Bernie Sanders
Related: About this forum(Bernie Sanders Group)This video, and ones like it, will destroy Hillary, if she's the nominee.
They've amassed a mountain of attacks for her. This video just scratches the surface. The video it makes no accusations... it just details the facts. And the implied and logical connections are damming.
(5,946 posts)I realize we should be able to discuss the dangers of the election and that Clinton is a very damaged candidate, but I don't know, guess I am confused. off to read the TOS again.
(11,862 posts)It shows the ammo they will use against her.
(5,946 posts)I am tired of this damn election. so it is time I go read the pet group again for my mental health.
(6,323 posts)hollysmom
(5,946 posts)Response to hollysmom (Reply #14)
Phlem This message was self-deleted by its author.
(10,122 posts)hollysmom
(5,946 posts)you just don't fugging get it do you.
(4,211 posts)If there are republican fingerprints on this video, I don't see them... and more to the point, I haven't found anything in this video that is untrue.
(5,946 posts)I think we have to discuss republican points if you want to win an election and as I said Clinton is a very flawed candidate, without the thumb on the scale in this election she would have been left in the dust.
(4,211 posts)I disagree with this notion of "republican points"... there are legitimate issues, and there is propaganda... facts are neither republican, nor democratic (even if facts usually have a liberal bias). So, to have the Hillary supporters denounce something as being a RW talking point is a quick and easy way to delegitimize reasonable issues people have with her.
More often than not, when a Hillary supporter makes the claim that -insert argument here- is a RW smear, and I research the topic in question, about 75% of the time, there is real substance to what they're trying to dismiss.
Calling this video a RW video could be a legitimate claim were it from a RW source... and in that case, extra scrutiny is warranted. But, the source I was able to find is apolitical...or perhaps more accurately, all inclusive... meaning lots of people dislike Hillary, regardless of which side of the isle they're on... and they have legitimate cause.
Anyway, I'll make you the same offer I made further down the thread; if you find the source of the video to be a verifiably RW source, I will absolutely take down the video.
(5,946 posts)Like I said I don't disagree with the points, I just need to remind myself of the rules. I have been posting on messageboards for decades, heh, before the internet actually on private servers, but here I somehow feel the need to keep rereading the rules, I am a rebel that is an obsessive rule reader. what can I say.
Do you think I should delete my post?
(4,211 posts)Could be a fellow Bernie supporter may stumble across something I didn't see, and share it. Unlike many Hillary supporters, I try to not let my emotional reactions rule me... I try to keep a rational mind on things... so if someone can reasonably point out a fallacy in my thinking, then I need to give it due consideration and see if perhaps I need to make an adjustment.
(10,178 posts)The_Casual_Observer
(27,742 posts)If you are going shoot at least use dry powder.
(11,862 posts)The repubs STILL think the Clintons did away with Foster...they HATE Hillary for no good reason other than they were Democrats in the White House!
(27,742 posts)If you can stand it, spend an hour or two with fox news and you will be treated to that and more every day of the week.
(11,862 posts)I am a Bernie supporter, that does not automatically make me a Hillary hater...
Not sure what you are getting at?
You think we should not be prepared to answer the repubs ammo against Hillary?
(5,946 posts)I dropped by to visit my niece and a bunch of her 20 something friends were over to help her move (I was the box bringer) They hate Hillary, with a passion, I was shocked at the depth of their feelings, they are basically democratic, not very politically involved, they just know all this propaganda, they heard it over and over growing up, what really shocked me was when I asked if they would vote for Trump or Clinton, they said Trump.
I also live in a conservative town in an extremely liberal county and state, so my friends and neighbors in this town tend to be weirdly extreme. One friend is pure tea party, and she said she was not thrilled with the republicans, she actually said she would vote for Sanders because he would save social security, but never ever Clinton, most likely Trump. When I asked why she said Benghazi! e-mail! whitewater! Just saying.
ask around get a feel for your area. Don't talk to mature democrats but to the young and to the opposite party.
(27,742 posts)even more? They wouldn't have the patience to sit though 20 minutes of that nonsense.
(5,946 posts)I don't think anything can make them vote for her.
(27,742 posts)to know how bad things get when a maniac is elected. Maybe we will get a refresher course. This happened in 2000.
(5,946 posts)I see a lot of slamming them instead of trying to bring them into the fold. I think that is the stupidest idea ever. they are good kids, not stupid, but inexperienced. Why tell them their problems they are boy crazy or going to hell? why call them ignorant when you could go with inexperienced?
(4,695 posts)Hundreds of school girls were kidnapped at school and most just disappeared and were lost forever to slavery. Students remember that. On the other hand, Michelle Obama, ran the Bring Back Our Girls Campaign, that was VERY popular at colleges and high school throught out America.
Hillary wanted students to work part time. It takes student 8 years to get a Degree if they have to work. Students knew she was totally unaware and out of touch with reality on college life for poor students. Food pantries have been going strong for colleges and universities for several years now.
(2,262 posts)I was pleased to see how many sane Hillary people wanted it taken down. I suggest you delete this now. It's not appropriate as its what right wingers will do.
(4,211 posts)from a republican source, I'll take it down. When I looked, all I could find were a number of sites that had a cross spectrum dislike for Hillary. That's not enough for me to buy off that it's from a republican source. More over, as I stated before, nothing in the video is untrue.
