calimary's JournalAnd her full name is Elizabeth Glass-Houses Lauten.
At least she can speak from experience about teenage girl miscreants, 'eh?
How did she want them to dress? Like Kendall and Kylie Jenner?
Thoughtless little girl. I was amused to hear how she spent hours of prayer and deep thought before coming to the conclusion that she was wrong. HOURS OF PRAYER? Honey, you have to pray for hours to realize you were a nasty snarky bitch just trying to score a cheap shot with your CON friends? Sheesh. Mean-spirited much, cutie-pie?
Welcome to DU, Raul Hernandez!
Glad you're here! First smoked it at a Tim Weisberg concert years ago, when I was 19. Tim Weisberg's music is spacey enough whether you're spaced or not. Wondered throughout the show whether I was actually high. Couldn't tell.
This. Is. IT.
IT!!! Just IT!!!!!! How ironic that those who'd force their "religious" fervor on the rest of us have no idea what the Christ they think they're following was all about. They do like to quote that assertion about how if you do not work you shall not eat. But Jesus never said that. That's from one of Paul-the-Hard-ass's letters to the Thessalonians. That's St. Paul telling everybody what to do according to how he sees things, and lo these many centuries later we have latter-day Pharisees telling everybody what to do according to how they see things. The more things change... and all that.
Welcome to DU, davishenderson265!
Glad you're here! Your nephew certainly seems to have called it. His analysis is a lot more logical and credible than any explanation Darren Wilson offered.
Truly. They already have enough poo on their collective face.
I don't. Unfortunately. And I've used it several times. It just sums things up for me in a way
unlike any other photos I've seen lately. I'm with that girl. I CANNOT BELIEVE I, too, still have to protest this shit. LOTS of different kinds of "this shit" too. Seems like there's more of it every day.
This was just one of MANY different photos of the reaction to Michael Brown's murder since August. But this one just struck me. Hard.
My first cat liked to sit or lie down upon my textbooks when I was in elementary school
and I was always in the study position. Cat always had other ideas!
Screw "Meet the Press." If it's Sunday, it's SCE's Sunday LOLCats!!!
Love these - as usual! Especially all those itty bitty sleepy kitties!
And just damn frustrating!
So discouraging sometimes - that we just can't seem to grow up about this. And move BEYOND it.
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