Are_grits_groceries's JournalHappy, happy! Joy, joy!

Meet Sofia. She helps her Mama out at the animal shelter.
Obviously the puppehs think she is a sibling.
This is a great little story! Made me smile thru a tear.
Dont care if it is an ad.

I went to bed early and KNEW I was gonna wake up to good news. I had an omen.
My gun ranting bro who is bigly paranoid about somebody taking his guns told me Tuesday afternoon that it was time to get military style weapons off the market and stop unrestricted sales.😳
We grew up in small country churches. The tragedy in Texas was one he could immediately relate to and understand. If he can change....... I know there will always be those who will never change, but you have no idea how huge what he said was. A glimmer of sanity in those country woods.
A change IS gonna come.
Keep resisting.
Woooooo! When Uma Thurman lets loose about harrassment, HOLLYWOOD crumble.
That is one pissed off woman. Gonna be Kill Bill And All The Muthaf******.
I have admired Donna Brazile for a long time. I have disagreed with her on occasion but in general I believe she has been a good member of the Democratic Party.
I have never been so disappointed in somebody like I am Brazile. I have no idea why someone as savvy as she is would write such a book that at the least was not checked thoroughly.
I do not begrudge her writing a book. However, she knows damn well that any kernel of a possible disagreement on the left will be distorted and touted by the right.
In addition, to release it now, right before some vital elections, is inexcusable. She needs to stop trying to explain and digging a deeper hole. She and Warren just need to go away at this point and on this issue.
IMO everybody should be aiming their fire at Trump and the GOP 24/7. If there are disagreements then at this point keep them in house. I would normally not say this but I feel that the country is balancing on a knifes edge. We cannot afford to distract from this.
And I cannot print what I think of the DFA.
This holiday, try the reverse advent calendar basket.
The 'reverse advent calendar' is a way of helping people with limited resources over Christmas. It's the work of a collective called UK Money Bloggers. It entails putting one item of food aside each day over Christmas.
The reverse advent calendar idea is cracking. One item per day in a hamper, take it to a foodbank on/around Dec 25. #Foodbankadvent
Worth the effort!
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