(37,893 posts)
I would say that this is clearly from a right-wing source.
(4,211 posts)Quote #1
"Myself, I look forward to electing our first female President....but not this criminal. I don't want to elect a woman simply because she's a woman, it needs to be legitimate, needs to be what's best for the country.
Electing a President based solely on gender would be just as stupid as electing a junior Senator with absolutely no experience...based solely on race."
I don't know any RW'ers looking forward to a woman president... or who are this rational.
Quote #2
"It's a common sense page. A page that promotes fiscal responsibility, and respect for the constitution."
Hillary supporters are not right wingers... and they believe Bernie's tax proposals and expenditures are unrealistic. So I don't buy this as being a RW position. I certainly disagree with it, but that doesn't automatically make it RW.
Add in the number of obvious Bernie supporters on the page, and the smattering of other views, I think it's a largely independent page.
(37,893 posts)The source, I will NOT vote for Hillary in 2016, is right-wing AEB some of their photos.
Those are the types of photos that right-wingers post.
Whether or not the other people posting on that page are right, left or center is another story.
We will just have to agree to disagree, I guess.
Edit: here is some more or their bigotry/racism, homophobia and sexism (I only looked briefly earlier):
(4,211 posts)demmiblue
(37,893 posts)The second part of the first quote is a slam on Obama.
2) "Fiscal responsibility" and "respect for the constitution" are basic giveaways that one is dealing with a winger. This one is a rabid one.
(4,211 posts)Very few righties would vote for a Carly Fiorina or a Sarah Palin. There's a reason neither of them are in high office right now... but even were we to accept your claim at face value, neither Carly Fiorina or Sarah Palin were mentioned... or anyone else for that matter... so claiming the poster was suggesting a righty is nothing but conjecture. We do know, however, that most republicans would not agree with a woman for president... that's a decidedly liberal/democratic concept.
(4,211 posts)floriduck
(2,262 posts)Bubzer
(4,211 posts)It's also worth noting that it netted 23 likes... not insubstantial for the Hillary group.
(2,262 posts)I gave my opinion but you have a different one. So be it. Let's not waste each other's time anymore.
Go Bernie!
(4,211 posts)polichick
(37,626 posts)Had forgotten a lot of these scandals - wish the Clintons would take their ill-gotten gains and ride off into the sunset already!
Fritz Walter
(4,349 posts)But their PACs sure would!
Whether there's any validity to these claims or not, they cast a very dark shadow over the former First Lady.
(11,862 posts)Carter was the last Democratic president and they (the repubs) thought they would run the country for 100 years, till the unknown Rhodes scholar!
(2,450 posts)The only one that can destroy Hillary is Hillary.
That's how it works.
(4,211 posts)MissDeeds
(7,499 posts)but is exactly the kind of thing that will be used in the general election if (god forbid) Hillary is the nominee. The Republicans have been gathering dirt on her for years, and unfortunately she has given them plenty of it. What goes around comes around, Hill. You reap what you sow.
(4,211 posts)tularetom
(23,664 posts)It never makes the claim that either Clinton has been convicted of any felony, but it does outline the many accusations, investigations and embarrassments that the Clintons have caused in a quarter century in the spotlight.
Yeah, its a little bit overblown, with dramatic music and scary voice inflection, which leads me to assume that it may have been produced by someone with an axe to grind with the Clintons. Once again however, everything in the video, happened. You may not like it, but a lot of questionable, even illegal shit went down and these people were at the epicenter of it. Its a powerful message to any Democrats who may be wobbly in their support of the Secretary, and its definitely a deal breaker for all neutral moderate or independent voters who watch it.
It won't have much impact on Republicans. They already hate her guts and wouldn't vote for her for dogcatcher.
(2,450 posts)That's the problem, attacks on her don't work. They haven't worked since she was first lady.
As voters we absolutely should talk about her record, discuss issues, her readiness to be president, her policies, positions, values, character and so on. But trying to destroy her is a waste of valuable energy, energy better spent on the alternative to her. In this case, Bernie.
(4,211 posts)I'm not presenting this video as an attack on Hillary... I'm using it to illustrate a point.
There's tons of evidence that negative attacks work... particularly ones that incorporate a grain of truth.
This one, in particular, is insidious, because it just states the facts and invites the viewer to draw their own conclusions.
That and considering Hillary's extremely low favorability scores, more people would be willing to accept negative stories about her...legitimate or otherwise.
My primary point being if Hillary win's, it's almost impossible for Hillary to win the GE. It's a reason to work harder to get Bernie Nominated!
(27,742 posts)Bubzer
(4,211 posts)The_Casual_Observer
(27,742 posts)What's the upside to this?
(4,211 posts)The republicans will have a very strong hand against her...and will very likely win. She would energize them to want to fight... and dems would not be energized to fight for her. I'm not saying there IS an upside to it... I'm saying if we want to avoid having to deal with it, we need to get Bernie nominated.
(27,742 posts)Of course Bernie could fight back with a whole lot more of his 99%er populist rants, after all it worked so well to get John Q public to rally for the 99%er demonstrators didn't it?
(4,211 posts)You do understand this group is for those who support Bernie right?