LiberalFighter's JournalPer The Green Papers the delegate breakdown is as follows:
Update as of 11:20 pm with 80% precincts reporting.
CD1 - Sanders: 4 --- Clinton: 3
CD2 - Sanders: 4 --- Clinton: 3
CD3 - Sanders: 4 --- Clinton: 2
PLEO- Sanders: 2 --- Clinton: 1
At Large- Sanders: 4 --- Clinton: 2
Total - Sanders: 18 --- Clinton: 11
Clinton : 1706 (+11) -- 1717
Sanders: 1419 (+18) -- 1437
Percentage of delegates for Sanders:
Before WV: 45.408000%
After WV : 45.561192%
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CD1 - Sanders: 4 --- Clinton: 3
CD2 - Sanders: 4 --- Clinton: 3
CD3 - Sanders: 3 --- Clinton: 3
PLEO- Sanders: 2 --- Clinton: 1
At Large- Sanders: 3 --- Clinton: 3
Total - Sanders: 16 --- Clinton: 13
There is unlikely to be a change for PLEO and At Large delegates due to the votes needed to exceed the percent.
Note: Only 31% of precincts have reported according to NY Times.
Why do people misuse numbers all the time?
1956 -- Eisenhower -- 5,008,132 --- out of 5,828,434
1960 -- Nixon -- 4,975,938 --- out of 5,743,634
1964 -- Goldwater -- 2,267,079 --- out of 5,514,527
1968 -- Nixon --- 1,679,443 --- out of 4,473,251 (Reagan received 1,696,632) (15 states)
1972 -- Nixon --- 5,378,704 --- out of 5,828,483 (18 states)
1976 -- Ford --- 5,529,899 -- Reagan --- 4,760,222 (First time primaries or caucuses held in every state)
1980 -- Reagan --- 7,709,793 --- out of 12,850,432 -- (60.0%)
1984 -- Reagan --- 6,484,987 --- 98.78%
1988 -- Bush --- 8,253,512 --- out of 12,851,740 -- (64.2%)
1992 -- Bush --- 9,199,463 --- out of 12,596,601 -- (73.0%)
1996 -- Dole --- 9,024,742 --- out of 15,313,343 -- (58.9%)
2000 -- Bush --- 12,034,676 --- out of 19,391,600 -- (62.1%)
2004 -- Bush --- 7,853,863 --- 98.1%
2008 -- McCain --- 9,840,746 --- out of 20,828,435 -- (47.3%)
2012 -- Romney --- 9,947,433 --- out of 18,908,313 -- (52.6%)
2016 -- Trump --- 10,717,357 --- out of 25,731,093 -- (41.7%)
Population in 1956 was nearly 168.9 million
Population in 1976 was nearly 218.0 million
Population in 2016 is nearly 322.7 million
Even using population to attempt a correlation would be wrong by virtue of not everyone even participating in the primaries and not everyone is a Republican. Even the ratio of Republicans changes through time.
What is evident is the weak support Trump has within the Republican Party compared to past elections.
Hillary Clinton Is A Progressive Democrat, Despite What You May Have Heard
Huff PostBernie Sanders begins making case to Hillary Clinton’s superdelegates
Yahoo 5-1-2016But no mention of the states that Clinton won. If it was applied by the same rational to both sides Clinton would receive 374 while Sanders would be limited to 143. But that was not the purpose of the automatic delegates.
So Sanders is also pushing for the "Convoluted Math" like some of the Bernies over in the other group.
It is doubtful that the delegates supporting Hillary will switch over to Sanders when he has been a jerk towards them.
Based on the most recent Indiana poll. (50-46)
Using proportional application of delegates at each level it would be HC: 45 - BS: 38.
Using proportional application on total delegates it would be HC: 43 - BS: 40.
The 50 - 46 poll equates to a 52% - 48% equivalence.
Hillary will get between 43 and 45 delegates out of 83.
Sanders will get between 38 and 40 delegates.
Including only Pledged Delegates [Majority is 2,026]:
Hillary -: [1,665 + 45] 1,710 - - Need: 316 -- Advantage: 302 Delegates
Sanders: [1,370 + 38] 1,408 - - Need: 618
Pledged Delegates remaining: 933
Including Automatic Delegates [Majority is 2,383]:
Hillary -: [PD 1,710 + AD 489] 2,199 - - Need: 184 -- Advantage: 750 Delegates
Sanders: [PD 1,408 + AD 41 ] 1,449 - - Need: 934
Total Delegates remaining: PD 933 + AD 183 = 1,116
Percent Needed:
-- Hillary -: 16.5%
-- Sanders: 83.7%
Using Convoluted Majority Method *
Percent of Pledged Delegates needed to reach the Convoluted Majority:
-- Hillary -: 72.1%
-- Sanders: 104.5%
Indiana has 9 congressional districts. There are two with 8 delegates, one with 7 delegate, three with 6 delegates, and three with 5 delegates.
