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marmar's Journal
marmar's Journal
August 26, 2020

Last call for the 25th Amendment? Trump's Cabinet won't depose him -- but they should

Last call for the 25th Amendment? Trump's Cabinet won't depose him — but they should
Trump's cabinet members have one last chance to save the republic and redeem themselves. Of course they won't

AUGUST 26, 2020 11:00AM (UTC)

(Salon) The president of the United States is relentlessly threatening the right of citizens to exercise their right to vote. He is also saying that he might not leave office if he loses the election, and that the election is "rigged" — unless he wins. He also spends most of his days watching television, raging, fulminating, lying, demanding loyalty of those around him, demeaning his political opponents and trading in conspiracy theories, while creating chaos instead of a plan to address a pandemic that could take 300,000 American lives by the end of the year.

Is such a person fit for this office? Any office?

As has been the case every single day from the beginning of this horrific tweet-fest mockery of a presidency: It's 25th Amendment time.

No, of course it won't happen — not with the loyalist, anti-democratic ideologues the president has methodically surrounded himself with in his cabinet, likely to this very purpose. But by any objective (i.e., non-cultist) view it should happen — before the upcoming election is further thrown into chaos to frighten off voters.

It won't happen. But we would fail our duty to this country if we did not pause to note this fearful moment in time, did not look again at the purpose of this critical amendment, and did not call out the Trump administration's cabinet members who failed to take this step to protect an election and save this democratic republic. .............(more)


August 25, 2020

I won't be watching the Republican convention tonight (or tomorrow or...), but....

..... I thought I'd pay my respects to some of the great Republican intellectual figures of the 21st century. Take it away Sister Sarah:


August 24, 2020

The Zombie Companies Are Coming

THE WOLF STREET REPORT: The Zombie Companies Are Coming

by Wolf Richter • Aug 23, 2020 •
“Easy money is a curse for capitalism.”

August 24, 2020

Four days to defend the indefensible': Republicans seek to sell Trump to the nation again

'Four days to defend the indefensible': Republicans seek to sell Trump to the nation again
President will appear throughout a partly in-person convention which must follow the Democrats’ virtual success

David Smith in Washington
Mon 24 Aug 2020 02.00 EDT

(Guardian UK) Buffeted by America’s most severe public health and economic crises in decades, Donald Trump will this week stand before the Republican party and again seek to persuade the nation that he alone can fix it.

The celebrity salesman stunned the political establishment four years ago when he won the Republican primary, diagnosed the nation’s ills and told convention goers: “I alone can fix it.”

At the 2020 Republican national convention, which begins Monday, he will be nominated by the party for a second term as US president and, in a break from tradition, deliver his acceptance speech on Thursday from the south lawn of the White House.

Organisers of the Republicans’ first virtual national convention face an uphill task, and not only because the Democrats’ technically slick version last week is a tough act to follow. They must pitch Trump to the American public during a pandemic that has ripped 170,000 lives from families and communities. In an era of negative partisanship, they will also seek to whip up fears that Democratic nominee Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris pose an existential threat to the American way of life.

“The problem is what the Democrats did last week, and I think did very effectively, is confirm that this election is a referendum on Donald Trump’s presidency,” said Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican national committee. “Trump now has to beat that narrative back and then give them a reason why it’s a choice election between what he’s done – tax cuts, et cetera – and what Biden will do, and I just don’t get the sense that the voters are going to buy that.” ...........(more)


August 24, 2020

IL: Metra falling further behind budget amid COVID-19 ridership decline, with cost cuts coming......

As the pandemic persists and people stay home in droves, Metra is falling further behind its revenue schedule.

The Chicago area’s commuter rail system upped its projected two-year budget deficit to $682.5 million at a virtual monthly board Wednesday, and warned that it will have to start cutting costs more aggressively without additional federal aid like the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act passed in March.

“CARES funds won’t last forever,” Thomas Farmer, Metra’s chief financial officer, said during the meeting. “We must adjust costs if ridership doesn’t return soon.”

