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H2O Man

H2O Man's Journal
H2O Man's Journal
December 1, 2023

On Holiday Depression

The holiday season is rough for many of us. For that very reason, I have an obnoxious-repulsive disorder thar demands I write this. After all, my generation is facing extinction soon, and this may be our last Christmas ..... so please give generously. You don't want us to haunt you next year.

Two tragic events took place this week, and we all are suffering. First, after decades of heated debate, scientists have finally proven that there are no signs of life coming from the rotting corpse of Henry Kissinger. Obviously, since they do not believe in science, the republicans will insist it is a lie. But we have known he's been dead for decades, despite the gas released due to his decay.

Okay, let's take a second to gather in a prayer circle to focus our thoughts and prayers for Henry the Dead. Done? Okay. Now let's explore the reasons why I added the clip of Jeremy above. Indeed, this is from around the time the "Paul is dead" rumor struck, and it is closely connected. Stick with me.

The Beatles have kept this a secret, but I think that it's the right time to inform the public. During a break in the filming of the movie "Yellow Submarine," Jeremey found himself alone in a room where Yoko was warming up for a scream session for the unreleased LP "Three Virgins." An embryo was later found and immediately froozen, and remained there unidentified, for decades showing no more signs of life that Henry the Dead.

At this point, I'll take a second, knowing you are sitting back in your chair, saying, "Holy shit! It's all coming together to make perfect sense!" Let us continue, for the Truth willl set you free.

Now, in late 1987, Anthony Fauci had a lucid dream that mad scientists were creating a virus that would turn American republicans into angry sheep by destroying their ethical compasses. He thought this a premonition, thus he took what he thought a froozen sheep embryo from deep freeze, and headed directly to Bowling Green, and transplanted it into the archic and gangrene womb of Kellyanne Conway, an advocate of fertilized eggs who had no understanding of people different than herself's needs.

On July 22, 1988, the egg hatched. Despite Dr. Fauci's sincerest hopes that he could produce a vaccine to protect republicans, it did not work -- not that they trust vaccines or science in general anyways. Instead, the combination of Jeremy, Yoko's screams, and Kelltanne;s gangrene resulted in the toxic biproduct known to science as George Anthony Devolder Santos.The Mad Republican Disease (MRD) spread across the land, and George was elected to Congress. And today, we mourn the passing of his political career.

As sad as we may be at this time, there is still hope. Keep hope alive as we approach Christmas, for these things often come threes.
November 28, 2023


You will hear, if you haven't already, that some of his campaign supporters are saying that the defendent has lost 20+ pound of lard while on the campaign trail. They attribute this to diet and exercise. They know this isn't true -- though he has lost weight, the source is the stress of being prosecuted by Jack Smith and black women who are way smarter than him. He has been shitting his pants, so to speak, because he now understands they are also smarter than his legal team.

November 16, 2023

A Thought

" So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth."
– Baha'U'Llah, Founder of Baháʼí Faith

Back in 2015, when the networks were first giving significant attention to the defendent's speeches, I remember my older son noting that the guy was aping the style of Hitler. I think he called it an off-beat cadence with certain lines intended to communicate ggressive hatred. Thus, I was not surprised to hear the word "vermin" spewing from the anal fistula on his face.

I was glad to hear my president call the defendent out on this. (Link below) This was not a simple campaign line. No president in my lifetime has ever made a reference to his opponent using the tactics of Hitler. That just does not happen. And so it is something that I find goes beyond politics.

When President Biden gave this warning, it is important to take it seriously. In fact, with the highest level of seriousness. I've seen a variety of responses on this forum, to both what the defendent said, and what President Biden then said. I've thought about it for a few days, before putting my thoughts in order. I will start with the opposition.

I've read some people sincerely asking how anyone could support the defendent -- especially at this late date? Other posts express fear of the possibility of the defendent being elected to the presidency next year. Numerous good people -- on this forum and elsewhere -- have expressed their belief that his regaining office would spell the end of the democratic experience in the United States of America. Because I do understand exactly why people are drawn to his destructive cult, and fully appreciate what his election would mean, I am convinced that it would be far worse than most imagine.

An understanding of individual and group psychology, along with an appreciation for Faulkner's line in "Requiem for a Nun" -- ""The past is never dead. It's not even past." -- creates a good foundation. Add Rumi's lines, which I tend to repeat here every so often -- about the chain of cause and effect -- and one can see one of the three potential paths our society is going to opt for. And that choice can be selected as much, and perhaps more, by the unconscious and sub-conscious parts of the brain that are the result of human evolution.

I remember Rubin talking about white nationalism, and quoting Malcolm on the history of America oppressing non-white human beings, both in this country and around the earth. No, that past is not dead. We see it rising in parts of this country today. I think of Rubin's teachings on the bibical story of the Tower of Babel, on it's highest esoteric and truest meaning, not the misconception that falls upon lower levels of understanding. I've shared that in the past on this forum. As a devote atheist, Rubin had amazing insight into the great religions, and their highest teachings. In the late 1970s, from solitary confinement when he thought he would die in prison, he wrote the most beautiful letters to me on these subjects.

