heaven05's Journalbut, but, yeah, yeah, yeah
I watched a video of her when she appeared in a political venue. No, your explanation and defence. You are entitled to have your political candidates. Go for it. I WILL but, but until our Party has the unity or not needed to defeat the real enemies, the RW and not ANY Democrat. As much as 'blue dogs' ect bug the shit out of me, they don't sit out elections whining. They vote Democratic Party. You have a good one. Done with you.
you are wrong
implying that you have some kind of record of the poster. It is taken by me as a threat and is threatening just because you believe AOC is some kind of "fine young democrat". She is young and she is a socialist democrat of a minor faction in our big tent Democratic Party. Your implied threat to Lapucelle WILL NOT stand. You have no idea who you are threatening or how her friends might take your threat.
AOC not letting the media in implies some type of socialist-democrat skullduggery to me. It almost seems fascist as one of my friends said after reading her BS on why she had the right to tell the media to shove off.
The leader of that minor faction of which she readily embraced in trying to destroy Democratic candidates all over this country with personal appearances with her mentor BS, even to Hawaii, during these last primaries, THIS MONTH, has always said he is not a Democrat and does not want to be one. He has voted with our Party at times, but not always. I do not trust him to represent my concerns in these perilous times as I do Democrats, tried and true. nor the faction represented by AOC, at this time.A nd this since I started voting many, many years ago. Nothing "fine" about tearing down tried and true Democrats. They tried it with my candidate, they blew it. The Democratic Party won, not a faction of it.
I just wish they would help/join our Party and quit trying to tear it down.
you are wrong
implying that you have some kind of record of the poster. It is taken by me as a threat and is threatening just because you believe AOC is some kind of "fine young democrat". She is young and she is a socialist democrat of a minor faction in our big tent Democratic Party. Your implied threat to Lapucelle WILL NOT stand. You have no idea who you are threatening or how her friends might take your threat.
AOC not letting the media in implies some type of socialist-democrat skullduggery to me. It almost seems fascist as one of my friends said after reading her BS on why she had the right to tell the media to shove off.
The leader of that minor faction of which she readily embraced in trying to destroy Democratic candidates all over this country with personal appearances with her mentor BS, even to Hawaii, during these last primaries, THIS MONTH, has always said he is not a Democrat and does not want to be one. He has voted with our Party at times, but not always. I do not trust him to represent my concerns in these perilous times as I do Democrats, tried and true. And this since I started voting many, many years ago. Nor that faction either. Nothing "fine" about tearing down tried and true Democrats. They tried it with my candidate, they blew it. The Democratic Party won, not a faction of it.
I just wish they would help/join our Party and quit trying to tear it down.
I dumped that OP
because it is not worthy of debate when it might give some who don't see a problem with white racist police officers killing unarmed innocent or unarmed running away maybe not so innocent AA more ammunition to point to try to prove one racist point or another.
I did find out what meso-level analysis is how as a level of analysis is obtained about POPULATION size relative to the analysis of any given studies data numbers. I think I have this right. I feel at this time and in these times I should be careful of any debate that might be misconstrued.
disrespected by other POC like this one, on a regular basis. These types in my book want to prove to their white overseers that they are good haters just like the most virulently hateful racist.
trump, leader(in US)
of the Party of PUTIN and WSP/GOP. Amerika has finally put on its true predatory capitalist face(orange) and turned to Americans and our allies, that for decades have been there for us, and on that world stage said, you're getting screwed, I don't care and there is NOTHING you will be able to do about it.
Unless Mueller finds something really that will turn everyone against our orange nightmare. I know he's being precisely careful. I WANT THIS orange NIGHTMARE TO GO AWAY. I have it every day and night
proposed because
the white caller, by and large, wants to see the death of a black person. You know I grew up in a time and a place where white people openly called AA, a n****r. That was race-based. No white person was arrested for that or even chastised. Well, the reason a law like the one proposed should be race specific now is the white people's potus has told some of the same kind of hateful racist pigs that they can use that word openly now, AGAIN. Wow, deja vu, RACIST ameriKKKan HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF which they think gives them the green light to bring about a 21st-century lynching of a n****r, death by the white police officer responding to a bogus call. I don't know why I waste my time since people know motivation here and deny up and down.
That's what's sad and maddening about ameriKKKan racism. It would go away if WHITE people stood up. They won't and haven't in great enough numbers to end it. The closest we got to a person who might have helped end it was MLK. ONE of the reasons he was assassinated was because he was a unifying factor in race relations and white people were standing up in great numbers. He died, Robert Kennedy who I believe might have been a champion of equality was assassinated. All downhill after that. Nixon-Atwater, Reagan, Bush and now trump the arch-racist as potus. He wants us at each other's throats and the ones he represents, they have made sure we stay there.
All this diversion, distraction and denials concerning Becky and Bob, the racist police calling on ni**ers twins, is very, very telling.
Doesn't have to be
in an article when the white person perpetrating the white hate privilege and entitlement insults a perfectly legal and innocent black person like the Becky's and Bob's have continually done and continue to do. It simple la paz for those who have common sense and/or are on the receiving end of Becky and Bob's hate.
You are wrong
the white person calling on those people at the pools say we're asserting that the pool was a "white space" unattainable to AA. Only some dunce asserting their white privilege and entitlement rules would think silly, stupid shit like that but they do. The Becky's calling on sleeping and eating AA women in predominantly white colleges were asserting the same white privilege and entitlement the pool Becky's and Bob's did. Those black women did not belong there in that 'white space'.
You can dance all around white hate being the motivation for these Becky's and Bob'sracist hate at being affronted by black skin in a place they would like to keep white, doesn't make the grade.
The hate looks I get NOW, that I haven't had to endure since partially growing up in the South in the 50's started with these Becky and Bob calls and they tell me what they are insulted by. But their potus trump enabling and emboldening these racist pigs has given them the green light to let what's been hidden all these years out. Simple for a person on the receiving end to deduct. You want to be insulted by someone stating the truth of what a Becky or Bob is asserting when they call the police on a perfectly innocent and legal action/activity by a black person invading, their motivation, a "white space"? Okay. I don't care.
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