2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumIs bernie religious?
If he truly is and has attended regular religious events and has been religious then I say good for Bernie to go to the Vatican Can anyone educate me on Bernie's activity with religious organizations?

(17,651 posts)

(27,461 posts)so you can invite people according to your criteria.
(41,694 posts)Just more metabolic byproducts flinging.
Else You Are Mad
(3,040 posts)NorthCarolina
(11,197 posts)his message for the poor and downtrodden is certainly Christlike.
stone space
(6,498 posts)This is something that atheists and religious folks "of good faith" (couldn't resist!...lol) can agree on.
The Worship of False Gods like Money and Weapons can be dangerous, indeed.
Sky Masterson
(5,240 posts)Because of this.
Else You Are Mad
(3,040 posts)He was invited to an international forum where dignitaries from many nations (who were also invited) all over the world will be speaking about the very subjects that Sanders has been fighting his whole life for. Because of that he should go, him being religious has nothing to do about it. He was invited because of the stances he takes on certain social issues.
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)which is awesome to me.
(7,830 posts)I'm not religious AT ALL, & I adore the man & would walk on broken glass to meet him.
Bad Thoughts
(2,630 posts)Armstead
(47,803 posts)Nope. He's not particularly religious, in the church going sense.
But he does admire the Pope for his moral stances on economic and social justice.
(9,497 posts)a truly metaphysical speculation.
I am pretty sure this is just regular flame bait.
(20,582 posts)I don't know much about him ...... is he religious?
(14,524 posts)Educating the blatantly ignorant by choice, is a waste of time and effort.
(45,319 posts)Clinton Camp needs to clean house.
"My observation is that many of the Sanders supporters are out of control. In many ways not dissimilar from Trump supporters in the sense they feel the system has failed them. Many of Sander's supporters are nasty to anyone supporting Hilary. I live in the south and I think many of of the Sanders supporters miss out on how the republican machine will take him out.
Many try to equate Obama and Sander's elect ability. Sorry Obama was young and charismatic. Sander's is an old crusty "jew'. If most of the Sanders supporters don't understand how he would play out there then I think you are missing America's underlying feelings about northeasterners and how they view "jews".
Hilary is still from Chicago."
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)please please please
(45,319 posts)So when you make yet another OP about the Jewish candidate's religion, it's creepy. You express bigotry, antisemitism is not in any way more acceptable than racism. I find your presence on DU to be an indictment of your DU cohort that refuses to stand up to the horrible stuff you keep typing. Snark and continued assholery are not going to save you.
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)please please please.
(45,319 posts)Clinton cohort needs to clean house, as it is you and other antisemitic contributors are defining your candidate's entire culture as hateful and bigoted.
(9,497 posts)Jerry Garcia is the ungrateful dead knowing his likeness is being used by said poster.
(45,319 posts)I got stories.
(9,497 posts)is as bad as the Woody Guthrie avatar with the other h supporter who doesn't believe this land was made for you and me.
(45,319 posts)nt
Fawke Em
(11,366 posts)I'm a Southerner, too, and neither Bernie nor Hillary has much of a snowball's chance in Hell in the general election down here. So what if the Republicans start a whisper campaign about Bernie being Jewish. They'll do the same about Hillary being a female who stayed with a cheating husband because of what he could do for her.
In fact, this is the reason so many people have commented about how unimportant Hillary's Southern sweep was: it won't do her or the Democrats any good in the general.
(466 posts)thesquanderer
(12,524 posts)Can you explain the logic behind that?
BTW, the Vatican is very concerned with helping the poor, regardless of faith (or lack thereof). You don't have to be religious (or Christian) to believe in the correctness of the Church's teachings about the poor.
(11,996 posts)"Many try to equate Obama and Sander's elect ability. Sorry Obama was young and charismatic. Sander's is an old crusty "jew'. If most of the Sanders supporters don't understand how he would play out there then I think you are missing America's underlying feelings about northeasterners and how they view "jews".
Hilary is still from Chicago."
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)and i need your help. i have no idea how America looks at northeasterners since I grew up in yonkers which had a significant Jewish population around Greystone. I went to Emerson JHS which is in the middle of Greystone and and i never encountered a singe Jewish guy.
I now live in GA and I have lived In Denver, SF and many cities in America and I have never ever heard one single disparaging remark about New Yorkers and Jewish people with the exception of ted Cruz.
I'm sure your life experiences are the same as mine.
When Ted Cruz says "New York value" it is a broadside attack on "jews" because as you know the Jewish culture is the predominant culture of New York city.
(11,996 posts)Share it.
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)If you want to PM me I will give you a thorough breakdown.
(11,996 posts)thesquanderer
(12,524 posts)Actually, growing up there, you probably did. Surprisingly, they look just like regular people.
(shouldn't be needed, but )
(12,524 posts)and
Actually, I think he and the Pope would see eye to eye on quite a lot.
(3,660 posts)rurallib
(63,499 posts)A person can only go to the Vatican if they are religious? Are you serious?
You afraid the place will burn down if a heathen enters?
What about the ultra religious ISIS folks? Are they more worthy than one of us atheists?
(5,863 posts)Dem2
(8,178 posts)But your post is insensitive and irrelevant.
(154,021 posts)You need one we cannot hear or see...
Some special stuff you post
(42,862 posts)... having one good trait isn't enough to make me vote for him.
B Calm
(28,762 posts)Tierra_y_Libertad
(50,414 posts)gollygee
(22,336 posts)The Vatican is also political. He's trying to connect with Catholics. That isn't weird or strange or unusual. He's in an election where a lot of Catholics will be voting.