Metra, which operates 11 rail lines across six counties, has seen ridership plunge to about 10% of its pre-COVID-19 level, as remote working and school remain the norm for many commuters. Train cars are still “largely empty” despite cutting daily service by more than half, Farmer said. ..............(more)


August 24, 2020

The deep, twisted roots of QAnon: From 1940s sci-fi to 19th-century anti-Masonic agitprop

The deep, twisted roots of QAnon: From 1940s sci-fi to 19th-century anti-Masonic agitprop
The QAnon delusions aren't even original: Fantasies about demon-cannibal conspiracies go back at least 150 years

AUGUST 23, 2020 10:00AM (UTC)

(Salon) Those among you who are familiar with the strange realm of UFOlogy may know about William Cooper, one of the most outrageous figures to appear on the UFO lecture circuit in the 1980s and author of the 1991 underground bestseller "Behold a Pale Horse." Nobody else at the time could beat the wildness of Cooper's claims, which included the idea that the U.S. military, nefarious extraterrestrial forces and ancient secret societies like the Illuminati had banded together for the express purpose of destroying the United States and God-fearing people everywhere.

As crazy as Cooper could often appear, in almost every lecture I've ever seen he would often pause to say something along these lines: "Don't believe me. Do your own research. Look at my sources and tell me I'm wrong!" He once dedicated an entire hour-long episode of his shortwave radio show, "Hour of the Time," to reviewing the lengthy list of books he had read in order to produce his epic, 43-part series entitled "Mystery Babylon," an in-depth analysis of how hermetic philosophies had impacted world history. You could disagree with Cooper's eccentric conclusions, but you really had to respect someone with the temerity to broadcast an hour-long bibliography over the radio. Even more surprisingly, his listeners hung on every word.

If Cooper's listeners decided to follow his advice to fact check his numerous claims, they would have to read such lengthy and difficult tomes as "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manly P. Hall and "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" by Albert Pike — and that's just scratching the surface.

Furthermore, Cooper never shirked from sharing details of his personal background, the sometimes sensationalistic episodes of his military career in the Navy, his years spent fighting in Vietnam, or the ruins of his many marriages. He was a real person. He wasn't "anonymous." It was possible to verify the facts about Cooper's military background, which were crucial to his claims of having had access to insider knowledge.


QAnon's obsession with penny-dreadful tales of Hollywood and Washington "elites" raping underage children becomes suspicious when seen in such numbers, in post after post after post, in video after video after video. QAnon followers just can't stop themselves, it seems, from dwelling on this disturbing notion. Some of the Christians who make these videos will even illustrate their outrage with digitally blurred photographs that barely obscure the illegal images. One wonders if "outrage" accurately describes the emotion they're experiencing while viewing — and reviewing and re-reviewing — these salacious images. .............(more)


August 23, 2020

Whose alpha male is this? Donald Trump and America's sad, failed model of masculinity

Whose alpha male is this? Donald Trump and America's sad, failed model of masculinity
As author Tom Digby explains, Trump's "cartoon masculinity" is a desperate attempt to cling to a fading ideal

AUGUST 22, 2020 4:00PM (UTC)

(Salon) There are moments when merely following the news replicates how it must feel to enter a portal into a surreal realm of hallucination, where dropping acid is an act of redundancy and Lewis Carroll reads like the newspaper. Take the following sentences from a professional journalist in a serious publication, Vox, on the unique resistance many American men have against wearing face coverings in public during a pandemic involving an airborne virus:

It would seem that the obvious way to get more men to wear masks would be to make the manliest version of a mask possible. Maybe put guns on it, or a football team, or make a mask that makes men feel like a super-soldier spliced from Rambo and Captain America.

