Strange Saturday Funky Mood Blues
Last edited Sat Aug 19, 2023, 08:40 PM - Edit history (1)
A church friend was telling me about her students
and used the “N” word.
At the theater, she said her view was okay
until that “dyke” sat in front of her.
I’m trying to square all this, confused,
since she is a church-goer
and is very good friends with a gay couple.
I have been out of sorts all day.
My uncle has been radicalized by AM radio
and by the local constitutional sheriff.
My neighbor is constantly in crisis over
some conspiracy theory or another.
I sat on the porch, this afternoon,
my “safe” place.
Red hued house finches, chickadees,
and a tufted titmouse flew, played,
and landed at the feeder.
It took a few minutes to realize
I should not be able to see them.
The beautiful box planter of
wax and nonstop begonias
had been blown off the porch.
Many of the yellow begonias were ruined.
Then I looked to my left and saw a chickadee
lying on the wicker chair.
It had flown into the window.
Damn this day to hell!
I held the little blackcap and prayed.
It had a heartbeat, opened it eyes,
and moved its head.
I stroked it and had such great hopes,
but after awhile it was dead.
I sat a little longer and heard
the buzzing of a hummingbird.
In many cultures, the hummingbird
is a messenger of joy, love, and good luck.
I pray this flying jewel, will,
under its wing,
my troubled mind
safely tuck.