2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumJeff Weaver- worst surrogate ever
How the hell did Bernie decide to put this guy out front. He is homely and has a constant scowl on his face. First rule of getting people on your side is appearance and the second is demeanor. Talk about bad judgement.

boston bean
(36,720 posts)LexVegas
(6,650 posts)LiberalFighter
(53,544 posts)grasswire
(50,130 posts)Or what? You think she's ugly? Not elegant, like HRC, with a $600 coif?
Shame on YOU.
(10,587 posts)Jane Sanders has been a resounding negative on the talk show circuit.
(50,130 posts)Just ridiculous.
(10,587 posts)I'm sure that 200k golden parachute makes her feel better, though.
(50,130 posts)Tarc
(10,587 posts)
(50,130 posts)Sure. That's what it is.
(10,587 posts)which most Sanders fans rail against...while they wear $28.99 Che Guevara t-shirts.
(50,130 posts)Nobody believes that a half hour speech is worth 250,000.
(10,587 posts)Sorry, but the hippy commune idea died out in ~1974 or so.
Things cost $$ in the real world.
(53,544 posts)Shame on you for thinking she is being honest while being interviewed.
Shame on you for thinking that she has expertise about the campaign.
Shame on you!
(30,439 posts)You serious?
(30,481 posts)His only skill is projecting his anger onto others for money grabs. Perfect spot for the lying hack really.
(4,070 posts)has the best ads of the 2016 contest
blew out Clinton in caucus states
won Michigan, Indiana and WV
beat the MSM, beat back WaPo, dominates on Twitter....
but he's too "homely" for you ?
That's all you got?
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)I commented on him speaking to the camera. Two different things.
(4,070 posts)things through -- what people look like, whether you like the way they look, synonyms for "homely", ....
While the Hillary campaign is obsessed with our skin color and our genitals, I don't care so much what people look like. We should organize around policy goals.
If you want a beauty contest that orange guy has one for you.
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)looks and demeanor do matter and every study shows that too be true. Good looking people are considered smarter in every study(perception).
Why do you think people in Hollywood are beautiful. Do you think it is an accident? It is an unfortunate fact of life and when you want to get people on your side you have to consider how people are going to be perceived.
Secondly, his demeanor. This guy is bad.
Zen Democrat
(5,901 posts)Perceptions can be false, my friend. A whole boatload of people in this country perceive that Trump is an amazingly successful man and will bring success to America. And they are all batshit crazy. I prefer the truth and the real.
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)a whole bunch of morons think Trump is great by his impression. perception in America is in every day life. Why do you think African Americans get passed by by cabs and why they hardly ever get an interview because of their name. Or people laugh because Trump makes fun of Rosie O'donnell or fat people are made fun of and looked down upon as lazy.
Every study says that good looking people are perceived as being smarter. Good looking kids get treated better in school. Do I agree with it? absolutely not but I know that in this society it matters.
(1,182 posts)wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)This is a PR game.
(34,825 posts)Stay classy.
(11,862 posts)he is effective!!!
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)i said he was ineffective as a spokesman. This is a game of perception. In the U.S. it always has been. Was barack more pleasant than John Mccain. of course he was.
It is smart to always put your best foot forward and to give the best impression up front. Usually people buy from whom they like.That is the perception game. Why not have Weaver in the background and get someone else upfront.
Is that such a difficult concept?
(11,862 posts)you didn't say he wasn't effective, you said he was ineffective? You are a spokesperson for whom exactly?
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)I meet with some of the most powerful attorneys and CIO's in the U.S. I have met with the attorney who did the Chevron- Ecuador matter. I was only the second meeting with a vendor he ever took. How is that for a cold call? Cold calling is an art.
When I go into a law firm I am dressed to the hilt. perfect suit starched shirt conservative tie and shined shoes. My hair is coifed and I pay $55 for a haircut. I have a full head of hair at 64 and some of is still black. I'm about 10 pounds more than my college weight. Impressions are so important in sales and looks are also important.
Pleasant demeanor,good conversation with good question asking is the key to getting people on your side.
Great litigators and sales people have a lot in common. Litigators sell their services and then in trial they are trying to sway people to their side. Most of them have electric personalities and are quite funny.
Nothing is left to chance. I always find a common point of interest with the pople I meet.
