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NurseJackie's Journal
NurseJackie's Journal
February 23, 2019

Thank goodness I haven't heard any DEMOCRATS saying...

Thank goodness I haven't heard any DEMOCRATS saying demoralizing and false things like... Democrats are "ideologically bankrupt".

I'm very relieved that "other candidates" are not going around saying that Democrats are "feeble" or "corrupt". This is dangerous rhetoric that only divides the party.

I would be extremely disappointed if I heard "other candidates" saying that the Democratic party is an "absolute failure" or that the Democratic party is "the party of the one-percent" or "party of the elite". That's the kind of disinformation that tarnishes the appeal of the Democratic party.

All I'm trying to say is that when anyone says things that imply or insinuate that there's "no difference between Democrats and Republicans"... well, it simply serves no good purpose.

What it does do, however (when people say things like that) is to create disunity and distrust. That kind of "stoking the fires" only makes people resentful and suspicious. Ultimately, that weakens the Democratic party. It dissuades people from supporting Democrats... and in the end that ONLY serves to benefit the GOP, and Trump, and Russia.

February 23, 2019

How do you feel when a candidate trashes the entire Democratic party with lies and smears?

If you don't like a candidate do you have to trash him/her?
How do you feel when a candidate trashes the entire Democratic party with lies and smears? Should people remain silent for the sake of some sort of fake and forced "unity"... while the DISINFORMATION continues to be spread about the party?

Is it too much to ask for us to remain positive?
I simply cannot accept and will not stand by, pretending to be "positive", when I hear someone declaring that Democrats are "ideologically bankrupt", or that Democrats are "feeble" and "corrupt".

The only way we lose in 2020 is if we fight among ourselves.
Do you consider it to be "fighting among ourselves" when loyal party members push-back against the demoralizing lies about how the Democratic party is an "absolute failure"... or that the Democratic party is "the party of the one-percent" (or the "party of the elite'')?

The foreign and domestic trolls and bots are going to be worse than 2016,
I fear you're correct on that point, and that's why I will always speak out against the SMEARS and LIES and DISINFORMATION about Democrats and the Democratic party that is the root cause of much of the division, suspicion and distrust.

All I'm trying to say is this... it's simply NOT TRUE that there's "no difference between Democrats and Republicans" and we should have to remain silent and be on our best polite behavior whenever this type of divisive disinformation is being spread. What good purpose does it do to smile and stay quiet in the face of such obvious lies and smears?

These lies about Democrats and the Democratic party only serve to demoralize us and divide us. If low-information voters have been convinced that there's "no difference" in the parties, then they end up having no reason to vote for Democrats (or to vote at all!)

Here's the thing... these lies only serve to TARNISH and WEAKEN the Democratic party... and a weakened party only benefits the GOP, and Trump, and Russia! I refuse to remain silent and I will call-out and push-back against the disinformation campaign against the Democratic party.
February 22, 2019

Nobody is smearing him. But I'll tell you what IS a smear...

So folks should be blasting him continuously, right?
Nobody is "blasting" him continuously. Valid (though pointed) criticisms are difficult to hear, I agree, but these things must be deeply and thoroughly vetted now. Those things aren't "smears". But I'll tell you what IS a smear... and that's when we hear someone saying things like... Democrats are "ideologically bankrupt" and Democrats are "feeble". Obviously, that's completely untrue.

I strongly believe it's important for anyone who wants to represent the Democratic party to be someone who can unite the party and motivate the party. It simply serves no good purpose for anyone to publicly state that the Democrats are "corrupt" or that the Democratic party is an "absolute failure". Those types of smears do not unite or motivate us.

And lastly, I think it's vital that we stand up to anyone who says that the Democratic party is "the party of the one-percent", or that the Democrats are the party is the "party of the elite". Again... totally false!

Again, I totally understand that it can be difficult to listen to valid criticism of one's favorite candidate. But what's worse is when people make excuses for the FALSE rhetoric about the Democratic party that's regularly being bandied about.

Things like that very dangerous (and demoralizing). WHAT GOOD PURPOSE does it serve for someone to make false statements that infer that there's "no difference between Democrats and Republicans." Nothing could be further from the truth! It's bullying and it erodes trust in the party and in each other. It's so harmful and I'll never hesitate to speak out against the lies.

