Democratic Primaries
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Kamala Harris isn't afraid to show anger. That's progress -- but is it good politics?
Its a little strange, in light of the dizzying array of right-now challenges that would confront a new president, that the first real clash among the Democratic candidates had to do with an almost 50-year-old debate over integrating schools that most of the electorate is too young to remember.
Its even stranger because it turns out theres really not a nickels worth of difference between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden when it comes to their actual positions on the subject of busing now both of them see it, if you can parse Harriss words, as something that can work but shouldnt be federally mandated.
Theres no policy dispute here; Harris was just trying to grab center stage while also reminding everyone that Biden is really old and really white. Check and check.
So theres a choice to be made here, before we get too far down the road with these debates and primaries. Do you believe America has changed so much ... that it would embrace any candidate who wants to relitigate the race wars of the 1970s? Or do you believe its a country that will elect anyone white or black, male or female who seems capable of making America whole again?
Democratic voters might ask themselves that question. So, too, should their candidates.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden

(35,357 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(11,238 posts)of "female politician is doing it wrong" is always there.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(34,195 posts)"Politician brings up 50 year old issue" ?

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(11,238 posts)Except he goes on at length about women and their emotions. It's a rambling piece, but that's definitely a point he wants to make.
Obama was unemotional; Harris spoke "testily." Even when women seem to be doing it right ("Clinton maintained a measured, cautious tone" )never fear, there's a caveat! It "was often to her own detriment."
Obama was calm and that was good; Clinton was calm and that was not good. Do you see now?

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(10,173 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(40,315 posts)After the first debate it was clear to me that too many people think life will automatically improve if we can publicly eviscerate Trump in a debate. Some problems with that:
-Hillary kicked his ass three times in a debate.
-She also debated Barack Obama about 20 times and won just about every one of those debates too. She's one of the best debaters I've ever seen, tbh. If we were to have a designated debater in our party, I'd choose her. But the ability to connect with voters and grow your base of support is far more important than debating skills.
-Even when you "win" a debate, the other side spins it as a win for their guy, especially when you're talking about the RWNJ media machine. There will be no magical victory moment in the Trump debates, if he even debates.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(148,652 posts)primary candidate is a great way to go out, I suppose.
Instead, she might consider getting angry at the real enemy - Trump.
That would probably be more productive for her, I think.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
she has flamed her way out to moving from fifth to second or third in most polls.
Just a horrible result.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(71,046 posts)candidate. I predict she will not be the nominee.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(7,629 posts)so her method works in the primary, but you predict she won't be the nominee?
And somehow, the general electorate is going to be so mad at her for a single attack against Biden a year and a half earlier that they will vote for Trump instead?
Bubba Kush? Pineapple Express?

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(12,046 posts)Yummm.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(15,720 posts)She got a bounce when she announced, and it floated down. She attacked Biden, got another bounce. Let's see where this one goes.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(7,629 posts)and she's steadily third or better in most polls.
Seems like she's a contender to me, which is where anyone wants to be at this point.
Just like with everyone else, whether she moves from contender to winner will be based on her convincing enough folks to vote for her, and if she does, she wins, and if she wins, then no one is going to say yeah but she said something not nice about Biden once.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(15,720 posts)He's a shitbag and will not be moved by Kamala's inspirational story.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(7,629 posts)that if THAT's what keeps her from winning against Trump, then this country deserves what it gets.
I'm also pretty sure it's not going to be a deciding factor.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(15,720 posts)and MI and WI. Probably in other swing states too.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(7,629 posts)this idea that somehow PA voters will rise up against whomever our nominee is if it's not Biden or Harris specifically is nothing more than fan fiction written by somehow with some sort of belief that "only Joe can win."

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(15,720 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(7,629 posts)although I do know some folks have had PTSD about a one time event.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(11,238 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(15,720 posts)I honestly don't think Harris can win any election in PA or any other swing state.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(7,629 posts)but you do you.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(15,720 posts)I was right.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
last time is not this time.
Biden wasn't running last time, neither was Harris or anyone else but Sanders.
None of them are Hillary Clinton.
Trump hadn't been President for four years.
Looks like I nailed it with the PTSD comment.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(15,720 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
yes, Harris is "running on busing."
I'm done wasting my time here, continue being petrified.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(15,720 posts)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(14,249 posts)being pushed to sow discord among Democrats and to try to tarnish the black female candidate whos scaring the snot out of them.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(35,357 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(71,046 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(37,748 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(71,046 posts)want a president for everyone. President Obama did not play the race card...he was right. I think Kamala has and it will hurt her in a general along with some of her positions like MFA and reparations and decriminalizing the border. Like it or not (and I don't) , we live in a center left country. I would prefer a progressive utopia.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(18,486 posts)And please note: a black person talking about race isn't "running on race."

