The election: I believe this will be the number one thing Americans will vote for this November. [View all]
Normalcy. The American people are exhausted and are becoming more so everyday. They are going to vote for change, normalcy. Woman and African Americans are going to vote in large numbers this election against Trump.
Yes, Trumps hardcore base will vote for him even if they are dying by the virus, however thousands of Trump voters are not hardcore. Some of them voted for Obama. Many people in 2016 hated Clinton, including Democrats and she lost the election because democrats stayed home in key states. That's not going to happen this time.
I agree with many people here, Trump and the Republicans are going to cheat every way they can. That is a major problem. That is something that cannot be allowed to happen.
The state I will be watching closely leading up to the election is Florida. Trump beat Clinton by a small margin in 2016. If Biden wins Florida, in my opinion that will be game over for Trump.