All I'm trying to say here is that these types of smears only divide us. They make us suspicious of each other and question motives and agendas. And all of those things only serve to demoralize us and weaken us as a party. It's very destructive, and anything that weakens the Democratic party only serves to benefit the GOP, and Trump, and Russia.
February 22, 2019

I believe that anyone who wants to represent the Democratic party should avoid saying things like...

I believe that anyone who wants to represent the Democratic party should avoid saying things like... Democrats are "ideologically bankrupt" and Democrats are "feeble". Obviously, that's completely untrue

I also believe it's important for anyone who wants to represent the Democratic party to be someone who can unite the party and motivate the party. It simply serves no good purpose for anyone to publicly state that the Democrats are "corrupt" or that the Democratic party is an "absolute failure". Those types of smears do not unite or motivate us.

And lastly, I think it's vital that we stand up to anyone who says that the Democratic party is "the party of the one-percent", or that the Democrats are the party is the "party of the elite". Again... totally false!

It's very dangerous (and demoralizing) to someone who's supposed to be our ally making false statements that clearly infer that there's "no difference between Democrats and Republicans." Nothing could be further from the truth!

All I'm trying to say here is that these types of smears only divide us. They make us suspicious of each other and question motives and agendas. And all of those things only serve to demoralize us and weaken us as a party. It's very destructive, and anything that weakens the Democratic party only serves to benefit the GOP, and Trump, and Russia.

February 21, 2019

Nope. I prefer the genuine article. The conditional phrase "as a" tells me all I need to know.

The same way that buttery-spray toppings are sold "as a" butter substitute... they're not actually butter, are they?

If he were to win the majority of primaries, would that qualify him as a Democrat?
He won't.

Or should we ask, what is a Democrat?
There are many answers to that, but I can start by telling you that it's not someone who accuses the Democratic party of being "corrupt" or "ideologically bankrupt" that's for sure. Nor is it someone who suggests that there's no difference between the GOP and the Democratic party with accusations that the Democrats are "the party of the elite" and "the party of the one-percent".

All I'm saying, in answer to your last question, is that an actual Democrat would be doing everything in his or her power to strengthen and promote the party... not to tear it down, denigrate and divide the party. For those who do such things it's completely fair to call them out on it.

I think every reasonable person can agree that a divided Democratic party, one that's suspicious and distrustful, is a weakened party. Sadly, that only serves to benefit the GOP, and Trump, and Russia. I just don't understand why anyone would do or say things that harm our party, and that benefit the GOP.

February 20, 2019

I must agree with you on that. It's very tiresome and demoralizing to hear...

So tired of the Bernie attacks.
I must agree with you on that. I am too! It's very tiresome and demoralizing to hear someone saying that the Democrats are "ideologically bankrupt" and "corrupt".

They play into the foreign attacks on our system to divide us.
I know what you mean. It's very divisive to hear attacks that claim that the Democratic party is "the party of the elite" and that Democrats represent "the one percent"... when nothing could be further from the truth.

Fact of the matter is that NONE of the above are true... but the repeated attacks like that on Democrats and the Democratic party definitely cause division, resentment and suspicion. It certainly isn't the kind of thing to motivate people to support the Democratic party (either with their vote, or their time, or their donations).

All I'm saying is that this just plays into the myth that "both parties are the same"... and that's simply not true. But with enough repetition, people begin to believe it and they have no reason to vote for Democrats at all.

Sadly that weakens the party, and a weakened Democratic party only serves to benefit the GOP, and Trump, and Russia.

February 17, 2019

Allies are supposed to be supportive.

as a Democratic ally his voice matters
Allies are supposed to be supportive. Can anyone explain how it's supportive for anyone to claim that the Democratic party is the "party of the elite" or that the Democratic party is "an absolute failure". What good purpose does that serve?

every voice matters on our side
All I'm saying is that I have an entirely different interpretation of what "on our side" means... and the constant denigration and attacks and smears of Democrats and the Democratic party isn't the behavior I'd expect from anyone who's actually "on our side".

It certainly doesn't promote unity and healing of past divisions. In fact, it's clear to me that when anyone says these things (or defends these things) it only serves to weaken the party and to cause suspicion and distrust.

