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Marthe48's Journal
Marthe48's Journal
July 17, 2024

We need to stand firm

Are rwnj attacking President Biden for policy? No. Are rwnj attacking his reputation? No. What are the rwnj attacking? President Biden's age and health. No one can stop time. Age is a lame attack. As for health, I've said it before and I'll say it again. President Biden is healthier for his age than I am for mine. At this time, I am the healthiest person in my age group of my friends and family, which is surprising me.
Why are we running scared? This attack on President Biden's age is an opening salvo. If Dems cut and run now, do you think rwnj are going to back off? No. If we back President Biden and weather this attack, rwnj will find another way to attack him, and they will intensify their effort. We need to be tough now, and get tougher for the wave of attacks that are surely lined up. If Dems force President Biden to accede to rwnj attacks on him and his health, rwnj will think they have the Dems on the run. And don't they?
I'm supporting President Biden. If he had said in 2021 that he planned to be a one term President, I would've supported any upcoming Dem candidate. But no one should expect me to stop supporting President Biden because bought and paid for media personalities are going way beyond their job descriptions trying to influence public opinion and change the outcome of settled primaries.
As I write this, I know President Biden was diagnosed with Covid and I wish him a quick recovery. Traitor had Covid and I didn't hear his backers telling him to shove off. Traitor is 78 and no one is telling him to step aside. Traitor is a convicted felon, a rapist, liar, and crook. I don't want him back in the White House. On the other hand, I would love to see President Biden reelected. And for the sake of our country, once we have 2024-2028 secured, let's work on getting 2028 and beyond secured. Traitor is old, but his crop of yes men are younger than I am. Stop them, too.
Let's try to find our courage and our resolve and defend our country against rwnj fascists.

July 6, 2024

Beyond that

President Biden was working on a ceasefire between Isreal and hamas. Making a deal to sell oil reserves at the best price for the U.S. Last time he authorized oil reserve sales, the deal made America a lot of money.

What else:
the bridge in Baltimore Harbor
the border crisis
work on student loans
executive order calling for doctors to obey the federal laws for emergency care to save lives, including abortion care if the situration calls for it
reprimanding the I(formerly) s.c. for their decision to allow immunity for traitor

Probably an endless list of other plans and actions we have no idea about. The sideshow on cnn was not a debate. It was like eastwood talking at an empty chair. President Biden was gracious enough to attend the latest traitor show. Because if he hadn't, you can be sure that the fascists had plan b, c and d ready to get to where we are right now.

President Biden is the presumptive Democratic candidate. He can carry the water. He can bring home the bacon. He can keep this together.

July 6, 2024

If President Biden was not a threat to traitor

Do you think that everybody would be trying to give him the heave ho?

I have no regard for what rwnj say. But notice that rwnj aren't leading the mob charging President Biden.

I have no respect for the shills in the media are saying. They are empty vessels, and like most of us on DU, work for a living, and want to keep their jobs. I guess the journalists who wouldn't toe the line left when the drums beat against Ms. Clinton.

I am astonished by some of the Dems (?) who are trying to oust our President, our leader, now. If they were unhappy with President Biden, the time to replace him was before the last election, you know, the one he won. We needed President Biden then. We need President Biden more right now and into the next 4 years.

The frantic activity right now is to get President Biden out of the way, so that a traitor has a better chance of finishing the work he was hired to do. When President Biden wins in November, there will be another series of protests, another series of attempts to overthrow a free fair election. President Biden is on track to win the election with no question. It'll be hard to crack an obvious win. But, if the idiots behind the effort to sideline President Biden succeed, we might have a candidate that wins, but their victory will be eclipsed by a longer period of protests, more and different ploys to oust a legally elected President. Will someone who is not President Biden rise above the noise and get things done? President Biden has proved that he can fight off the rwnj and move his agenda. That right there is winning the fight with one hand tied behind his back.

Let's get President Biden reelected and see if our worries are based on smoke and mirrors. I bet that if President Biden is reelected by a landslide, a lot of the problems that have plagued our foreign and domestic affairs, the economy, the cost of living, the social protests, will subside. They won't go away, but rwnj will have to figure out what they can do. I hope they don't try to run traitor yet again. Unless they are gluttons for punishment.

If we vote for President Biden, and he wins by a landslide, it is not only a punch in the eye for the fascists trying to destroy our country, it is also a very loud NO! For our sakes, ignore the pundits, ignore the wannabes, ignore the Quislings. Get behind President Biden and keep your eyes on the prize.