Unless there is a 12.5% spread in the votes for districts with 8 delegates it is likely to split 4-4. CD1 is in the Lake County area (near Chicago) and CD7 is in Indianapolis. I think at least one of them will split in Hillary's favor. But instead of a 2 delegate advantage as it was in 2008 it will be a 3 delegate advantage.
The spread in the votes for districts with 6 delegates would need to be 16.6% otherwise the split would be 3-3. The districts are the 2nd, 8th, and 9th. The 8th and 9th would likely be the best for Sanders. But Clinton won the popular vote in all three of the districts in 2008 with the 8th and 9th by wide margins enough to get a two delegate advantage in both of them.
Districts with only 5 delegates will likely split 3-2. Clinton won CD4 and CD 6 in 2008 with Obama winning CD3. If Sanders has a chance of winning one it would be in the 3rd. Basing that only on Fort Wayne as a major city and with IPFW. But I don't think IPFW has the same draw as other universities for Sanders.
CD5 with 7 delegates has a chance of going Sanders with UAW members. But retirees could possibly pull it out for Clinton. Retirees outnumber actives by a considerable margin.
Obama won the following counties: Allen, Boone, Elkhart, Hamilton, Lake, Marion, Monroe, St Joseph, Tippecanoe. There are 92 counties in Indiana.
2008 Primary Recap
Clinton's advantage by districts were CD6 3-2, CD8 4-2, CD9 4-2.
Obama's advantage by districts were CD7 4-2.
The At Large delegates split 8-8 and the PLEO delegates split 5-4 for Clinton.
Total results were Clinton: 38 - Obama: 34
Popular votes were Clinton: 646,282 - Obama: 632,073
Jeffrey Berman: Obama's Delegate Mastermind (2009)
Daily Kos"Obama had a majority in the district that had an odd number of delegates, so he won an extra seat," Berman told the puzzled press; the Associated Press delegate expert, on the call, promised to revise his count.
Obamas Nevada delegate victory was widely viewed at the time as a curiosity, an asterisk to Clintons win. But in February, as Obama amassed delegates despite losing big states, the shape of the race became clear: The name of the game was delegates.
It was the game Berman and a friend, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe, had been playing all along. And as Clintons staff scrambled after Super Tuesday to remake her strategy to meet that reality, it began to become clear that Berman had helped build Obama a lead too big to surmount.
Berman is also an automatic delegate supporting Clinton.
EdwardBernays over at Bernie Sanders group
Hillary Clinton has gotten hundreds of thousands fewer votes than in the 2008 primaries.Using a Breibart (rightwing propaganda) piece fails with the argument.
Total voter turnout in Democratic Primaries are lower in 2016 than all states in 2008 except for Illinois and Michigan.
Michigan* -- 2008: 594,398 --- 2016: 1,169,075 -- Increase of 574,677.
There were no other states with a higher turnout in 2016 compared to 2008.
* Obama and other Democrats removed their name from the ballot due to Michigan not following the rules.
Running totals of 2016 primaries/caucuses completed between 2008 and 2016.
2016: 20,966,048
Running total of votes between Sanders in 2016 and Obama in 2008 for primaries/caucuses completed.
Sanders: 9,110.693
Sanders to Democratic Party: Whose Side are We On?
Bernie Sanders Press ReleaseOn issue after issue, Sanders challenged the Democratic Party to pick sides. You cant be for Wall Street and the working people of this country. You cannot be for the drug companies and senior citizens and veterans, he said. You cannot be on the side of workers and support those corporations that have thrown millions on the street.
The failure of Democratic leadership to send a clear message on where the party stands is why Republicans have grabbed control Congress and Statehouses. The problem in my view is not that the Republicans are winning elections. Its that Democrats are losing elections, he said.
Sanders also faulted Democrats for not pushing election reforms that would increase voter turnout and help Democrats win elections. For example, he said, Democrats should get behind legislation he introduced in the Senate to register everyone to vote when they turn 18 years old. The Democratic Party has got to be very clear. We need automatic voter registration. In 2015, Oregon became the first state in the nation to require state agencies to automatically register voters when they get a new drivers license or identification card.
Still attacking the Democratic Party.
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The Four Bankruptcies
The Undocumented Polish Workers
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Condo Hotel Shenanigans
Corey Lewandowski
Suing Journalist Tim OBrien for Libel
Clinton shifting staff to general election swing states (USA Today)
USA TodayThe Clinton campaign official wouldnt give details on specifically where staff will be concentrated. However, those close to the campaign say the second wave is likely to hit states that Barack Obama made competitive during his first White House run eight years ago, such as Indiana, North Carolina and Virginia. The campaign also already has a state director in Colorado.
That is the starting point this time, said Elleithee. The real question is whether, with Trump as her likely competitor, Clinton can even further expand the map to states that Democrats believe will eventually fall into their column given the nations changing demographics. These include Arizona, Georgia and the big prize, said Elleithee, of Texas.
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Gender: MaleHometown: Wisconsin
Current location: NE Indiana
Member since: 2002
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