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Are_grits_groceries's Journal
Are_grits_groceries's Journal
February 24, 2012

All y'all who are so inclined better quit South bashing!

Where do you think the last House Districts were created? They took them out of the NE. The population is growing in the South and West.

We need HEP not harm. (that's help if you aren't fluid in Southernese)

There are a lot of resisters but you hear the nutballs. As for changing, we keep pushing. Any entrenched power group in any area is hard to dig out. They are worse than chiggers.

After the Civil Rights Acts were passed, the Dems wrote off the South. That played right into the GOPeas hands and made it harder to change. If the national Dems had kept up a strong push here to help us, it wouldn't have been as hard. It still would be difficult mind you, but not as much. That action was short-sighted just as anti-South posts are.

(BTW look up Myles Horton and Judge Frank Johnson)

Face it. The South is moving North with climate change. You can look forward to kudzu, fire ants, and armadillos coming to a yard or road near you soon. When the kudzu gets there, remember to keep moving. it can grow 2 feet a day.

People north of the Mason-Dixon line have often taken comfort in thinking that kudzu is a plague of the southern states. However, kudzu has found the climates of Pennsylvania, New York, Massa-
chusetts, Delaware and Connecticut to its liking. Recent surveys documented vigorous colonies in Illinois, including some as far north as Rock Island. The "green plague"is moving north.


Can't we all just get along?
February 24, 2012

Rihanna is going to be seriously injured or killed.

She is playing with fire by messing with Chris Brown. He just had an arrest warrant issued for him because he snatched a fan's iPhone when she took his picture. I don't think anger mnagement worked.

For those of you wonder who cares, consider this. Many young fans look up to both of them. The message they are getting is a very bad one. Brown may consider himself invincible now that he has received another Grammy and performed there.

Unfortunately, Brown has many enablers from his record company to some friends. Other friends of both are said to be scared to death of what may happen.

Does he deserve a second chance? I believe so. However, until he shows a much higher level of maturity and has had a lot of serious, long-term counseling, he needs to be out of the spotlight.

This may end up as another horribly sad, but not unexpected, headline.

February 23, 2012

Reddit Forum Helps Young Terminal Cancer Patient's Book Dream Come True

In what resembled a crowd-sourced take on the Make-A-Wish foundation, social news site Reddit has helped make the literary hopes of a young, terminally ill patient come true. User kivakid created a post asking, "My friend has terminal cancer and may die by June. I’m trying to fulfill one of his last wishes. Is there any way to obtain a copy of a book that hasn’t been released yet?"

The book was an installment of "The War That Came Early," a series by Harry Turtledove, set to release in July of this year.

Over 1,000 Redditers responded suggesting that he reach out to the author personally or ask the publisher for an Advance Reading Copy. This encouraged kivakid to write a letter to Turtledove, and contact the book's publishing house, Del Ray Books. Many also mentioned that they were acquainted with the author's daughters, and would be happy to inform them of the favor.

"It was 2 in the morning when I posted it, and at 7 this guy gave me a call and was like, I can send you the book right now," kivakid says in a video of him sharing the gift with his friend. "And it came the next day. The Internet can do everything."

To concerned readers: The young man was so excited to get his gift that he swears repeatedly, but we think the emotion of the moment warrants his reaction.


Now that's a true friend!

I'll bet Turtedove would have written a short story or something for him if the next book hadn't been ready.

February 23, 2012

Texas Republican Senate Candidate Claims That Being Gay Is A Choice That Will Be Punished By God

Texas Republican Senate Candidate Claims That Being Gay Is A Choice That Will Be Punished By God

Texas Republican senate candidates Craig James, a former NFL player, and Ted Cruz went after former Dallas mayor Tom Leppert (R) for marching in a gay pride parade during a debate yesterday in an effort to portray Leppert as “pro-gay” and out of touch with conservative values. Both men pledged to stay away from gay festivities if elected and James went so far as to suggest that being gay is a choice that will be punished by God:

MODERATOR: Are you saying Mayor Leppert is in favor of gay marriage?
CRUZ: What I am saying is that when a mayor of a city chooses twice to march in a parade celebrating gay pride, that’s a statement – and it’s not a statement I agree with.

JAMES: I think right now in this country, our moral fiber is sliding down a slope that is going to be hard to stop if we don’t stand up with leaders who don’t go ride in gay parades. I can assure you I will never ride in a gay parade. And I hear what you’re saying, Tom, but leaders – our kids out there people need to see examples.
MODERATOR: Do you think people choose to be gay?
JAMES: I think it’s a choice, I do.
MODERATOR: It’s not in the genes?
JAMES: I think that you have to make that choice. But in that case right there, they are going to have to answer to the Lord for their actions. We should not give benefits to those civil unions.


As if I needed another reason to hate Craig James.

He's a 2bit former analyst for ESPN who was awful. He was a running back at SMU, and though he denies it, I'd bet cash money he was on the take too.
His son wasn't a great payer, but with Daddy's help he got a D1 football scholarship to ?texas Tech. When baby couldn't play, James was all over the TT coaching staff with advice. He finally got the coach fired, albeit with a dumb move or two by the coach.
James is a slug who isn't worth the time to pour salt on.

February 23, 2012

Homeland Analysts Told to Monitor Policy Debates in Social Media

WASHINGTON — Analysts for a Department of Homeland Security program that monitors social networks like Twitter and Facebook have been instructed to produce reports on policy debates related to the department, a newly disclosed manual shows.

