As I've seen a few "what I'd like Kamala to say" posts. I've got one. [View all]
I realize that sounds misogynistic. And yes, 53 year old (ugh) white male here. But Im talking stump speech stuff here and we did the same going back to every presidential candidate going back to Kerry when I came here two years before that.
It is high, motherfuckingtime, that we took back love of country and patriotism from these people. Its complete bull shit.
Id kill to see Kamala or Uncle Tim raise the point. The GOP claims love of country and Patriotism as their property. But I call B.S.
They hate:
Women of all colors
Science, history, economics and every expert in these fields
The military (and Id highlight the votes against burn pit $$$ and that they let payday lenders raise the interest they charge on military)
School lunches, now
Childless couples and single people
And the list goes on! What does the GOP love about this country? Thats more than half the country! I guess its like Obama said, theyre clinging to guns and religion.
Sorry to offend the squeamish here, but Im erect just thinking about that type of speech. And its long overdue.