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Showing Original Post only (View all)I've had to fire people during my 45 years as an employer [View all]
and Im going to confess that not only do I recall each individual and the circumstances, but I can conjure up with ease the horrific guilt I felt for doing so, even for grossly incompetent work product or inappropriate behaviors or actions, even for people I manifestly disliked.
For when you fire someone, you are altering his or her entire life. Aside from a relatively few individuals, this person is now unsure of everything: whether they will be able to pay rent or mortgage, eat, put gas in the car, pay utilities, maintain a relationship
anything. Nothing is as it was. All the interactions within the office are also terminated: the camaraderie, friendships, day to day routine, support from coworkers is instantly removed as though it never existed.
Its a landmark moment in anyones existence . No matter what the situation which led to the dismissal, it will be reflected upon for the rest of the employees life. And it wont be a series of positive thoughts. It will pervade the memories, rising to the surface on seemingly random occasions.
So when these RW billionaire assholes joke about doing this, firing someone, it demonstrates that they have no idea, zero concept, of the significance nor do they care in the least. And it is important that the electorate who is undecided understand this.
Undecided. These are attention-getting, needy people. Nothing stimulates conversation as much as the statement: I still dont know who Im gonna vote for. Whaddya you think? Guaranteed to take center stage wherever you happen to be, but particularly if its in a so-called swing state.