Now I want to focus briefly on the human nature of the defendent and his flock. He spews venom, literally, and the cult is energized by it. It is the language that they understand, as that is the nature of hatred -- found only in human beings, including in groups. It is as caustic as sulfuric acid. It eats away from all the Good qualities in groups and individuals

There was a significant spill of sulfuric acid last week in the plant my son works in. But that is only part of the reason that I mention it. The other reason is related to the use of the word "brimstone" in the bible, the archaic word for sulfur. Now, many people are familiar with the "rotten egg" odor of hydrogen sulfide in water. Fewer are familiar with how a decomposing corpse smells similar, but far worse, than a glass of sulfur water. That is why we find the references in scripture oncluding Psalms, Ezekiel, and Revolations ..... it speaks to the walking brain-dead and soul-dead. (Note: by "soul," I mean that spark of energy from the universe that allows us to experience the divine miracle of life on Earth, during the eternal Now.)

To remedy a spill of sulfuric acid, one should not attempt to use another type of acid. Rather, you must use an agent to neutralise it. Only that provides for a safe clean up. I understand the discomfort that Good People experience today. Also, emotional reactions including anger, hate, and fear. But as Rubin came to understand while in confinement, our salvation comes in neutralising these emotions. That includes as individuals and groups. That does not translate into advocating being sitting ducks or victims of the living dead of the defendent's cult. Just the opposite: it is the way to remove the threat they pose. It is the path to the top of the human mountain that Martin Luther King spoke of. And it starts with each one of us as individuals, then forming groups, until unity lights the way -- recognizing that "unity" does not imply nor demand that we all have the same opinions on every issue. For it is the divisions that we are witness to today, between Good People, that poses the greatest threat.

November 16, 2023

A Thought

" So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth."
– Baha'U'Llah, Founder of Baháʼí Faith

Back in 2015, when the networks were first giving significant attention to the defendent's speeches, I remember my older son noting that the guy was aping the style of Hitler. I think he called it an off-beat cadence with certain lines intended to communicate ggressive hatred. Thus, I was not surprised to hear the word "vermin" spewing from the anal fistula on his face.

I was glad to hear my president call the defendent out on this. (Link below) This was not a simple campaign line. No president in my lifetime has ever made a reference to his opponent using the tactics of Hitler. That just does not happen. And so it is something that I find goes beyond politics.

When President Biden gave this warning, it is important to take it seriously. In fact, with the highest level of seriousness. I've seen a variety of responses on this forum, to both what the defendent said, and what President Biden then said. I've thought about it for a few days, before putting my thoughts in order. I will start with the opposition.

I've read some people sincerely asking how anyone could support the defendent -- especially at this late date? Other posts express fear of the possibility of the defendent being elected to the presidency next year. Numerous good people -- on this forum and elsewhere -- have expressed their belief that his regaining office would spell the end of the democratic experience in the United States of America. Because I do understand exactly why people are drawn to his destructive cult, and fully appreciate what his election would mean, I am convinced that it would be far worse than most imagine.

An understanding of individual and group psychology, along with an appreciation for Faulkner's line in "Requiem for a Nun" -- ""The past is never dead. It's not even past." -- creates a good foundation. Add Rumi's lines, which I tend to repeat here every so often -- about the chain of cause and effect -- and one can see one of the three potential paths our society is going to opt for. And that choice can be selected as much, and perhaps more, by the unconscious and sub-conscious parts of the brain that are the result of human evolution.

I remember Rubin talking about white nationalism, and quoting Malcolm on the history of America oppressing non-white human beings, both in this country and around the earth. No, that past is not dead. We see it rising in parts of this country today. I think of Rubin's teachings on the bibical story of the Tower of Babel, on it's highest esoteric and truest meaning, not the misconception that falls upon lower levels of understanding. I've shared that in the past on this forum. As a devote atheist, Rubin had amazing insight into the great religions, and their highest teachings. In the late 1970s, from solitary confinement when he thought he would die in prison, he wrote the most beautiful letters to me on these subjects.

Now I want to focus briefly on the human nature of the defendent and his flock. He spews venom, literally, and the cult is energized by it. It is the language that they understand, as that is the nature of hatred -- found only in human beings, including in groups. It is as caustic as sulfuric acid. It eats away from all the Good qualities in groups and individuals

There was a significant spill of sulfuric acid last week in the plant my son works in. But that is only part of the reason that I mention it. The other reason is related to the use of the word "brimstone" in the bible, the archaic word for sulfur. Now, many people are familiar with the "rotten egg" odor of hydrogen sulfide in water. Fewer are familiar with how a decomposing corpse smells similar, but far worse, than a glass of sulfur water. That is why we find the references in scripture oncluding Psalms, Ezekiel, and Revolations ..... it speaks to the walking brain-dead and soul-dead. (Note: by "soul," I mean that spark of energy from the universe that allows us to experience the divine miracle of life on Earth, during the eternal Now.)

