One thousand GAO recommendations to remedy cybersecurity shortcomings remain unaddressed [View all]
(Article from The Hill)
With one click of a mouse, could an enemy of the United States black out major parts of the country or shut down the nations electronic communications? Could a hacker access a major bank and gain your personal information, and then clean out your accounts or steal your identity? Or send the stock markets into a tailspin, disrupting the economy?
Since 2010, GAO has made over 3,000 recommendations to agencies aimed at addressing cybersecurity shortcomings in each of these action areas. However, as of this month, about 1,000 have not been implemented. Until these shortcomings are addressed, federal agencies information and systems will be increasingly susceptible to the multitude of cyber-related threats that exist. There is much work to do to protect the public by both government and the private sector.
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