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NurseJackie's Journal
NurseJackie's Journal
February 17, 2020

Instead, let ME know when the incessant divisive attacks on the Democratic Party have stopped.

Let me know when the incessant divisive attacks on Sanders have stopped.
Instead, let ME know when the incessant divisive attacks on the Democratic Party have stopped.

It's NOT TRUE that Democrats are "ideologically bankrupt". It's NOT TRUE that the Democratic party is "intellectually bankrupt". It's NOT TRUE that Democrats are "feeble". It's NOT TRUE that Democrats are "corrupt". It's not true that the primary is "rigged". It's NOT TRUE that the Democratic party is an "absolute failure". It's NOT TRUE that the Democratic party is "the party of the one-percent". It's NOT TRUE that the Democratic party is the "party of the elite". It's NOT TRUE that there's "no difference between Democrats and Republicans." It's NOT TRUE that Democrats are "do-nothings". It's NOT TRUE that the Democratic party "doesn't care about climate change." It's NOT TRUE that the Democrats "focus too much" on diversity. It's also NOT TRUE that people who the refuse to vote for an African-American because of his skin color "aren't racists". It's also NOT TRUE that the Democrats who "are very big into diversity" aren't "particularly sympathetic" to the working class.

All I'm saying is that these kinds of smears and attacks and lies only serve to weaken the party. Negativity generates apathy. Apathy discourages voter turnout. Low voter turnout gives Republicans a chance to steal the elections.
February 17, 2020

Jane also said this on General Election Day...

Jane also said this on General Election Day (see below). She wasn't encouraging her followers to vote for the Democrat. It's clear that she was giving her followers "permission" to vote for someone other than the Democrat. In this case, she was specifically expressing her APPROVAL that someone had voted for Jill Stein.

It's clear to me that Jane is no fan of (nor friend to) Democrats or the Democratic party. What good purpose does it serve for her to go around saying things like this? Why denigrate Democratic candidates. Why create resentment and distrust? It only serves divide and weaken our party. It only serves to drive-away folks that would otherwise vote for Democrats and support the party... so why do it? Why say such things? Why the hostility and bitterness?

Is she going rogue? Or does she need her own advisor to help her craft her message and stay on-message? (And in this case, the crafted message would ideally be one that benefits Democrats and the Democratic party.)

February 13, 2020

He has also spent a lifetime of painting the Democratic party as being "corrupt"...

He has also spent a lifetime of painting the Democratic party as being "corrupt" and "feeble". Why would anyone want to support a party when they're constantly being told that "Democrats are ideologically bankrupt" and "Democrats are intellectually bankrupt". How does it attract voters into the process and to our party whenever they continually hear that "Democrats are the party of the elite" and "the party of the one-percent".

Why would ANYONE turn out for Democrats when the party is being smeared and denigrated with LIES about how "Democrats are the same as Republicans" and "there's no difference between the GOP and Democrats"??

Honestly, I'm sick of it! This is the type of rhetoric that divides and weakens the party. It drives people AWAY from the party. It does not encourage people to vote, or to become involved. It does not motivate people to support down-ticket candidates, nor does it motivate people to donate or volunteer or canvass or phone bank or work the polling places.

It's divisive. It creates suspicion and resentment. WHY DO THAT? WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT?? WHY???

I promise you this, I will NEVER reward that type of bad behavior. I'm a loyal and stalwart Democrat. I refuse to hand-over my party to a Socialist who has nothing but contempt for the Democratic party.

Seriously... all I'm trying to say is the Bernie's negativity generates apathy. Apathy discourages voter turnout. Low voter turnout gives Republicans a chance to steal the elections. What good purpose does that serve?

February 13, 2020

If anyone refuses to vote for our party's nominee... they're not the base. The base doesn't do that.

If anyone refuses to vote for our party's nominee... they're not the base. The base doesn't do that. The base also doesn't make threats to sit-out or to vote third-party.

What's "quite well known" is that nobody is "automatically" part of the base due to their age or gender or ethnic background... those things are irrelevant. They BECOME the base because of their actions and participation and support and their loyalty through thick and thin.

The people you're describing... the one's who'll you think will "walk" or abandon the party... those aren't the base (they're selfish). The base doesn't pout. The base doesn't try to "punish". The base doesn't need constant validation, strokes or ego-boosters and compliments. All of your arguments are sheer fallacy and nothing more.

February 12, 2020

I'm not. Millennials are an unreliable voting bloc...

I'm not. Millennials are an unreliable voting bloc.

The phrase "would support" comes across as having a subtext or more accurate meaning of "would grudgingly support if that was the only option". I'm not interpreting this as having a great deal of enthusiasm for choosing a Socialist to represent our party.

