations that have used campaign donations, and now Super PACs, to take control of our government and end Representative Democracy!
This is why we absolutely need a political revolution. She is the poster child for what Bernie Sander's is talking about. Don't let the sly, sometimes subtle, sometimes blunt, propaganda of the big corporate media sway you into supporting someone that has already sold you out.
If you still vote for her after all of this, you must share in the blame and blood to come!
Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)Thank you, Nyad. That was brutal, and HRC deserves the beating that Ms. Martin administered.
Over the years, since the Republican convention of 1992, I have defended Mrs. Clinton from the reactionary, right wing, misogynistic attacks against a working wife and mother. Anybody who remembers that time knows about what I speak. It was nothing but red meat for Christian fundamentalist misogyny, and we progressive Democrats were right to stand against it and should remain proud that we did.
However, just because Hillary Clinton was hounded by demons does not necessarily make her an angel.
We progressive Democrats were also right to have misgivings about the Clinton administration's stands on crime and punishment (resulting in an escalation in the failed war on drugs and the mass incarceration of young black men), on welfare reform (or deform, as the case may be) and on deregulation of the financial industry (to which there is a direct line to the crash of 2008). Now, while it would be unfair to blame Mrs. Clinton for the sins of her husband, who signed the 1994 Crime Bill, Welfare Deform and the infamous Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 into law, as well as working with Republicans to sneak the equally infamous Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 into an omnibus spending bill as a rider, it is not unfair to note that Mrs. Clinton supported these measure and continued to support these kinds of policies after her husband moved out of the White House and after she was elected to the Senate.
The fact that she represented Wall Street bankers as the Senator from New York is not an excuse for supporting further eroding of banking regulation, regardless of the attacks by al Qaida on September 11, 2001. As Senator from New York, she also represented the myriad of homeowners whose mortgages were foreclosed in the man-made financial disaster of 2008. Did she stand by them? Did she move to save there homes? Legs Dimon and Pretty Boy Lloyd had but one vote each, but there millions in generous campaign contributions counted for more to Mrs. Clinton than all of their votes.
In addition to that litany poor judgement and misplaced priorities, Mrs. Clinton also voted for war in Iraq in 2001. She stubbornly stood by that decision in the presidential primaries of 2008, even though it cost her the nomination. She can dismiss it as a mistake now, but after sticking with that vote for war long after it was discredited along with all evidence for its alleged necessity, it is a very unconvincing plea. In addition, her advocacy for aggressive action against Iran and Libya in the ensuing years shows that her vote for Bush the Frat Boy's war is consistent with her thinking rather than a unusual misjudgment. Her vote in favor of the IWR seems to be a very usual misjudgment on her part.
Thank you again for this video, Nyad. I am a male and a straight, white one at that, but as a humanist I, too, stand with Abby Martin in opposition to Mrs. Clinton. If I vote for her in November, it will be only because, unfit as she it to be president, she is still better than the fascist Trump or the religious fundamentalist lunatic Cruz. Let that speak loudly as an indictment of our corrupt, re3actioonary and broken political-economic structure that now needs to be allowed to crumble to dust and rebuilt anew, stronger, better and more democratic.
Let the revolution begin. Power to the people -- because a mob can rule better than these oligarchs.
(2,461 posts)Paid my bucks to the Real News, in part because of Abby Martin's Empire Files.
(6,419 posts)Let's see, Martin used to be a conspiracy-theorist newsmodel for the anti-Semites & homophobes at Putin TV. Now she's spouting on behalf of the Gaddafi worshippers at Telesur, started by Hugo Chavez government to be one long infomercial for Dear Leader, funded by the governments of Venezuela & Cuba, and designed to be pro-Venezuela and anti-US at all costs. Thanks but no thanks, Abby
(4,542 posts)On Mon Apr 18, 2016, 07:42 AM an alert was sent on the following post:
So which dictatorship is paying Martin to say things now?