And, as always... the only one who benefits from a divided and weakened Democratic party is the GOP, and Trump, and Russia.
February 17, 2019

Nobody is chasing away Bernie supporters.

There are plenty of people telling Bernie to go away
Nobody is chasing away Bernie supporters.

I think most Bernie supporters want the chance to welcomed as anyone else
I think that mature individuals are perfectly capable of not taking things personally, and of understanding that rejection of a politicians divisive rhetoric does not mean that they themselves are not "welcomed".

as anyone else with good left of GOP ideas to run
Well, there's where we part ways. I am STRONGLY OPPOSED to the smears and attacks and lies and divisive rhetoric about Democrats and the Democratic party.

It's simply NOT TRUE that Democrats are "ideologically bankrupt" or that Democrats are "feeble".

There is NOTHING AT ALL that's "left of GOP" for anyone to claim that Democrats are "corrupt" or that the Democratic party is an "absolute failure".

Maybe there are too many hurt feelings for that to happen, but I’m just talking out loud.
You're right about that. There is much distrust and it certainly doesn't help to heal wounds and unite people when someone tells LIES such as the Democratic party is "the party of the one-percent" or that the Democratic party is the "party of the elite".

There's even a DU rule that says it's not permitted to argue that there's "no difference between Democrats and Republicans." But some politicians are cheered and praised when those false statements are made. Why? What good purpose does it serve?

I can assure you that it does NOTHING to strengthen the party. It does nothing to heal old wounds. It only creates further division and distrust.

All I'm saying is that the smears and lies about Democrats are completely unnecessary and they harm and weaken the party. Anything that weakens the Democratic party only serves to benefit Russia. Therefore, in my opinion, intentionally dividing and tarnishing the Democratic party is MUCH WORSE than any "go away, Bernie" message that may hurt someone's ego.

I think it's perfectly reasonable for me to assert that the appeal and strength of the Democratic party is much more important than the feelings of one man or one woman.
February 17, 2019

But, we can make some fairly accurate educated guesses using common sense.

No one knows what the future holds.
That's very true, nobody knows. But, we can make some fairly accurate educated guesses using common sense.

There are several others who have no shot at getting nominated.
But in their favor, those 2nd-tier candidates aren't saying that Democrats are "do-nothings" and they aren't saying that the Democratic party "doesn't care about climate change."

Also in their favor, even though the lesser-known and underfunded candidates aren't likely to be nominated, I view it as a very positive thing that they don't make divisive claims about how Democrats "focus too much" on diversity.

I'm very glad to see that those "underdog" candidates do not resort to petty lies about the Democratic party, and they they don't make divisive claims that the Democrats who "are very big into diversity" aren't "particularly sympathetic" to the working class.

Instead, what these first-time candidates are doing is BUILDING UP the Democratic party and CREATING EXCITEMENT for the Democratic party. They don't need to tear down the party in order to make themselves look good. Honestly now, what good purpose does that serve?

All I'm saying is that even though "there are several others who have no shot at getting nominated" ... at least they aren't bitter about it and they don't use divisive rhetoric to tarnish the brand of the Democratic Party or to make false suggestions that both parties are the same.
February 17, 2019

Are you "happy to hear him talking about"...

Always happy to hear him talking about the problems we face
Are you "happy to hear him talking about" divisive smears of how the Democrats are "ideologically bankrupt" and Democrats are "feeble".

Do you agree with the claim that Democrats are "corrupt" and that the Democratic party is an "absolute failure"? -- I certainly don't agree with it... so I'm wondering how this can be "music to your ears".

I'm good with him running again.
Are you also "good with him" making false accusations that the Democratic party is "the party of the one-percent" or that the Democratic party is the "party of the elite".

All I'm trying to say here is that these things are divisive and do not encourage others to vote for Democrats, or to support the Democratic party. It doesn't encourage volunteerism, participation, or donors.

Things like that serve no good purpose at all. What it actually does it create distrust and division and that weakens the party. It destroys the party's resolve and unity. A disunited party is a weak party, and that ONLY serves to benefit the GOP, and Trump, and Russia.

That's not music to my years. We can do better. We need a candidate who can unite us... and he's not the one.

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