Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forumSanders warns the media about June 7 - the delusion goes all the way to the top
Ahead of California, Sanders Warns Media Against Preemptive Coronation of Clinton
Preemptive Coronation of Clinton
by Jon Queally, staff writer Common Dreams
Sunday, June 05, 2016
"I have reports that the media, after the New Jersey results come in, are going to declare that it is all over. That simply is not accurate."
"Addressing concerns that the media may preemptively announce his rival Hillary Clinton as the "presumptive Democratic Party nominee" even before she has won the requisite numbers of pledge delegates, Bernie Sanders over the weekend indicated that such reporting would be both wrong and irresponsible and held to his commitment to take his campaign all the way to the national convention when so-called superdelegates will finallyand for the first time, in factbe able to cast their vote for who they believe will make the best nominee."

beachbum bob
(10,437 posts)or even surpass him
liberal N proud
(61,029 posts)
(53,544 posts)Cha
(306,983 posts)how to act.
He's the one going around acting like he wants to be coronated and anointed all in one fell swoop.
So taking any bets on if the "media" will mind BS or not
(10,393 posts)They haven't realized that if Sanders can't make up the rules as he goes along, then the Media is RIGGED.
(25,111 posts)
Walk away
(9,494 posts)That should work!
(32,876 posts)In his own head he won this thing. Pitiful
Her Sister
(6,444 posts)apcalc
(4,518 posts)Let's see if Bernie would make a good poker player.....
beachbum bob
(10,437 posts)what the media does and in 100% of all previous democratic primaries presumptive = THE nominee. Sanders has no legitimated way that doesn't undermine the will of the people,,,,,and he seems to not care about the will of the people,,,
just as we have said...sanders is in this for sanders and no one else
(2,032 posts)Apparently vocabulary isn't a strong suit either.
(521 posts)I had a BernieBro 'school' me yesterday on the meaning, after I laid out my explanation why the media will declare Hillary the 'presumptive nominee' on Tuesday, and also provided 2008 as an example. Anyway, he said, and I shit you not:
(5,125 posts)the requisite number of pledged delegates that is actual only applies to HIM. The 2383 is a combination number. He knows this. We all know this. Grasping at straws, he is.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)The haughty hubris of "warning" the whole fourth estate what they can and cannot report is just mind-boggling.
(598 posts)Satch59
(1,354 posts)Is about to deflate and he can't take it. Someone on msnbc yesterday said that human nature took over for him: he's never been a star in the senate and here he's had all these adoring fans and attention which he's not ready to give up.
So we seem to have been right all along: Bernie is in it for only himself and ego... Will be even more satisfying to see him go away... Could care less about his threats about gaining his supporters. Most wouldn't even have voted anyway... We'll be just fine...AND we'll be celebrating history tomorrow night!!
Blue Idaho
(5,500 posts)isnt about to pay any attention to his dire warnings. They are already writing his political obituary.
(4,542 posts)NurseJackie
(42,862 posts)Bernie can hang onto his lost cause for his long as he wants, or he can argue the technicalities of whether or not she's nominated until the convention, or the meaning of the word "presumptive" , but it will change absolutely nothing .
puffy socks
(1,473 posts)that you just can't get rid of...like poison Ivy
Fla Dem
(26,237 posts)I heard this morning on Morning Joe (I rarely watch but turned on to see what they were saying after Hillary's VI and Puerto Rico primary wins) and one of the commentators said there are rumblings within the Sanders campaign. Aides are trying to encourage him to end his campaign gracefully and he doesn't even want to discuss it.
He has such an inflated ego. He has waited for this moment for 50 years, where he could take his "revolution" to the people, I'm sure his dream has been of a leader standing before the masses urging them on to victory, glory, REVOLUTION! He has now realized his dream, and cannot let it go.
Plus all expense paid trip to the Vatican for him and 8 of his family members, employ Jane, and other family members, all expenses paid trip to Ca for his family. Tough to give up all those perks.
Family in Ca.