Ashley Shot in the Face While Protesting, Guards Inviting the Protesters in. Trump's Distortions & Lies [View all]
This is what I would like an interviewer, or a debater, to say to trump.
Ashley was not "protesting" when shot. She was breaking through a barrier that was protecting our representatives.
And if you are going to state a specific part of her body where she was shot, don't lie about which body part it was.(he said she was shot in the face; it was the upper chest)
At another time, you knowingly lied and caused great harm to a law enforcement officer when you implied that Ashley was attempting to hold back other protesters when she was shot. You love to lie like that because you get away with it and the lies help shape the minds of your followers in your favor.
You know that the guards that let the insurrectionists pass were of 2 types, those who feared for their life and felt like hostages, and those that had been indoctrinated by your false claims of the election being stolen. Meanwhile, as the insurrection and assaults were going on, you sat silently, hoping that the hostile takeover of the government would be successful enough to keep you in power.
You lied on election night when you acted like it was obvious that you had won and that the counting should be stopped. You knew that many mail in ballots were going to be fairly counted at a much slower rate than the votes cast on election day. You knew that this was called the Red Mirage, and yet you used it to try to stay in power and avoid the embarrassment of the loss. You didn't care if it would cause civil war, or lead to people dying, which it did. .
There are many more examples of these blatant lies. Types of lies that are far more sinister than the lies we are used to from politicians. Your lies are on another level, an evil level.
You know you are lying. You plan your lies and know that they are taken as truth by your followers. You don't care that you lead them astray, you only care for the power that they help you achieve. Your quest for power at the expense of our country and humanity is similar to many of the worst dictators from the past.