calimary's JournalI know! SO fine! Sure fits him, too.
What as asshole! I saw that disgraceful display and it really was rather sickening. Pompous ASS! AND hate filled jizz goblin, too.
I still wanna see the tax returns.
We have all the good ones.
Give 'em hell, Harry! A humble haberdasher who had the weight of the world dropped on him one fateful day. He was probably the first (or one of the first) who was renowned for plain-speaking. Which produced that landmark quote: "the buck stops here." He kept a little sign on his Oval Office desk that bore that inscription.
trump should have one of those. But his would read: "the buck stops over there somewhere."
Man, imagine what must have gone through the mind of the guy who unearthed it - AS he unearthed it. To find that emerging from the ground. First I'd think you'd freak out. Then you'd be gobsmacked as it started to dawn on you exactly what you'd just discovered.
Except if it's a state crime, like the case that New York prosecutor
is putting together. trump could pardon for crimes at the federal level. But he can't do it for a crime at the state level.
And as I understand it, even if there's a pardon issued, the recipient can still be compelled to testify and can't take the 5th. They'd simply have to cough it all up. Which would be rather problematic, I suspect. Especially for the pardoner.
As usual, a most intriguing read, H2O Man!
Most thought-provoking, as well as illuminating.
Smarts versus Sharts!
Gotta say one thing positive about trump - he inspires GREAT writing, GREAT art, GREAT cartoons, and GREAT satire! I bet Jon Stewart and David Letterman both harbor secret regrets that they'd retired so soon. But thank goodness we have TheFerret, Andy Borowitz, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, Samantha Bee, Seth Meyers, Conan, and others and others to keep us comfy and cackling.
TheFerret comes through - AGAIN!
Andy Borowitz!!!
Actually, though, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if trump tries to pass that off. He just lies and lies and lies - he lies like the rest of us breath.
Seriously, though, I cannot fathom, for the life of me, how Donnie Junior would give
a flea's ass about American adoptions of Russian children. He's just NOT that altruistic OR philanthropic. Same for that whole selfish, thoughtless, and greedy family.
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