Irritated watching MSNBC turn on Biden [View all]
MSNBC is moving more and more into full time emphasis regarding how more and more Democratic legislators are coming out in favor of Biden "stepping down" (or whatever the euphemism of the day is). I finally gave up and turned the TV off after watching Ezra Klein on Ari Melber's show today. Klein was busy patting himself on the back for having been one of the first to suggest back in February that Biden would be a weak candidate. Then attempting a little clean up he opined that it really wouldn't be so bad for Joe because Joe could certainly be justly proud of his mandate (never mind that he was being forced aside by his own party). This had the same sincerity of parents telling a child who got a Participation Medal that it is really just the same as the First Place. That's when I hit the remote in order not to throw it at the screen.
This both-sideism "We just adore Joe - but he's got to go now" is beginning to be the coin of the real with virtually every MSNBC host, the same hosts who up, to very recently were strident Biden supporters. They are seem to be responding to shifting political winds or more likely corporate pressure by openly suggesting that the President now needs to go.
A great late American pundit Ambrose "Bitter" Bierce once defined "friendship" as "a ship for 2 people in fair weather but for only 1 in foul". He might as well have been talking about political loyalties of the media in America today.