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Showing Original Post only (View all)What Vance is hoping you don't know: CSM Walz COULDN'T have deployed in the first place [View all]
Let's talk about the Military Physical Profile Serial System for a minute.
The military likes quick and easy ways to describe things, and one of the things they need to describe is a troop's physical condition. To this they have developed a six-channel system they call PULHES.
P = overall Physical condition
U = Upper body - everything from the waist to the top of the head
L = Lower body - everything from the waist to the floor
H = Hearing and ears, including the organs controlling balance that are found there
E = Eyes and vision
S = pSychiatric and mental health
For each channel, there are ratings from 1, completely fit for duty, to 4, so limiting that you really need to be studied by the Medical Evaluation Board to see if you can even be in the Army at all. These profiles can be permanent or temporary; a soldier who breaks her arm while doing her missions will receive a temporary 3 in the U channel, and when it heals she'll go back to having a 1 there. Most troops join the military with all 1s unless they need glasses, and then they receive a P2 in the Eyes channel. My own PULHES was 111121. Since the Army issues glasses - ones so ugly the troops call them "birth control glasses" but glasses nonetheless - they don't see having a P2 for Eyes as a huge problem. However, it WILL keep you from being accepted as a pilot, something I really wanted to do during my time in service. (This is what they'd give Trump these days: "S-4. Diagnosis or treatment results in high to extremely high risk to the military or patient due to potential impairment of duty function, risk to the mission or ability to maintain security clearance and which has already undergone an MEB (Medical Evaluation Board)."
Tim Walz served as an artilleryman. Artillery soldiers use weapons like howitzers and multiple rocket launchers, which are extremely loud when fired - and when they're fired you don't shoot once, you shoot as many times as you have to in order to kill all the enemy. Lots of cannoneers carry P3 and P4 profiles for Hearing, and that group includes CSM Walz. From what I've seen online he was so incredibly deaf they had to perform a surgery to replace the three small bones in his ears that transmit sound from the eardrum to the auditory nerve with 3-d printed ones to fix his ears. If you have this kind of operation the Army isn't going to let you in the same grid square as a firing battery. They'd probably be hesitant about even letting you go to the motor pool on Monday morning to check the oil in your howitzer's engine.'s the thing. Any P3 or P4 in your PULHES profile renders you non-deployable. If you can't hear, see or walk you can't fight wars. Even if he would have known about the deployment and stayed in because of it..."sorry sarge, you're deaf as a post, you're going to stay home."
TL R fuck JD Vance and fuck all his enablers.