TSF: "Watch me."
MAGAts: "Somebody hold His beer."
We're not talking about people who value consistency or rationality anymore. Meanwhile, the media loves the poorly educated almost as much as TSF. The chances that gov. DeSantis gets meaningfully called out on his idiotic behavior are small to begin with, and drop to 0% by Thursday. Conversely, the chances of some insane conspiracy theory about the hurricane becoming a viral meme by next Monday approach 100%. I'd estimate the chances of that meme being treated as self-evident truth by mass media outlets starting next Wednesday at about 50%, depending on the meme's overall style and sexiness. Then it'll take another 3 days to publicly debunk and denounce the conspiracy theory behind the meme, at which point it will have lost its luster anyway and people move on to find the next entertaining shiny object.
Naturally TSF will continue to bring it up at his rallies for a few days after that, because it's low effort to push out a previously-compressed idea with a few reaction-generating words.