There are just too many good and loyal and stalwart DEMOCRATS to choose from. Why would we, as a party, ever need to dip into the Socialist pool? It's just totally unnecessary.

I say we should stick with our own: Democrats.

All I'm saying is that anyone who has such hostility and contempt for the Democratic party... to the point where they're telling LIES about "Democrats being corrupt" or LIES about "Democrats are ideologically bankrupt" or LIES about "Democrats are the party of the elite" or LIES about "no difference between Democrats and Republicans"... well, it's clear to me that anyone who says such things should not be the leader and standard-bearer of our party. That's all.

We can do better.

February 11, 2020

Oh please. Stop it! No, it's not "bickering" it's getting to the truth...

I repeat, we are only hurting ourselves by bickering about our candidates, and the repubs are loving it. We have incredibly fantastic candidates, all of them are worthy of the Presidency, so lets stop the bickering among us and lets start promoting memes that hurt the con and the thugs in the Senate.
No, it's not "bickering" it's getting to the truth... it's vetting. No, they're not all "incredibly fantastic"... that's what this is all about, finding out who's "incredible" and who's simply not-credible. I want to see an "incredible" DEMOCRAT nominated to be our country's leader and the standard-bearer of our great party. It's very clear to me that a SOCIALIST who continually expresses the greatest level of contempt for our party is NOT the person to lead it. I simply cannot support anyone who denigrates the party and tells divisive lies that our party is "the party of the elite" or "the party of the one-percent" (everyone knows that's not true.)

I do not consider someone to be "incredibly fantastic" if they proclaim the Democratic party to be "corrupt" and "feeble" and "ideologically bankrupt" and "intellectually bankrupt". Those lies aren't going to motivate people to join the party or volunteer or donate or run.

It's not "progressive" to stubbornly stick to a "no compromise" philosophy for the sole purpose of being able to brag and boast about how one didn't compromise. Yet, in doing that... in FAILING to find common ground and mutual interests... in FAILING to accept a little less if the opposition would do the same... because of someone's PRIDE, we should accept NOTHING?? That's not progress. There's nothing progressive about that at all. In fact, it's simply maintaining the "status quo" that we hear so many "progressives" complain about. (Oh that evil incrementalism, eh? Better to have nothing at all, eh? Lord.)

What good purpose does it serve for anyone to loudly proclaim that "there's no difference between the Democrats and the GOP"... WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT?!! That type of negativity generates apathy. Apathy discourages voter turnout. Low voter turnout gives Republicans a chance to steal the elections.

Here's the thing... when any candidate continually refers the the Democratic party as a "failure" or suggests that the party "focuses too much on Diversity"... then that person has forever disqualified himself (or herself, whatever) from being the party's leader. It's well know which candidate, and his (or her) surrogates have advocated in no uncertain terms that the Democratic party must be "destroyed to be rebuilt".
February 7, 2020

The base will vote regardless... that's why they're called "the base".

Which leads to the question. What do you do to get your base to get out there and vote?
It does no such thing. The base will vote regardless... that's why they're called "the base".

You're not describing "the base". It's something else... but it's certainly not the actual BASE of the party.

The "base" of the Democratic party are the ones who are LOYAL to the party. The "base" are the ones who ALWAYS VOTE in every election. The "base" of the Democratic party are the ones who only vote for Democrats. The "base" are the ones who volunteer, donate, canvass, stuff-envelopes, man phone banks, hand out flyers at polling places.

The "base" doesn't need to be convinced to do anything. It's very insulting for anyone to 1) act like the base aren't loyal... and 2) try to pretend that the unreliable and malcontent voters are the "base" (they're not!)

The real "base" will vote for the party's nominee even if they aren't thrilled that their first choice didn't make it. The real "base" doesn't need to be personally excited or "in-love" with the nominee. The "base" will vote for the Democrat because it's good for the country, not because their own personal vanities have been validated and not because their egos have been stroked.

All I'm saying is the far-left fringe-y malcontents, and the unreliable youth-vote are NOT the base.

February 7, 2020

Yet nary a word of complaint when the entire Democratic Party is smeared and denigrated with LIES...

Yet nary a word of complaint when the entire Democratic Party is smeared and denigrated with LIES that Democrats are "ideologically bankrupt"... or that that Democrats are "feeble".

Doesn't it ALSO "help to drive away" voters from the Democratic party (a little here, a little there) when the Democratic party is falsely portrayed as being "corrupt" and an "absolute failure"?

What good purpose does it serve for anyone to continually spread lies that Democratic party is "the party of the one-percent" and that we're the "party of the elite".