July 4, 2024

The last and only time I fell for this bs was Jimmy Carter's reelection

Yes, that's how long rwnj have lied and cheated to get their candidate into the Oval Office

Anyway we can, from billboards to plane banners to placards at public venues, call out traitor. Felon 34 already owns dishonor. Instead of wondering what illegal, immoral acts criminal traitor 34 hasn't done, list the criminal and immoral acts he has done:

We don't have a voice in the media. It is owned by corporations who want to own everything, including the human race. There is no liberal media. When the talking heads on any network drag out the horse manure about Dem candidates, pretending that they are wringing their hands over it, they are giving it air and life. If they spent a hour each day on 1 criminal thing traitor did, they would have material every day they are on till Nov. 3rd and then on Nov. 4 & 5 do a recap all day long, not of a single debate, but a lifetime of corruption, a lifetime traitor has squandered by being a poster boy for the worst of human excesses, some that are unique to His Excrement. Really, who uses bodily functions as a weapon? To the talking heads: This year, ignore the conventional avoidance of covering politics on election day. Be Americans and stand the hell up for your country. If you don't, you won't be talking heads, you'll be rolling heads. Because you are in heritage foundation's and traitor's sights.

June 8, 2024

people like vought ought to pay attention

to how things are working out for rudy, cheesbro, eastman, and others hoist on traitor's petard. If I were in the vanguard of a coup, I'd like to be in on the kill instead of feeding the buzzards with my own flesh.

February 26, 2024

Like everything America is in the process of becoming

I think I'm paraphrasing Socrates. I remember reading that everything is in the process of becoming. A burning fire is becoming extinguished and ashes are becoming relit is the imagery I think of. Even if I'm not remembering exactly what I read, it has helped me to accept that everything changes to something else.

For over 200 years, America has been in the process of envisioning freedom as it was intended. Just as humans across the world continue to evolve toward awareness, so our vision of personal freedom changes, and I hope, expands to include more and more specifics of the individual aspects that make us human. Until the U turn in this century, Americans by and large supported the pursuit of freedom and were expanding it well beyond what people even 300 years ago conceived. So America has been in the process of becoming free. We are becoming the fire. But there are also humans who aren't becoming in the same direction. They are becoming the ashes.

Humans have sought freedom since the concept crystalized in early minds. People becoming the fire see freedom as an ideal. People becoming the ashes see freedom as a curse. I think that right now, Americans have to choose if they will feed the fire, or become the ashes.


February 3, 2024

Happy to see this, but

It occurred to me a long time ago that there are 2 mandatory costs that people are required to assume: car insurance and house insurance. Responsible people pay for car insurance whether the state mandates coverage or not. Ohio is one of many states that mandates coverage, with a legal penalty if the driver isn't covered. In Ohio, I have to show the clerk at the license bureau proof of insurance to renew my license or tags.

If you don't own your house free and clear, the mortgage company requires insurance that covers the amount of the mortgage, at least. I don't know if Nationwide is hosing me, but the agent tells me that the insurance has to coverage the cost of replacement. With payoff, you can do what you please, but at least it is your choice.

Both of those costs, if they are mandatory, should at least be tax deductible, if not forgiven outright. Just my axe to grind.

February 3, 2024

Unfortunately the civil war we find ourselves fighting

is neighbor against neighbor, state against state. I have no desire to be friends with people who live in houses near me, because they are living the rwnj dream. One of them told me they traveled almost 2 hours to see traitor, because they wanted to see a real president. Another supported traitor, even though they have daughters who would have attracted unwanted attention from traitor. Another still displays a traitor sign in their yard. I am not on the wrong side, and I hope there are enough Americans who will stand on this side when push comes to shove. I have no respect for what traitor has done and what abbott is attempting. abbott was probably on track to be this awful before the tree crippled him and put him in a wheel chair. That unfortunate incident just sped up his ego trip and delusions of grandeur. But whoever keeps voting rwnj into office have to live with their votes and they need to realize that they are in the wrong, and their actions are destabilizing the only country in the world that would let them get away with their crap.

January 30, 2024

I imagine if she were in front of a less select audience

she might have said American first, Muslim second? And maybe the rwnj would get a clue and realize it is American first, Christianity second.

I don't see a lot wrong with Rep. Omar reminding that specific audience of her roots. I grew up hearing the adult neighbors reminding people of their roots, mainly in Europe. I know now that it wasn't just that we lived in an all white neighborhood, but at the time, few Black Americans knew what country their ancestors had come from. When I grew up, we America's population was called a melting pot. With a resurgence of national pride, some pundits prefer the term salad bowl. I think the country was more cohesive as a fondue than as crudites.

January 6, 2024

There are consequences

How many of us have distanced ourselves from maga rwjn that we know? How many of us stopped buying locally if we know a store supports traitor? How many of us boycott national and international entities and organizations we know support traitor? How much money do we give to support Democratic candidates, and organizations that promote personal freedom and advocate for democratic values?

Every single thing we do that is for our democracy is against the traitors. Death by a 1000 cuts.

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Hometown: Ohio
Home country: U.S.A.
Member since: 2001
Number of posts: 17,910
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