(30,692 posts)I managed a budget of $10M a year. I got cold calls all the time from "sales slime" (that's what we purchasers called people who called on us ). I usually took someone who dressed to impress as someone with not much to sell other than their looks (that was for both men and women sales types). Impress me with your product or service, not your appearance.
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)but cold calling is an art and you won't believe how many times I have gotten over the years i have been told i had 20 cold call sand you are the only one I am talking to.
Funny thing is i noticed when cold calling and meeting IT people I found that they were super impressed with themselves and they always thought they were smarter that everyone.
I also found that they were the biggest suckers for marketing around because of their egos. I sold enterprise software and some of my deals were Siemens, Kemet electronics(Union Carbide) and others.
The reason why you dress for law firms is that law firms still wear suits and they are peacocks themselves.
Most It people think they are soo smart LOL. I could have easily been an engineer as my two brothers ate engineers and neither are any better than me in math. I took 5 years of math in high school as was going to be a math major in college.
The attorneys I deal with are all Ivy's(Yale Harvard, Princeton) or Duke etc. 'll bet a million dollars they are smarter than you. One of the people I am working on right now was Obama's debate coach and most of them don't call sales people slime.
(5,128 posts)obviously are! But i will make a feeble attempt.
7wo7rees and I (his SO for 18 years), have been in sales for a combined 50 years. Much of what you say is true but you come across as an arrogant POS. Not attacking you personally but .......
So basically what you are saying is to hell with substance.
Weaver has been with Bernie for years. That should count for more than what you perceive to be good marketing
When it comes to this country being the best it "could" be, we don't want to be marketed to. Work with that if you can, dear Mr. Super Sales Guy. I bet Trump has a place for you on his team!
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)it has to do with perception. I don't understand what is wrong with taking advantage of every thing god gave you. Weaver has to try to get people on his side. He needs to convince people to go with him.
It would have been the smart move to get someone who would make people want to listen to him. watch him he is pathetic. He is hostile and condescending.
The major goal is too win people. The simple question is to you think he does when he is the spokesman for Bernie?
(5,128 posts)obviously are. Again, it is all about perception, to hell with substance. And there you are.
The stupid movie "idiocracy", SouthPark, everything George Carlin or Bill Hicks ever had to say.
You are laying claim to all!
Perception, looks, I am in my beautiful suit, starched crisp shirt, perfectly "coiffed hair" ($55 I might add).
You are a special representation of what is so terribly wrong. I apologize first and hope you are not offended.
I so can not write the words I wish to say, would be banned forever more.
Have fun, Wilt the Stilt, have fun.
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)I just said what i thought. I think perception is important in America. It always has been. I didn't attack you personally why attack me? You can disagree without attacking someone. Keep it classy. Shows you who is mature.
(5,128 posts)"Shows you who is mature". No doubt.
Sorry, please forgive any insult perceived.
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)we all get heated sometimes so apology accepted. My point is appearance is important and so is effective communicating. Weaver could say all the say things but do it in an effective way.
Tad Devine is much better.
(56,582 posts)Think Dick Morris. I'm not saying he's a shithead like Dick Morris is, just that like Dick Morris he does a lot better in the war room than in a press conference.
(28,749 posts)wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)it is a fair opinion.
(28,749 posts)Alerter comments: Criticizing a person for being unattractive? Completely out of line, unless DU wants to open up discussions to include Hillary's weight and other similar topics.
(435 posts)frylock
(34,825 posts)Agschmid
(28,749 posts)You can comment however you want, you just might look like a fool.
(34,825 posts)upaloopa
(11,417 posts)Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Fasten your seat belts it's going to be bumpy ride (night).
(82 posts)GreatGazoo
(4,070 posts)DU generally doesn't tolerate looks-ism. As a newbie the rule will be applied to you before it is applied to the OP.
(82 posts)So basically the scales are tipped on here also.
(435 posts)Dem2
(8,178 posts)I don't care what he looks like, but his demeanor is a huge put-off. He's as mainstream generic pol as one can get - not the kind of person who should be representing Bernie. He makes Bernie seem to be just another politician with his smarmy double-speak.
Response to Dem2 (Reply #22)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(27,742 posts)job so far.
(30,692 posts)this whole thread is about someones appearance?
And all those Hillbots adding Rosario or Jane to the "appearance shaming" group.
And you all present yourselves as so superior to the Bernie Bros... and I see that you are just a petty as the worst of the Bernie Bros
(50,130 posts)They talk of her elegance, her "coif", her pumps, her beautiful jewelry.