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(37,748 posts)You might consider that the opponents in a primary are other candidates, instructing she get angry with Trump is irrelevant to that... I suppose.
Instead, you might consider that primaries consisting of more than one candidate require conflicting ideas.
That would probably be more relevant, I think...

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(14,559 posts)We see you, Yahoo op-ed writer. We see you.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(11,238 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(13,390 posts)Of all the privileges white men take for granted, being able to just be a little grumpy after a bad day or in response to an ordinary nuisance, like traffic, is one that is not only overlooked, but embraced with zeal even in Democratic politics.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(18,486 posts)They don't even have to actually be angry. If they just speak with conviction or without smiling, they're angry - and not righteously so.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,390 posts)How about we finally admit they never ended and that the US is in the same state of white male supremacy that it was founded on.
Despite our advancements racial disparities are the rule. When talking about elicits defensiveness and people take pains to discredit the messenger, it becomes clear that there are people who still want it that way. And significantly more don't want to offend people who want to deny that the problem exists.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(71,046 posts)lose if we do. Before we can accomplish anything we need to win.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(15,720 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(71,046 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(34,195 posts)Modern day problems are so nothing.
Keep fighting the old battles !

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(17,235 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,390 posts)Back when racism was kinder and gentler. Invoking stereotypes about "anger" to tap the sensibilities of Democratic deserters who responded to Trump's message is a step back to the glory days of "colorblind" ignorance of just how badly we need to make serious changes.... in policing, education, health, housing, etc to create a more equitable playing field.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(71,046 posts)general because it is not a winning issue and will probably cause more division than exists now.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(15,720 posts)Apart from being Kamala there's not a lot she can run on.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(71,046 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(516 posts)On substance I give her a low 'D' grade for waffling all over the place, contradictions, muddled policy, and a misguided "AA only" housing plan.
Anger is fine when done appropriately.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(34,195 posts)Good point

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(15,720 posts)mainly on the strength of her background. Can she build it out? Let's see if her debate bounce holds but it will probably soften like her roll-out bounce.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(14,559 posts)In part because it also helps Latinos, but more significantly because it helps all people in historically redlined areas, which are often, but not always, based on race.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(17,235 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(29,941 posts)I think anger is best served cold.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(35,357 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(29,941 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(91,503 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
Kurt V.
(5,624 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(5,405 posts)Besides the obvious lack of advocacy for the sexual abuse victims by the Catholic church, both as DA in SF and as AG in CA, you have her history with Willie Brown. And that history, both personal and professional, and his being investigated for corruption, while he was helping Harris by giving her 2 appts to oversight committees, and support for her DA run, I think is going to be a problem if she gets the nom. And these are facts-not RW talking points. Then there are the actions she took as AG and DA. Her unwillingness to advocate for church abuse survivors, and investigate church records to see if priests who were accused were still in circulation, (they were). So she did not investigate when credible accusations against active priests, when she had church records that documented placements and church actions. Joe says he won't bring up her past? Mistake-she has some serious issues as DA and AG. And those issues have nothing to do with race or sex.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,501 posts)And they will end up knowing. There is no way she can win any state in Middle America with her baggage.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(5,405 posts)I don't think it is a question of if, but when the opposition would use it. And it would be endless IMO.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(34,662 posts)Kamala's tone and facial expressions were coming across very ABW. According to her, the ABW vibe scares off white women but white men are attracted to it.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(34,195 posts)"... the ABW vibe scares off white women but white men are attracted to it."
WOW! That's a big generalization.
I'm guessing your friend is no expert on racial relations.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(34,662 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(34,195 posts)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(57,596 posts)and he literally poured butane all over the flames at every single campaign stop...
I don't recall any media questioning his strategy in 2016, so why now??

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(38,982 posts)The archived threads from 2008 are interesting reading.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(43,891 posts)... she 'evolved.'

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden