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NurseJackie's Journal
NurseJackie's Journal
December 30, 2019


No he can't. Not with all the trash-talk and denigration of Democrats and the Democratic party. He fell short once before and in the intervening time period, he's continued to smear our party. That's no way to win-over Hillary voters. Fact of the matter is this: the Democratic party is NOT "feeble" ... and it's NOT "ideologically bankrupt" ... and it's NOT "corrupt" ... and it's NOT "the same as the GOP" ... and it's NOT "the party of the elite" ... and it's NOT "the party of the one percent" ... and it's NOT a bunch of "do nothings" ... and it's NOT TRUE that Democrats "focus too much on diversity" ... and it's NOT TRUE that Democrats "don't care about climate change".

So many lies and smears. I'm sick of it. (And I'm not the only one either.)
December 30, 2019

Excellent analysis! Thank you.

Here's why Hillary won the primaries on her second try, but Bernie probably won't.

The first time Hillary ran, she ran against Obama. Many of us would have been happy with either one as President. (I didn't even go to the caucuses that year because I liked both of them equally.) Then Obama, after he won, made her Secretary of State -- giving us all even more reason to support her next time. And she waited to run again till Obama had finished his two terms, so the voters who preferred him didn't have to choose between them.

Bernie lost to Hillary by 4 million votes. To win a majority this second time, he's going to have to get millions of votes from Hillary people. How many of them are going to pick the man who is STILL railing against the "Democratic establishment" and against Democrats like Hillary? If he only wins a plurality, then the winner will be chosen at the convention -- the electors will choose the nominee in subsequent ballot(s). What are the odds that the electors will choose the candidate with a minority of votes who rails against the "establishment"?

Which is more likely? That voters/electors who preferred Hillary will pick Sanders this time -- or that they'll pick Warren, Biden, Klobuchar, etc.?
Excellent analysis! Thank you.

December 28, 2019

Total horse shit...

We will win when we put somebody on that ballot that excites the base
Total horse shit. That's not "the base" that's being described.

The "base" of the Democratic party are the ones who are LOYAL to the party. The "base" are the ones who ALWAYS VOTE in every election. The "base" of the Democratic party are the ones who only vote for Democrats. The "base" are the ones who volunteer, donate, canvass, stuff-envelopes, man phone banks, hand out flyers at polling places.

The "base" doesn't need to be convinced to do anything. It's very insulting for anyone to 1) act like the base aren't loyal... and 2) try to pretend that the unreliable and malcontent voters are the "base" (they're not!)

The real "base" will vote for the party's nominee even if they aren't thrilled that their first choice didn't make it. The real "base" doesn't need to be personally excited or "in-love" with the nominee. The "base" will vote for the Democrat because it's good for the country, not because their own personal vanities have been validated and not because their egos have been stroked.

All I'm saying is the far-left malcontents, and the unreliable youth-vote are NOT the base.

December 27, 2019

"That's propaganda not journalism." --- Yes indeed.

That's propaganda not journalism.
Yes indeed. And copying-and-pasting from campaign press releases and PAC press releases is not journalism either. It's lazy.
December 27, 2019

Tell me about it. Their "writers" are the WORST! Copying-and-pasting from press releases...

Tell me about it. Their "writers" are the WORST! Copying-and-pasting from press releases is not journalism.

December 18, 2019

Well! The delicate Southern Gentleman from South Carolina is having what can only be described as...

Well! I do declare! The delicate Southern Gentleman from South Carolina is having what can only be described as a hissy fit. If you listen very carefully, you can hear the unmistakable sounds of Little Lindsey stomp-stomp-stomping his way down the terrazzo floors in the Halls of Congress. Click-click-click go the heels and toes of his high-gloss patent leather tap shoes. The shine is so bright you might overlook his color-coordinated ankle-high socks embroidered with his initials in the cuff. Eventually he reaches his office and slams the door behind him with a level of force and strength that defies the meek appearance he has when wearing his short pants and matching waistcoat. Still, even with the door firmly closed, passers-by can hear the shrill shrieks emanating from behind the polished oak door... along with the unmistakable sounds of his glass menagerie collection being thrown to the floor. Why! Lordy, you never heard such a fuss! Someone needs to check on him.

December 17, 2019

That really is an impressive "get" for the Biden campaign! And the BS campaign is denied...

That really is an impressive "get" for the Biden campaign! And it looks like the BS campaign is denied yet another coveted endorsement that would have really gone a long way to help him with gaining a little support from the AA and POC communities. I have to be honest here, it really looks like BS campaign is really struggling in that regard and without the strong support of the AA community, his chances of becoming our party's nominee are zero.

December 14, 2019

Cenk is a disgusting liar. He defends/advocates bestiality (as long as the horse is satisfied)

Cenk is a disgusting liar. He defends/advocates bestiality (as long as the horse is satisfied) ... "whinny-whinny" so apparently as long as the horse comes, then it's not animal abuse.

I've never heard anything more disgusting in my life! It's sick. He's sick sick SICK!

It's NOT ENOUGH for Bernie to simply "withdraw" his endorsement. That's the chicken-shit way out. Too easy. Instead, Bernie needs to take this opportunity to show the world what kind of leader he can be. He needs to condemn Cenk for his statements that promote and defend sexual animal abuse.

Jesus! This is some sick shit!

Bernie needs to step up!

Cenk needs to go away! Forever!

December 14, 2019

So... in other words... Cenk is a LIAR...

So... in other words... Cenk is a LIAR... in addition to being an advocate/defender of bestiality.

Looks like they've really screwed-the-pooch on this one (pardon the intentional pun.)

Sick! Perverted. Vomit-inducing!

December 14, 2019

He's has not done the "right thing" ... he's taken the easy way out. The endorsement was refused...

He's has not done the "right thing" ... he's taken the easy way out. The endorsement was refused, it wasn't a retraction. Cenk gave him "cover".

Bernie didn't take-back something of value or something that was wanted or desired by Cenk. (If it was something that Cenk actually wanted, I guess he should have given him a horse.)

In any case, Cenk's "refusal" of the endorsement make it easy for Bernie. What's needed now is for Bernie to condemn Cenk for his disgusting comments and defense/advocation of bestiality. That will be a true test of conviction and leadership. I hope Bernie passes this test. But... we're still waiting for him to do the right thing.

And I must say, Cenk's "whinnying" horse-impersonation... trying to convey a sexually satisfied horse... was VOMIT INDUCING.

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