Demsrule86's JournalWarnock up iin just wow
Early voted in Ohio today...Cleveland. The lines were long but hubs who had spinal surgery last year
was concerned about standing for a long time so he brought his walker which he uses if he has to stand or walk long distances...and they let us go in handicapped line where there were chairs...we were out in about a half an hour. I turned in our mail order ballots and cast my early vote ballot. I want my ballot counted on election night. Everyone had on a mask.
Just checked. It seems you can early vote if you requested a ballot...
they cancel the ballot and issue a new one...but you should early vote if you are not using your mail in ballot...different if you vote on election day. Based on this article, you do not need your ballot when you early vote.
"If you do have a burning desire to vote in-person, I would suggest that you come down [to the BOE] for early voting, where we can simply cancel the ballot we sent you, and issue a regular ballot," said West. Going to your local BOE is the simplest way if you change your mind, because if you go to a polling location on election day, your name will be flagged. You would then have to cast a provisional ballot, which are ballots that are set aside because of questions and are counted after issues are resolved."
Anyone else wonder if he knew he had it on Tuesday and showed up late no test to infect Biden?
His entire worthless family did also. And none of them wore masks...careless people.
They were careless people, Tom and Daisy they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.
Former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale hospitalized after threatening self-harm
AOC has reached out to Sanders supporters and other progressives and told them
they must vote for Biden...My daughter's best friend has take down her Facebook anti-Biden posts...I talked until I turned blue but it seems as if she and others will now vote enthusiastically for Biden...could make a difference...could have a landslide with a united party...that would be wonderful Text or leave a message for AOC thanking her for her hard work.
We Are going to beat Trump...believe
From Small towns to big cities; We are going to win!
"...there are only about 3000 registered Democrats in Van Wert county (with a population of 28,744). Last checked, the racial makeup of the county was 97.43% White and the median income was $39,497. Not surprisingly, Van Wert County is a stronghold Republican county in presidential elections. In 2016, Donald Trump won 80% of the votes cast in the county.
You might think this is a lonely place to be a Democrat. You might think it is the kind of place where Democrats have to hide what they believe in. It used to be.
Dan tells me that its really noticeably different from what it was like in 2016. Typically Democrats in this area keep their heads low. Not this year..."
Dan has been working his ass off at democratic headquarters and he is not alone in working hard. He said he is seeing excitement for Biden in rural Ohio. He keeps running out of signs. He cant get them printed fast enough to keep up with the demand. A group of registered Democrats in his county raised over $7000 to buy all the available billboards in the county. So every billboard will be a Biden billboard. They did this in about 72 hours.
Joe Biden's speech in Minnesota today in it's entirety...barn burner of a speech. Enjoy
Arizona Stands Out From a Mostly Static Presidential Race in Battleground States
Biden has improved his numbers during the convention and amid civil unrest. Take that 'doom and gloomers.' Biden is going to win with large numbers and we will know on election day although I predict as time passes the win will only get bigger. I have also posted what the map would look like if we truly win all the close could happen hard and vote!!!
Despite two weeks of party conventions and amid civil unrest prompted by the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., the state of the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden stands largely unchanged from its pre-convention numbers in some of the countrys most-contested states with the notable exception of Arizona.
While Biden was trailing the president in the Southwestern battleground by 2 percentage points in an Aug. 7-16 Morning Consult poll conducted before the Aug. 17 start of the Democratic National Convention, the former vice president has improved his margin over Trump by 12 points.
According to the Aug. 21-30 survey of 943 likely Arizona voters, which has a 3-point margin of error, Biden leads Trump, 52 percent to 42 percent, driven by a 10-point increase in support among Arizona men, statistically tying him with Trump (49 percent to 45 percent), and a 7-point increase in support with suburban Arizonans, who now favor Biden by 9 points, 51 percent to 42 percent. He also leads among women (55 percent to 40 percent) and independents (51 percent to 37 percent) in the state.
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Ohio
Home country: USA
Current location: Bedford OH
Member since: Wed Jul 13, 2011, 08:37 AM
Number of posts: 70,542