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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsMy all white kitty buddy passed over the rainbow bridge just a bit ago.
Last edited Mon Nov 20, 2023, 08:24 PM - Edit history (2)
Nearly 16 years ago he adopted me at a womans house who fostered kitties.
I will NEVER EVER forget how you touched my life and made it worth living, white kitty.
RIP my loving companion and see you on the other side.

(267 posts)

(27,419 posts)
(37,373 posts)He was my soul mate. My pal.
(7,608 posts)Despite the sorrow, your life was richer to have a nice companion....and vice versa.
(37,373 posts)
(4,048 posts)TygrBright
(21,023 posts)Ocelot II
(122,868 posts)
16 is a good long life but it's never long enough...
(37,373 posts)He seemed like 2 years old when he adopted me. Vet thought so as well on the 18.
He was also my little escape artist. My big white pill.
(8,031 posts)
(37,373 posts)I know I wont last that long.
(36,594 posts)💔🐾
Think. Again.
(21,382 posts)
Marcus IM
(3,001 posts)You brought as much happiness as was given to you.
(36,923 posts)virgdem
(2,235 posts)of your kitty. We never have long enough with our kitty kids.
(37,373 posts)I took them both in so they would not be separated. Hard to believe his buddy is 16 now. He loves head buts and nose touches.
(37,373 posts)
(14,023 posts)roamer65
(37,373 posts)Thx, Duncanpup.
Xavier Breath
(5,293 posts)It never gets easier no matter how many times you go through the process or how old they get to be.
(37,373 posts)DarthDem
(5,378 posts)What a beautifully written tribute. I'm glad he touched your life and you his.

Elessar Zappa
(16,295 posts)I do believe in a reunion upon death.
(37,373 posts)Duppers
(28,280 posts)I can only imagine your heartbreak. 😥
Do you have any pics of him to share?
(37,373 posts)
(6,398 posts)We never have enough time with them and then they are gone. They are part of our lives and always will be.
radical noodle
(9,316 posts)
stage left
(3,040 posts)of your beloved companion.
(35,231 posts)
(37,373 posts)
(34,808 posts)Time is a healer. Meow. 😻
(37,373 posts)It was to call out to his more timid buddy all is ok.
I then saw his buddys head poke out from behind the furniture.
When he passed tonite, I howled for him.
COL Mustard
(7,184 posts)I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you enjoyed his company and loved him.
(37,373 posts)I knew where it was heading. He went very peacefully so the decision was right. He was ready.
COL Mustard
(7,184 posts)Know that you did the right thing for him. Peace.
(37,373 posts)
(65,419 posts)Skittles
(161,731 posts)Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears
but laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you
I loved you so twas Heaven here with you.
- Isla Paschal Richardson
(37,373 posts)
(6,479 posts)and I cannot bring myself to go there again. I saved her from maternal rejection and death. I played surrogate Mom for over a week holding her to my chest by my heart while I laid still on the couch with my warm hand lightly on her. A light cover on us both. Her eyes were not open and I knew if I didn't skip work she would die. I warmed skim milk and dipped my finger in it and held it to her mouth so she would smell and lick it. If I had to get up off the couch I held her tight to my heart and never let go. It was a couple of days before she would even meow. It was close but she grew into a wonderful loving "one person" cat and over the course of 17 years she did what she could to love me and "save me" right back.
The most telling moment of our bond was when I came home from a scary hospital stay and didn't know what the future for me would be. I was shaken and exhausted and I laid on my couch to nap. I woke after about an hour still apprehensive but my beautiful Spooky had come up on the couch and wrapped herself around my arm. I went to get up but she would not let go and it was clear she was insistent that I lay there because she felt like a ton of bricks. I dozed again and after about another 3 hours I woke up and she was now sitting on the floor looking at me with a good purr going. My anxiety was gone and I could see my way forward. I immediately realized what she had done for me. Healing and saving the ones you love.
So sorry for your loss and maybe another great friend will come into your life.