The manual, a 2011 reference guide for analysts working with the department’s Media Monitoring Capability program, raises questions about recent claims by Homeland Security officials who portrayed the program as limited to gathering information that would help gain operational awareness about attacks, disasters or other emerging problems.

Last month, a previous disclosure of documents related to the program showed that in 2009, when it was being designed, officials contemplated having reports produced about “public reaction to major governmental proposals with homeland security implications.”

But the department said it never put that category into practice when the program began in 2010. Officials repeated that portrayal in testimony last week before an oversight hearing by a House Homeland Security subcommittee.

“I am not aware of any information we have gathered on government proposals,” testified Richard Chavez, the director of the office that oversees the National Operations Center, which runs the program.

They're making a list, checking it twice.....

February 23, 2012

Rules for forecasting the weather as climate change ramps up:

Remember, the next week or day may suddenly be
1-insanely hot or unbearably cold.

It is always
A-tornado season
B-hurricane season
C-flood season
D-any other recognizable condition

Basically, there are no rules. Right now and for the foreseeble future, all patterns are obsolete. It may be a loooooong time before the climate settles down.

February 23, 2012

How real Monopoly games saved 1000's of Allied POW's in WWII:

Starting in 1941, an increasing number of British Airmen found themselves as the involuntary guests of the Third Reich, and the Crown was casting about for ways and means to facilitate their escape...
Now obviously, one of the most helpful aids to that end is a useful and accurate map, one showing not only where stuff was, but also showing the locations of 'safe houses' where a POW on-the-lam could go for food and shelter.
Paper  maps had some real drawbacks -- they make a lot of noise when  you open and fold them, they wear out rapidly, and if they get  wet, they turn into mush.
Someone in MI-5 (similar to America 's OSS ) got the idea of printing escape maps on silk. It's durable, can be scrunched-up into tiny wads, and unfolded as many times as needed, and makes no noise whatsoever.
 At that time, there was only one manufacturer in Great Britain that had perfected the technology of printing on silk, and that was John Waddington, Ltd. When approached by the government, the firm was only too happy to do its bit for the war effort.
By pure coincidence, Waddington was also the U.K. Licensee for the popular American board game, Monopoly. As it happened,  'games and pastimes' was a category of item qualified for insertion into 'CARE packages', dispatched by the International Red Cross to prisoners of war.
Under the strictest of secrecy, in a securely guarded and inaccessible old workshop on the grounds of Waddington's, a group of sworn-to-secrecy employees began mass-producing escape maps, keyed to each region of Germany or Italy where Allied POW camps were regional system). When processed, these maps could be folded into such tiny dots that they would actually fit inside a Monopoly playing piece.
 As long as they were at it, the clever workmen at Waddington's also managed
to add:
1. A playing token, containing a small  magnetic compass
2. A two-part metal file that could easily be screwed together
3. Useful amounts of genuine high-denomination German, Italian, and French
currency, hidden within the piles of Monopoly money!
British  and American air crews were advised, before taking off on  their first mission, how to identify a 'rigged' Monopoly set  -- by means of a tiny red dot, one cleverly rigged to look  like an ordinary printing glitch, located in the corner of the  Free Parking square.
Of  the estimated 35,000 Allied POWS who successfully escaped, an estimated one-third were aided in their flight by the rigged Monopoly sets.. Everyone who did so was sworn to secrecy indefinitely, since the British Government might want to use this highly successful ruse in still another, future war.  
The story wasn't declassified until 2007, when the surviving craftsmen from Waddington's as well as the firm itself, were finally honored in a public ceremony.
It's always nice when you can play that 'Get Out of Jail' Free' card!

(from an email)

Who knew?

February 23, 2012

We gots a Missing Person/187? hot mess with political ties in SC

Tom Sponseller Disappearance Raises Troubling Questions
Tom Sponseller – the leader of one of South Carolina’s most influential political organizations and a man generally considered to be a devoted husband, loving father and doting grandfather – appears to have vanished into thin air.
Police say that a search of Sponseller’s car (which was discovered in its usual spot near his office building) revealed nothing suspicious. Ditto for a search of his office. They also confirmed that Sponseller’s phone and wallet were missing – but have refused to provide any information regarding efforts to track him via his phone or his credit cards. Nor have they revealed whether surveillance cameras captured any of Sponseller’s movements on Saturday (or thereafter).
Specifically, they believe the lobbyist’s disappearance is somehow tied to a former secretary at the association who was recently accused of embezzling funds from the organization. In fact, this woman is apparently the “new lead” that we referenced in our story Wednesday covering the State House vigil held for Sponseller.

Details about this woman (whose name we are withholding at the request of our law enforcement sources) are incredibly sketchy at this point. All we have been able to confirm (aside from her name) is that Sponseller recently fired her from her job at the association. We can’t even confirm at this point whether her termination had anything to do with the embezzlement allegations.

Hope they check the Appalachain Trail and other nature walks.

Where else but in SC can you get such a convoluted tale? (seriously, I hope he's ok)

February 23, 2012

The next Great Topic in the Clown Car debates and screeds:

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

Sanscrotum: None. Angels don't dance.
Mittens: How big are the angels?
Noot: I wrote the book about angels, and let me explain....
Paul: We cannot afford to subsidize anybody for these pins!

Nation: WTF does it matter?

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Hometown: SC
Member since: Tue Oct 7, 2008, 07:35 PM
Number of posts: 17,111
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