Just the sort of traits that matter in a democracy today, ya know.
Response to grasswire (Reply #36)
Post removed
(2,096 posts)I'm sure you have Bernie's best interest at heart.
(28,270 posts)Then there's Tad...
(20,582 posts)Love watching how he stands up for what Sanders' whole movement is about and doesn't take any crap.
(25,816 posts)or definitely would be.....
You know it's true.
Oh, and DWS is by far the worst surrogate ever. How many Dem. seats did Weaver lose ?
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)The beauty of the Dead is they never told anyone how to think.
(71,265 posts)frylock
(34,825 posts)ThePhilosopher04
(1,732 posts)JI7
(91,505 posts)And i don't like weaver.
(10,565 posts)To go negative with that whole unfortunate "unqualified" business. I stopped liking Bernie after he broke his promise to run a positive campaign
(5,761 posts)I mean that's surely a strong point, right?
Is that what Hillary supporters are doing now, attacking the physical appearance of someone?
I think I remember hearing this at some point in my lifetime. I'm pretty sure it was done by bullies in middle school who used to make fun of the handicapped kids. In fact, it was!
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)the idea is to win people over. That is the end game. Do you think his appearance on talk shows benefits Bernie? what is the end game?
The end game is to win. Ask yourself honestly does Weaver benefit Bernie on any show?
I say he doesn't. same with Nina . She drones on and on and on. It just becomes ineffective.
The bottom line Are you being effective?
Is Cornel West effective? I say no. His method of communicating is terrible and the African American community can't stand him.
So let's take a look at the last 6 weeks. Do you think Bernie's surrogates have been effective? Tad Devine has been the most effective. His is fine pleasant states his point and moves on. He is a pro.
Nina Turner shakes her head no when someone disagrees with her and drones on and on and on. Is that effective?
Jeff Weaver is down right obnoxious.
We don't even see Cornel anymore as they figured out he was poison.
don't take things personally just evaluate their effectiveness as speakers for Bernie.
(5,761 posts)That's pretty rich and rather shallow.
Fascinating really, that you would consider an attack on someone's physical characteristics as being legit.
Par for the course though. It is after all what I've come to expect from Hillary supporters.
When you can defend your candidate and things like FBI investigations, attack the looks of her opponents.
Yup yup. 'Murica!
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)both could be in Hollywood. They are taht good looking and both are effective. Good communicators. One is relentless and something I admire and something we have in common. He just walked away from a 400k year to take a better gig.
In our biz base salaries are well over 6 figures.
(25,816 posts)wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)One of them walked into our sales kickoff and my good friend from Chicago turned to me and said "If I looked like him sales would be easier". We just deal with it in sales. The good thing about this guy who is good looking is his knowledge is great and he is quite charismatic. We just closed the first deal at a major firm I have been after for 5 years. This could lead to millions of dollars in sales.
(11,619 posts)So Sanders must think he is worth something to be putting him into the 1% for his work.
(37,428 posts)His campaign was never about optics.
wilt the stilt
(4,528 posts)Weaver is not.
(5,322 posts)But I'm wondering why Symon Sanders is never on TV.
(47,451 posts)GeorgeGist
(25,481 posts)so I can confirm that, compared to you, Jeff is homely?
(8,175 posts)I don't bother reading threads from Yellow Button badgers (that is badge wearers, not the cute animal)...they are only trying to stir up shit here.
Buh Bye!
(45,251 posts)legance?
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Ageist, sexist, you name it. A horrible post that is beneath DU
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Fri May 20, 2016, 02:57 PM, and the Jury voted 4-3 to HIDE IT.
Juror #1 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: I'me not a fan of Clinton's and find this inappropriate. Hide it.
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Disgusting. Not sure what this poster is even doing at DU.
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT
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Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Suggesting Hillary is not elegant, as she has been touted to be, is neither sexist or ageist. Elegance is not about sex or age. A young man can lack elegance. However, alerter, if YOU find every pic of a 67 year old woman that has not been airbrushed and photoshopped to make her look 37 sexist and ageist, you might examine your own biases.
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Eff this crap. I'm sick of it.
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Close, but does not cross the line.
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Attorney in Texas
(3,373 posts)anotherproletariat
(1,446 posts)Remember, he has actually already lost. Any reasonable candidate would have dropped weeks ago. Now it is just a show for some reason we have yet to clearly understand.