Nike and Under Armour, according to the same Vox story, are marketing masks similar to those that comic book heroes would wear to fight crime, and the leading men's fashion magazine, GQ, recommends a particular mask that will make its wearers resemble gladiators in the video game Mortal Kombat. Donald Trump, forever arrested in the mindset of an evil six-year-old from a Stephen King novel, boasted that he looked like the Lone Ranger in his mask, prompting many Americans to wonder if he was wearing it incorrectly.

Epidemiologists and other doctors, insistent on ruining everyone's fun, caution against several of the macho, costume-party masks. Because they are often made with more porous material than standard facial coverings, and feature "cool looking" valves, they may be less effective in preventing COVID-19 transmission.

If the United States were a sane society, the revelation that many seemingly functional adults require the enticement of looking like a video-game monster to observe public health protocols would provoke sustained soul searching and institutional deliberation to determine exactly where and how it all went wrong. How are families, schools and conduits of public information failing so miserably to raise men of minimal competence, maturity and compassion?


No matter their hysterical denials, many men sense that the butcher-block table is on its way out the door. The insecurity attendant to that knowledge creates an intense bond with Donald Trump. As Digby says, "With all his power — both actual and imagined — Donald seems to offer a cultural refuge for men who were brought up to think that they are supposed to be dominant over women and other men. … He seems like the last hope for a role model, no matter how corrupt, deceitful, anxious and hateful his behavior. Whenever attention is called to his flaws, those men respond with desperate anger at what they perceive as attacks on themselves. .............(more)


August 23, 2020

Florida man involved in DUI golf cart crash claims President Trump drove him to drink

Florida man involved in DUI golf cart crash claims President Trump drove him to drink, deputies say

THE VILLAGES, Fla. – A man who crashed his golf cart while driving it drunk through The Villages said he was driven to drink after watching President Donald Trump on TV, according to the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies said they were called to a single-vehicle golf cart crash the evening of July 30 on Rainey Trail and Buena Vista Boulevard and when they questioned the driver, 82-year-old Cary De Van, he said he hit a wall inside the golf cart tunnel while driving home.

De Van’s red golf cart had what appeared to be a broken axle, leading deputies to believe he ran over a concrete curb, records show. .......(more)


August 21, 2020

Ok, Florida Man may have a point here.......

Florida man involved in DUI golf cart crash claims President Trump drove him to drink, deputies say

THE VILLAGES, Fla. – A man who crashed his golf cart while driving it drunk through The Villages said he was driven to drink after watching President Donald Trump on TV, according to the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies said they were called to a single-vehicle golf cart crash the evening of July 30 on Rainey Trail and Buena Vista Boulevard and when they questioned the driver, 82-year-old Cary De Van, he said he hit a wall inside the golf cart tunnel while driving home.

De Van’s red golf cart had what appeared to be a broken axle, leading deputies to believe he ran over a concrete curb, records show. .......(more)


August 18, 2020

Postmaster should be prosecuted for 'obstructing mail,' suggests ex-U.S. Attorney McQuade

(Detroit Metro Times) The Trump administration’s assault on the U.S. Postal Service ahead of an expected surge in mail-in voting during the general election may amount to obstructing mail, a federal crime, said Barbara McQuade, the former U.S. attorney for Eastern District of Michigan.

Louis DeJoy, a Trump appointee and megadonor, has drawn serious criticism for sweeping changes he’s implemented at USPS since becoming the postmaster general on June 16. The changes, including removing mail-sorting machines and drop boxes, prohibiting employee overtime, and imposing a hiring freeze, have led to delays in mail delivery in many areas, including Michigan.

Trump even admitted Thursday that he’s preventing additional funding for the USPS in order to make it more difficult to handle the influx of mail-in ballots.

DeJoy claims he's fixing inefficiencies in the agency. But critics are wondering why these changes need to happen now, during a pandemic that prevents many people from leaving home.

“Obstructing mail is a federal offense, but who is going to prosecute Trump’s Postmaster General DeJoy in (Attorney General William) Barr’s DOJ?” McQuade, a University of Michigan law professor and legal analyst, tweeted Saturday. .............(more)


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