To remedy a spill of sulfuric acid, one should not attempt to use another type of acid. Rather, you must use an agent to neutralise it. Only that provides for a safe clean up. I understand the discomfort that Good People experience today. Also, emotional reactions including anger, hate, and fear. But as Rubin came to understand while in confinement, our salvation comes in neutralising these emotions. That includes as individuals and groups. That does not translate into advocating being sitting ducks or victims of the living dead of the defendent's cult. Just the opposite: it is the way to remove the threat they pose. It is the path to the top of the human mountain that Martin Luther King spoke of. And it starts with each one of us as individuals, then forming groups, until unity lights the way -- recognizing that "unity" does not imply nor demand that we all have the same opinions on every issue. For it is the divisions that we are witness to today, between Good People, that poses the greatest threat.

November 10, 2023

The Bleak & Bitter Cold

Six humans trapped by happenstance
In bleak and bitter cold.
Each one possessed a stick of wood
Or so the story’s told.

Their dying fire in need of logs
The first man held his back
For of the faces round the fire
He noticed one was black.

The next man looking ‘cross the way
Saw one not of his church
And couldn’t bring himself to give
The fire his stick of birch.

The third one sat in tattered clothes.
He gave his coat a hitch.
Why should his log be put to use
To warm the idle rich?

The rich man just sat back and thought
Of the wealth he had in store
And how to keep what he had earned
From the lazy shiftless poor.

The black man’s face bespoke revenge
As the fire passed from his sight.
For all he saw in his stick of wood
Was a chance to spite the white.

The last man of this forlorn group
Did nought except for gain.
Giving only to those who gave
Was how he played the game.

Their logs held tight in death’s still hands
Was proof of human sin.
They didn’t die from the cold without
They died from the cold within.
-- James Kinney; The Cold Within.

This was my late friend Rubin's favorite poem. I watched him recite it twice, at Colgate and Binghamton Universities. After he introduced my daughters & I to the audience in Binghamton, a professor there asked me if I could get Rubin to donate a chapter to her book. His contribution was on the Power of Forgiveness. A person asked me about Rubin today, and got me thinking about old times.

November 8, 2023

Elvis Bonaparte

"When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions." -- Hamlet

Yesterday, I happened upon an OP by Tom of Temecula, regarding Dr, Lance Dodes's saying that the defendent is showing evidence of psychosis. The responses were interesting, and I posted a few comments. However, I did not want to hijack the OP/thread with billions and billions of my own thoughts. A link to Tom's OP/thread is found below:


Now, I did not read the entire article in the link, as it is from a site I do not go to. Thus, what I have to say is about some of the issues mentioned in the discussion, as well as one post that I read about six months ago, but never got around to responding to. It was from a good friend who was frustrated that she was not seeing the defendent behaving as one might expect one in the most intense stage of psychosis to act.

Generally, we think of psychosis in the context of the a separation from reality, in thoughts and/or emotions. It is most commonly associated with one of the severe and persistent major mental illnesses. In the legal system, under the M'Naughten rule, a defendent is considered "sane" -- a strictly legal term -- unless they either did not know what they were doing, or were not aware that what they were doing was wrong. It is relatively rare in the legal system that one is found "insane."

Yet psychosis is not limited to those with major mental illnesses. This is the type that Dr. Dodes was speaking about. (It was what Dr. Bandy Lee and I talked about in the first interview I posted here in 2020.) It tends to be found in people that have personality disorders. In this case, of course, we are talking about the defendent, a sociopath. As such, let's consider a few of his personality factors that are important.

The defendent's self-image is that of the first mob boss to become president. He wants to project the image of never being wrong. He is used to avoiding any meaningful consequences for any of his behaviors. He not only resents anyone who questions his authority, he has a compulsive need to try to do harm to them. Although he is at times paranoid, he does not seem to have had serious issues with anxiety until, by the summer of 2020, he realized he would lose the election. He is convinced if he wants something to be true, and insists it is, it will come to be. This has continued since the 2020 election without the positive outcomes he had previously enjoyed.

Now, psychosis can happen in any number of ways. But, in general, it starts with the prodromal stage, which is the period where symptoms begin to show up. These often go undetected, especially if it is the person's first episode. (It is much more likely to be picked up on if the person has a history and has stopped taking his/her medication.)

Under prolonged and/or intense stress, a sociopath may have relatively brief episodes of psychosis. In the case of the defendent, think of the personality traits I noted above, for this is where his distorted thinking will be rooted. He is not going to come on stage dressed as Elvis and insist that he is Napolean Bonaparte. It will be when the disilled concentrate of the essence of his pathology surfaces in a manner that does not promote his cause.

The greatest pre-indictment period was between November of 2020 and January of 2021. When the tactics which served him in his earlier life were frustrated, he called for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government. Consider his behaviors in court. The mask of sanity is dropping. You don't need a weather man to know which way this bag of hot air blows.

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Member since: Mon Dec 29, 2003, 08:49 PM
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