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Does anyone know how to go about looking for grants and scholarships for college. I am trying to help my niece. She scored in the 99%ile with her SAT. She is getting no help from her parents. Does anyone know where to start to find her money to go to college?

(52,672 posts)A old friend of mine figured out how to do it and got one fairly easily and quickly. He is very smart but never wanted to get a higher education until he was in his 30s. Unfortunately the day before he was to start classes he changed his mind and never went and continued living at his mom's house. So much for being "smart".
(26,795 posts)emmaverybo
(8,147 posts)in all the data as asked and generate a list. Also in reference section of library.
(8,238 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,795 posts)Phoenix61
(18,143 posts)will have lost of info as should her high-school guidance counselor. Her eligibility for need based aid will be based on her parents income if the claim her on their taxes.
(26,795 posts)mahina
(19,535 posts)You can find companies that will take your money to file it but that is a scam. It’s a federal form and is free.
Good luck to her!
Here we have the Hawai’i Community Foundation that serves as a scholarship clearinghouse for local donors.
Our University of HWaii website has a financial aid page with locally available scholarships. I but your area has those too.
(26,795 posts)brush
(59,174 posts)emmaverybo
(8,147 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,795 posts)3Hotdogs
(13,967 posts)College diplomas don't list that the records included those of 2 year colleges.
Consider National Defense Education Act - if it still exists. You get 10% forgiven each year you teach.
US Dept of Labor scholarship search tool.
US Department of Education has a good website "FederalStudentAid.
(59,174 posts)a four-year school.
(26,795 posts)Igel
(36,616 posts)"Niece" means there'll be some women-only money she can apply for in terms of grants and scholarships.
When I was rummaging years ago, I found that after the M/F gap there were boutique scholarships by race/ethnicity, by field of study, by some other arbitrary criterion: For Armenian women, for women studying chemistry, for African-American women, for students from a certain part of the state with income under a certain amount. These tend to be capricious, even if predictable in some cases--chemical societies will likely be active in trying to recruit non-white non-males for chemistry, for instance.
There are also organizational scholarships that aren't often easy to track down. Our local masonic lodge has a small scholarship, for instance. Many such scholarships are under-applied for because they're small, but it also means competition is slight.
Then there are even more particular grants and scholarships for things like study in a certain country or for getting equipment to do research (most often grad research, but there's also undergrad research opportunities).
Depending what your niece wants to do, special arrangements can be worked out between her, a university, and an internship-offering employer. My best friend in high school made a lot of calls on his own because he was motivated to go to college. His parents said they wouldn't pay for anything--not SAT test, college applications, or college visits. In the end he took 5 years for a 4 year degree, but a corporation paid almost all of his tuition/fees, and whenever he wasn't at school he had a 40-hour/week job doing work that used his college training and was relevant to his future career. It took him longer than 4 years because he had to take off a term a couple of times instead of just working summers. When he graduated with his B.Eng. in EE he had a full-time job with a couple years' experience.
Then there's the military. I have a lot of seniors who signed up for a couple of years in the military just for the educational benefits they'll get on the backside. Their ASVAB results came back good and they picked very much non-combat (or at least non-front-lines) positions.
Community college works great for some kids. Mostly, though, not so great. They get caught up in life. Anecdotal evidence aside, the stats for finishing 2 years and going to 4-year schools are pretty dismal overall, and both better and worse if you break out the numbers by SES and geography. It can be made to work, and routinely does for some categories of students, but the kids who transfer after 2 years of CC tend to treat CC like a four-year school. They don't get hefty jobs, they limit their social life, they aren't minions to their families. Like 4-year-college kids, they put studies first, take full loads (not just "minimum full-time loads" ), reduce contacts with high-school buddies, and when asked to help out at home tend to say, "No." But they couch it, "Mom, you wouldn't ask me to stay home to take care of my kid brother if I had a full time job--you're not staying home, are you? Think of college as my full-time job."
(On the other hand, part of me wants to suspect that the reason some groups have such a hard time getting past their 2-year-CC stint, unlike those at 4-year colleges, is because those more likely to have trouble at the 4-year colleges are more likely to go to CCs. Then again, the US has a real college drop-out problem. (we used to count drop-out rates with a normative 4-year time to degree, which was heinous).
(26,795 posts)B Stieg
(2,410 posts)Here's one for 2020 (be sure you're using a current dedition)
Hope that's helpful!