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Ad hom smear, nothing but red-baiting trolling from a conservative on DemocraticUnderground.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Mon Apr 18, 2016, 07:53 AM, and the Jury voted 1-6 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: I can't imagine why this was alerted on. Seems weirdly book burning type of thing.
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: I would consider hiding if Abby Martin was a member of DU but otherwise, this poster has a right to his/her opinion regardless of whether I or the alerter agree with it
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation
(2,979 posts)Do you have any cites to back them up?
Btw, I was one of the DU jury that voted to leave your post up. The reason why is I want to see if you can back up your ridiculous bullshit with any kind of credible proof.
(6,419 posts)but google is yr friend, why not look it up yrself?
Look up Abby Martin & Fluoridation of water, Martin & conspiracy theory, look up who started Telesur & why, look up gay-bashing, anti-Semiticism & Putin/RT. It's not hard & they aren't wild claims at all.
I don't have time at the moment and already have written too much here given time, but again wth are you saying you don't know about RT & Putin, or what? What exactly do you think is wild or BS?
(2,979 posts)Is that if you make a claim, you back it up with credible cites.
(6,419 posts)of what you think is "ridiculous BS" or "wild claims" & I'll post later.
at this point I'm surprised you don't already know at least some of it
(2,979 posts)Don't be obtuse.
(6,419 posts)Last edited Tue Apr 19, 2016, 07:47 AM - Edit history (2)
& I'd like to avoid that.
I don't know what you think is "wild claims" or "ridiculous BS" exactly, and you refuse to say, so here goes exhaustive citation to support all my points:
Abby Martin, whacked conspiracy theorist:
The Fluoride is coming!
Abby hearts Alex Jones!
Nice analysis of her CT here
Martin's former boss RT (Putin TV) & anti-Semiticism:
Hillary = "Illuminati": RT's full metal Hebrew-smearing CT
Chesty RT newsmodels go full Bilderberg:
RT features blatant anti-Semite to spout CT:
RT & Homophobia:
Director of RT, Dmitry Kiselev... I believe that imposing fines on gays for homosexual propaganda to minors is insufficient. They should be prohibited from donating blood, sperm and, in the case of a [fatal] road accident, their hearts should be either buried or cremated as unsuitable for the prolongation of anybodys life,
Gay reporter kicked off RT for exposing gay-bashing
Martin's current government sponsor Telesur = Chavez's Bolivarian propaganda machine that supported Gaddafi & anything anti-US:
(2,979 posts)You just like being obtuse, don't you?
(2,979 posts)Thanks for admitting it.
Good day.
(6,419 posts)repeat some malarkey about obtuseness?
Or you just can't admit you're wrong. Is it really that petty?
oh Internet what a waste
(2,979 posts)Had you simply posted the damn links like a normal person when asked politely the 1st time, we wouldn't be at this impasse, now would we?
I checked your links, and you are, in fact correct. That lady is tin-foil hat, bat-shit insane.
But you post like a troll.
Just sayin...
(6,419 posts)You demanded proof, & when given proof, you continue to flamebait. That's trolling. You could have just continued the dialogue. Instead, you went for the low road. & then call me a troll.
I'm still surprised that you were really so ignorant as to not know any of that basic stuff. But really, whatevs & buhbye
(2,979 posts)You suggested I google it myself.
Where I'm from, that's a pretty positive sign of a troll.
I guess maybe it's different here on DU.
Once you finally posted your cites, they did back up your claims. And I agree with you now that I've read them.
If you had just done that to begin with, you may not have been flagged and the tone of this "conversation" might be a bit more cordial, wouldn't it?
If you have valid points to make, do it. Don't beat around the bush, trying to be cute.
(14,292 posts)Abby Martin is a brave journalist in a world bloated with infotainment shills. Everything in this video is verifiable. She even has video clips to back up what Hillary is saying.
