Stephen King Predicted Trump's Rise 40 years Ago, Says Trump 'Scarier' Than Anything He Wrote [View all]
Trump and his campaign are eerily similar to that of Greg Stillson's from King's novel, Dead Zone, that was written in 1979

No one tells horror better than Stephen King and the ‘Master of Horror’ has said that Trump is scarier than any character or book he ever wrote. That alone should set the alarm bells off in your head about Trump, if nothing else has. Stephen King predicted the rise of Trump almost 40 years before, in his novel Dead Zone, but he thinks the reality is scarier than anything he could conjure up in the book, according to Rolling Stone.
Stephen King collaborated with NowThis to release a video of him comparing Greg Stillson, a chilling character Stephen King wrote, to Donald Trump, the current US President. Greg Stillson is a “real estate con” who turns into a political demagogue in Stephen King’s 1979 Novel The Dead Zone. It was also made into a motion picture four years later in 1983.
If it creeps you out that Stephen King envisioned a character that could come to power like the way Trump did, almost 40 years before he actually did. It just goes to show how deeply Stephen King analyzed and understood the American psyche. “I was sort of convinced that it was possible that a politician would arise who was so outside the mainstream and so willing to say anything that he would capture the imaginations of the American people,” said King.
Stephen King narrates the events that lead to the rise of his character, Greg Stillson, in the book and the similarities between Trump and Stillson are spine-chilling. NowThis uses footage from the movie and actual footage from Trump’s rallies to draw parallels between the two. Stephen King explains how Stillson is first passed off as a joke because of his antics at his rallies. King also explains how Stillson had bikers installed at events to “make sure nobody heckled him.” Trump still has people to silence those who attempt to heckle Trump or his supporters at his event. Not to mention, Trump’s supporters are themselves angry hecklers who have abused and thrown punches at dissenters and the media.
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If you haven't seen it, do. Better yet, read the book. Books are always better. He is one of my favorite authors because within the horror is so much truth.