I'm absolutely livid! [View all]
I'm pissed as hell.
First they came for Roe vs Wade.
Then they came for Affirmative Action.
Then they came for protecting LGBTQIA from descrimination.
And now they've come for student loan relief.
I've lost more Civil Rights in the last 2 years than all of my years on this planet.
I'm very sick, read in nursing care sick, I'm on disability. I'm the parent of a gay trans child. I'm over $150,000 in debt to student loans I'll never pay off in my lifetime because I'm too sick to work. I'm female. I'm Native American.
What about people like me?
And sorry but I greatly disagree with Biden saying he doesn't support expanding the Supreme Court because it would "politicize" it. What in the world do we have now? And Clarence Thomas & Alito need to be removed by impeachment. They're completely owned & corrupt.
Term limit SCOTUS to 20 years
People should elect SCOTUS justices.
The last time the court was expanded was in 1869. Expand it.
I'm absolutely livid. I'm pissed. I'm sick & tired of constantly being beat up by people in DC. I'm about done at this point.
This country is a gigantic ball of shit. Over 90% of tribal communities don't even have clean drinking water. Don't even get me started.
Sorry but I really needed to vent.
I'm absolutely pissed.