All uhnope has left is to attack the messenger. That should tell you enough. But it is laughable that he or she brings up Martin's employers. Gasp, she did her show on a network that actually allowed her to speak. She'd never get on Network TV. So she took what she could get. Thom Hartmann also now has a show on RT, for much the same reasons. And General Electric tells Rachel Maddow what to say too... The important thing is that his and her voice are being heard. Because they are a few that dare share controversial, anti establishment views. And that means they also host guests and ideas that are out there. So the fuck what! If you're not smart enough to handle hearing about perceived threats such as fluoridated water risks, and decide for yourself by supplementing her guests story with your own research thats one thing, but this PC fear of hearing anything not sanctioned by the conspiracy theory police is close minded and embarrassingly ignorant behaviour on a liberal message board.
Abby is a gem. Don't be bullied by the close minded frightened lot that look to cherry pick one or two instances in a flacid attempt to discredit all of her important work. Take a look at some of her other videos. Decide for yourself.
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Video by a conspiracy theorist. Perhaps it goes in the CT forum?
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Mon Apr 18, 2016, 01:27 AM, and the Jury voted 2-5 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Attacking HRC in this manner is way over the line and inappropriate for DU. And I'm a Bernie supporter. I also agree with the alerter that this sounds like something Alex Jones would come up with.
Juror #4 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Yeah, it's CT, but it's popular CT at the moment. The things she's said about fluoride and 9/11 prove she's playing on the impressionable in our society. She'll say what sensational things she thinks her market wants to hear. It's how she pays the bills.
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: It's a video, and the forum is appropriate. Why must it be buried in a CT forum? Should we bury pro-Clinton videos in the Hillary Clinton group and pro-Sanders videos in the Sanders group? No. Enough with the thin-skinned censorship already.
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
(1,192 posts)Well, isn't it interesting how none of the people who said it was CT couldn't point out one single thing that was untrue in this video
(70 posts)I guess "Conspiracy Theory" is yet another convenient excuse for Hillary Clinton supporters to cover their ears and eyes to avoid dealing with new information that could damage their pristine estimation of Nixon-in-a-pantsuit.
(1,192 posts)Since I didn't learn anything that I didn't know already from this episode.
Well, she'd better work hard on it. You can't be a proper conspiracy theorist without purporting any conspiracy
(6,419 posts)if it's not conspiracy theory, then it's okay in the vid forum
(70 posts)So no, you're wrong.
(6,419 posts)The alert wanted this to be moved to the CT forum because the vid is by a known CTer (which is a fact).
This fact alone is not grounds to move a vid. The vid itself has to propose CT to necessitate this move.
I haven't watched the vid (not going to waste my time on Abby Martin) so I don't know, but the alert didn't even claim the vid was CT, just that it was by a CTer. Which is not enough to remove the vid, as the jury decided.
(747 posts)an excuse to slow this down. This is where the so called CT comes in. Obviously, this person is a Hillary backer who can't handle facts. For the record, I was the first to post the video, but it was only posted in the Bernie forum - then others follow suit. I'm surprised that they didn't try to silenced my post. Oh well...
(6,419 posts)& I back Sanders BTW
(747 posts)You don't have an answer. Just spiteful criticism. The claim that you support Sanders is hard to believe. You're probably the one who sent that alert. I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. I have a special place for shameless trolls. To the Naughty List with you!!!!!!!!!!!!
(6,419 posts)ignorance is not bliss
(70 posts)Right-wing smear, conspiracy theory, next it's gonna be extra terrestrials....Hillary Clinton and her supporters are a paranoid, shifty bunch. Wasn't one Nixon enough? Why must we have a female version of Nixon in the Oval Office?
(747 posts)Carolina
(6,960 posts)and wide to all those women my age who want to vote for woman before they die. Pleading with them to consider their children and grandchildren, I have told them that the wrong woman is worse than the worst man because she not only does just as much damage to the nation but also sets women back!
Thank you for posting this powerful, damning truth about HRC. Abby does an excellent job. If only SHE could be on the airwaves.
Bern up NY, CT and MD
Admiral Loinpresser
(3,859 posts)wildbilln864
(13,382 posts)ROCKS! Feel the Bern!