Are_grits_groceries's JournalLawd! Trump is really trying to end life on Earth.
White House 'considering direct military action' against North Korea
Probably trying misdirection from Sessions/Russia.
KJU is batshit crazy.
Actor Bill Paxton has passed.
Complications from surgery.
He was 61.
If one more person tells me I need to try to understand Trump voters or
get to know the issues that concern them, I will dance all over they heads.
I have lived with and am related to many of these people, and at the bottom of it all for many, they are just mad. They want to get 'theirs' back from everybody who took it from them. They think the only reason they aren't rolling in the good life is that immigrants, POC and whoever else got it.
What 'It' consists of is some amorphous basket of things they think they are entitled to.
Before the election, I talked to them about losing the ACA, SS, Medicare, clean water, and gawd knows whar else. They would not listen. They did not believe me.
I quoted the Bible them and they shrugged. They turned their backs on every religious and American value they had so loudly thrown about for years.
I will not coddle them or give them one more inch. Believe me I tried.
If I knew what would work to let them see a glimmer of what is happening, I might still try. I don't think watching a nuclear explosion in the distance would matter to them.
So, for those of you who still want to try. Have at it. I have been around this for YEARS.
They can go to hell.
Edit to add: I kept hearing that I didn't know how mad Trumpkins were.
Well, I am pissed beyond all measure. They ain't seen mad yet. Touch SS or Medicare.
I got into a discussion about FADA & denying service in PUBLIC businesses based on one's beliefs.
Here were his answers to FADA.
de Toqueville
"Here is my approach, one thoroughly thought over during the Scottish Enlightenment, and the the one adopted by the framers of the Constitution: (1) I am the owner of my body; therefore (2) I can do with my body as I wish, but (3) with the primary limitation that my right ends where your right begins. If you believe that I have a legal duty to serve someone I don't want to serve, you've violated this principle because you've placed their rights over mine. I have a right to refrain from using my body in a manner I object to, because it's mine. By contrast, the protected class you want to force me to serve has no corresponding right to demand labor from my body. Otherwise, you've endorsed the peaceful slavery that I quoted from Tocqueville above.""
Lord Moulton on Manners
We must distinguish between should and shouldn't versus legal and illegal. There are plenty of things we "shouldn't" do that don't violate someone's rights and thus should not be illegal. One of the best discussions on this topic appeared in the Atlantic Monthly in 1924 and is titled "Law and Manners." It's a great read and not very long.
I pointed out that de Toqueville also spoke of the " Tyranny of the majority." He cuts both ways.
Then about Lord Moulton and manners whereby those mores would shape better behavior
I told him if my Mama and her sisters were patrolling the streets along with others of like mind, there would be much better behavior. However, it has been proven that trying to rely on manners to dictate behavior leads to "Lord of the Dung Bettles" and worse.
Lawd help me.
This will leave a mark! COMMENTARY: Christianity declared illegal by executive action?
From a pastor in Clemson, SC
Read it all. He ain't skeered to call people out!
COMMENTARY: Christianity declared illegal by executive action?
Christianity has been declared illegal in the United States of America. Theres no prohibition against professing ones faith in Jesus. In fact, speaking the name of the Christian savior is in vogue with the current presidential administration as was evident in the multiple Christian-specific prayers offered at President Trumps inauguration. Prominent religious figures even suggest the most recent election was guided by divine action. The Rev. Franklin Graham declared: I believe Gods hand was in [Trumps election]. But is the hand of God visible in the fruits of this presidency?
Yeah. Screw around and threaten Kim Jong Un.
South Korean news is reporting that Kim Jong Nam, KJU's older brother, has been killed in Malaysia by 2 female agents with a poison needle.They could make ISIS look tame. KJU is batshit crazy.
Somebody at the USTA needs to find our why "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Allies' was
sung at the beginning of a Germany/American match. The players went ballistic and I don't blame them.
The singer apparently deviated from what the fans were singing. His name is Will Kimball. Who is he and what are his connections?
My brother's exploding power bill.
I pay my brother's bill online. It is around $25 a month. I began to do it when he got pinned in by an ice storm and had forgotten to send it in. I kept on and he reimburses me. NBD.
The I saw him at the beginning of January and he warned me the bill would be much higher. He had gotten tired of bundling up for the 'cold' and was using space heaters. The bill came in at $97.
I asked him then if he was living in a refrigerator? I also told him he was gonna burn hisself up using those heaters. He lives in a very, very old 4-room woodframe house.
The other thing I told him was to expect a visit from the authorities. That type of power rise would be flagged somewhere. He told me that this was a one off and the bill should go back down.
So I get the next bill and it's $160. I called him and asked him what the hell he was really doing. I get the 'I am cold' scenario. He will be bringing me moneys this week to pay for that.
I am highly skeptical of his story. I am tempted to drive down there, but then I might have to testify.
Anybody else have questions besides me about this?
My FB post aimed at my 'Xtian' Trump followers:
Jesus returned.
He was picked up in Amarillo working in a homeless shelter.
ICE has him jailed in a detention center somewhere.
I'd ask you to pray for him but I don't think he wants to hear from you now.
Question: Was your '30 pieces of silver' made by direct deposit from Trump, your God?
What? You think he'd be in the White House planning with Bannon? You are reading 'Mein Kampf' and not the Bible if you do.
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