What a wonderful story. They know when you are hurting. That is for sure.
He leaves me and his tabby buddy. It was a package deal in 2008. I wasnt going to separate them.
(42,170 posts)
(9,398 posts)Fla Dem
(26,249 posts)I lost my Baby Girl just last month after 17 years. Just now I can think about her or talk about her without getting all misty eyed.
I'm glad you had 16 Years of companionship and love. He'll be in your heart forever.
(37,373 posts)His ability to make buddies means I have one kitty left. He was a very charismatic cat.
Im sorry for your loss as well.
(15,204 posts)irisblue
(34,631 posts)hamsterjill
(15,607 posts)I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for loving this baby and giving him so many years of safety and love.
As a rescuer myself, I know how they choose their humans and I am glad you were at the fosters house at the right time. Was meant to be.
Peace and comfort to you.
(37,373 posts)Its because they have souls just like us, IMO.
He will always be my soulmate. Two free spirits that instantly meshed.
Different Drummer
(8,989 posts)Oftentimes, cats adopt their people. My last cat, a Siamese mix, just showed up one day and basically said, "Oh, hi! I live here now. When do we eat?". She crossed the bridge a little over a year ago from feline leukemia. A very dark day for me.
(37,373 posts)I understand x 3.
R. P. McMurphy
(851 posts)Until you meet again.
(19,529 posts)Attilatheblond
(5,058 posts)Know your pain is understood. And know that you always did right by your dear friend. And, yes, I too think sometimes our real soul mates have 4 feet and fur.
brer cat
(26,763 posts)It is terribly painful to lose your soul mate.
(19,701 posts)
(39,017 posts)Virtual hug.
(37,373 posts)He was a very charismatic cat.
I still have his kitty buddy from the adoption in 2008.
Hes at least 16 now.
(37,373 posts)I knew I could come here for understanding.
(10,126 posts)I have no doubts that your companion Buddy felt great love and happiness being with you and you with him.
R.I.P. Buddy
(12,236 posts)I just lost my cat on the 19th.
(37,373 posts)
I understand.
(23,153 posts)In this somehow.
(18,870 posts)
(37,373 posts)Somehow it fits.
Thank you all!
(2,933 posts)
(6,618 posts)I'm sorry he's not with you anymore.
(10,542 posts)Tribute you wrote to your beloved white kitty.
(2,067 posts)Sending you lots of love. They take part of our hearts with them when they pass.
(81 posts)Roamer, I'm sorry your cat died. I too have felt the enormous pain of losing a pet. But I've got to ask . . . Isn't the Rainbow Bridge concept slightly juvenile? Supposedly, it's a place where animals that were beloved pets await the death of their owner and together they go tiptoeing through the tulips into heaven. What about all the animals that die unwanted in shelters or in the street? Where do they go? What about pet owners who are destined for Hell? Does the pet go too? Let's grow up a bit and accept the death of a pet for what it is. Again, I'm sorry for your loss.
(3,136 posts)slightlv
(4,752 posts)I lost my beloved cat last year, and I'm still not over losing him. My oldest just turned 23 last month, and I'm on watch with her. She's begun to do things a bit different... like sleeping on top of me at night, and following me everywhere, no matter what time of day or night. She's completely deaf now, and is going blind in one eye. I have her on hyperthyroid meds, and check in with the vet every month to run her numbers. But her respiration has begun to be more labored, and I know it's just a question of time; I guess it'll be weeks or months at this point. But I've had her since she was a kit... a Japanese Bobtail with a glorious attitude. She nursed me back from a broken hip. And even though I know the end is more likely around the corner, there is no way to prepare for the pain and loss I know I'll feel.
My heart goes out to you. And I encircle you with hugs as comforting as they can be from a distance. May you find peace and solace in remembering all the good times. And may we ALL meet at the Rainbow Bridge!
(37,373 posts)White kitty knew the time was coming as well and behaved similarly.
23 years is a good long life. It will still hurt just as much, but rest assured you gave her love and safety for that time.
(3,927 posts)Never, ever out of our hearts and minds. Very tough.
(122,079 posts)arms, and send peace and comfort to his grieving loved ones.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious little boy.
(37,373 posts)Hes back home.
Deep State Witch
(11,604 posts)Hail the Furry Traveler!
(158,038 posts)It is hard to say goodbye to a family member
(679 posts)From my 16 year old cat.
I know you'll treasure the memories and love your kitty buddy gave you, and I'm glad you saved your kittens. Mine have all been rescues too.