How does it attract new voters and "young voters" when they're being told that there's "no difference between Democrats and Republicans" and that the Democrats are "do-nothings"?

I, for one, am GRATEFUL to Marton O'Malley for having the courage to speak up and tell the TRUTH. As you noted, there are often consequences for telling the truth but O'Malley is showing us the courage of his convictions.

At least he hasn't told divisive lies about how the Democratic party "doesn't care about climate change" or that the Democrats "focus too much" on diversity.

None of those things are true... but when people in power and when notable (famous) individuals use their "star power" to smear and denigrate the Democrats, well, that only creates long term division and it stokes resentment and distrust. And over time I guess "it all adds up" and people begin to believe the LIE that the Democrats are the same as the GOP and they stop supporting Democrats (from the top to the bottom) and in the long run, that only serves to benefit the GOP, and Trump, and Russia.

Why would anyone purposely do things that HARM our great party and which, in turn, ultimately BENEFIT the Republicans? It's a fair question that deserves and answer. Why would anyone defend (or ignore) that destructive behavior without saying anything... without calling it out... without expressing their disapproval. --- In the end, silence and apathy equal approval and agreement, right?

It's also NOT TRUE that people who the refuse to vote for an African-American because of his skin color "aren't racists". It's also NOT TRUE that the Democrats who "are very big into diversity" aren't "particularly sympathetic" to the working class.

I'm just trying to say, and all I want to know is... what good purpose does that serve? Why is it okay to smear an entire party, but some find it so unutterably offensive to legitimately criticize the policies and actions (or inaction) of another?

January 31, 2020

Remember that one time when he had a rally in North Charleston, SC?

Remember that one time when he had a rally in North Charleston, SC? BS can't even get AA and POC to attend a rally at an historically BLACK church in a MAJORITY BLACK neighborhood, within a MAJORITY BLACK city.

His rally (although well-attended) had so LITTLE ethnic diversity that it looked like he could have been somewhere Vermont. In fact, based on the statistics, the demographics at that rally was even whiter than Vermont.

It's obvious that the AA and POC community are rejecting BS and the BS campaign. They did then, and they still do NOW. He can't make headway. He hasn't been able to refine and tune his message.

BS just doesn't connect with that community. The BS message just isn't resonating. When the AA voters don't even BOTHER to show up to a rally that's RIGHT THERE in their city, their neighborhood, their church facility... well that is a SERIOUS SNUB and COMPLETE REJECTION.

All I'm saying is, with such a humiliating rejection by the AA and POC communities, and without their vote, BS doesn't stand a chance.

January 31, 2020

I prefer it when candidates do not denigrate the Democratic party with outright LIES.

Biden does not hate the Democratic party. Biden does not call Democrats "intellectually bankrupt". Biden does not think that the Democratic party is "ideologically bankrupt". Biden does not believe that Democrats are "feeble" and "corrupt".

Biden has never proclaimed that the Democratic party is an "absolute failure". You'll never hear Biden (nor his supporters_ characterize the Democratic party as being "the party of the one-percent". Futhermore, neither Biden nor his supporters accuse the Democratic party of being "the party of the elite."

Joe Biden does not denigrate the Democratic party with accusations of being "do-nothings". The Biden campaign believes that racism is real and that economic considerations won't make racism go away. Neither Biden or his surrogates smear the Democratic party by saying that "it focuses 'too-much' on Diversity".

We need to be united after all this. The goal is to beat Trump.
Yes it is, and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS THE ONLY PARTY THAT CAN DO THAT. We are a defacto "two-party-system" here in this country. No other party will bring down the GOP.

All I'm trying to say is that sure, there is tension arguing and bickering among ourselves and pointing out the obvious flaws in other candidates while participating in an anonymous discussion forum and on Twitter, etc... that's par for the course and to be expected.

But then... there are the OUTRIGHT LIES and other things that certain candidates, campaigns, surrogates and other ndividuals do and say publicly that denigrate and smear and divide and create distrust and suspicion and resentment... and which discourages voters from supporting the Democratic party.

In case you missed it... allow me to repeat: those things DISCOURAGE VOTERS FROM SUPPORTING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY AT ALL. It demonizes the Democratic party and portrays the party as being "no different" or "the same as" the GOP.


Here's the bottom line: Lies and smears about Democrats and the Democratic party create negativity. Negativity generates apathy. Apathy discourages voter turnout. Low voter turnout gives Republicans a chance to steal the elections. What good purpose does that serve? Why would any forward-thinking individual purposely do and say things that harm the Democratic party and which benefit the GOP?

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