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In reply to the discussion: Could have been a pill behind his ear that he [View all]slightlv
(4,635 posts)I think it shows that there's been enough bullcrap associated with trump you can't know WHAT'S real and what isn't anymore. He's the proverbial boy who cried wolf. I've been out all day helping grandson move furniture, so I haven't done any follow up... just saw this and popped in to see what it was all about. Can't say, after reading the many replies, that I know more now than when I sat down. I will say I'm not going to give the big orange fool even an inch of sympathy or belief at this point.
The only thing that worries me is what maga will attempt to do Biden, because whether true or not, trump will use this to take the stochastic terrorism to the highest level. Maybe we can try to convince people he'd be so much safer in jail -- where he belongs!
Meanwhile, I think people are just fed up with the stage theatrics trump has employed in the past and present and will probably continue to employ into the future. I don't blame them one bit for wondering aloud if THIS was staged, as well. It's too bad if other people did get hurt, but trump wouldn't worry himself about that, either prior to or during any incident. We're not dealing with a JFK here.
Hubby has said for months, tho, he wonders why someone hasn't attempted a shot at trump, given how much of a traitor to the country he's been proven to be so far. The only reason he can come up with is that democrats and left-leaning people don't generally go around shooting their enemies. And I think it's pretty convenient the shooter was shot... so nothing can be learned of motive, etc. Who was he? Was he disgruntled maga? They're the ones supposedly with all the guns. And given the stuff that can't be brought into a rally, per trump, how did a gun get through? These are the types of questions I'd like to see answered.