NurseJackie's JournalWell, that's really the thing, isn't it? Same goes for...
Well, that's really the thing, isn't it? Same goes for being able to effectively handle and respond to questions from the "unfair" press.
Clearly it's a difficult challenge, but it's something that anyone who ascribes to be Leader of the Free World needs to be adept at doing. If a candidate were to have a staged "interview" instead of talking directly to the press, then that would suggest an inability to deal with others in an adversarial situation.
Candidates who seek national office need to have the right temperament and demeanor to handle that type of pressure. Not everyone has it.
Candidates also need to be able to be well-versed on the issues and be able to speak extemporaneously and with confidence... not relying on well rehearsed "talking points" or "stump speeches" or "applause lines" (or other bumper sticker catch phrases). Again, not every candidate has that ability.
I think what we're seeing here is that the cream really does rise to the top.
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