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NYC Liberal

(20,152 posts)
147. LMAO
Tue Jan 1, 2013, 08:35 AM
Jan 2013

The poster to whom you are responding is 100% on the mark. Obama had one of the most successful terms of any president in history in terms of legislation passed. And he did it despite unprecedented opposition from a right-wing GOP, which also controlled half of Congress for 2 out of 4 years in his first term and despite a 24/7 media finding fault with everything he did -- neither of which is something FDR faced.

Are we talking about the FDR who refused to support an anti-lynching bill because he needed Southern support? If it were Obama, you would be no doubt calling him a "caver" or an "appeaser" or "Repub-lite". How about the FDR that put over 100,000 Americans into prison camps based solely on their race? If Obama did that, I doubt anything else he did would matter to you; you would be SCREAMING bloody murder. I mean Obama got shit from some quarters here just because he killed Osama. FDR refused to desegregate the armed forces; Obama fought for the repeal of DADT and the equal inclusion of all Americans in our military.

Now, none of this is to say I do not think FDR is a great president, because I do. He is one of our greatest. But I am simply exposing YOUR double standards. If Obama had done some of the bad things FDR did, or made some of the mistakes FDR did, you would be excoriating him for it.

I hope you have someone to help you change your diaper. phleshdef Dec 2012 #1
How does this childish response add anything... Wind Dancer Dec 2012 #35
My response was no more or less childish than the post I was responding to. phleshdef Dec 2012 #39
+1 ... 1StrongBlackMan Dec 2012 #83
I'd call it just a bit more than an inch, really Bake Dec 2012 #115
You really don't understand, do you ... 1StrongBlackMan Dec 2012 #132
I understand math. Bake Jan 2013 #163
At least he's *using his words* this year... freshwest Jan 2013 #162
Oh goody. bunnies Dec 2012 #2
C'est la lutte finale! BeyondGeography Dec 2012 #3
Post removed Post removed Dec 2012 #4
classic! insult and attack the messenger. Lame asslicking stenographer apologist! In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #8
That's not an insult. It's a good suggestion. NYC Liberal Dec 2012 #10
bwahahahahaha CatWoman Dec 2012 #72
(spits cranberry juice on keyboard) +a million Number23 Dec 2012 #120
I'm far less concerned with the income tax rate than with those of capital gains and inheritance. Egalitarian Thug Dec 2012 #5
NBC reporting alcibiades_mystery Dec 2012 #19
No, not really Report1212 Dec 2012 #25
Cliff = 55% over $1M inheritance, 25% cap gains from $0. Egalitarian Thug Dec 2012 #26
if you're measuring against the cliff alcibiades_mystery Dec 2012 #29
Well, that's the crux of the biscuit, isn't it? The whole thing is another in the series of Egalitarian Thug Dec 2012 #63
You assume that Congress won't reinstate middle-class tax cuts. They will. That much is certain. leveymg Dec 2012 #112
I don't think it's certain at all alcibiades_mystery Dec 2012 #114
They just announced UI has been extended for a year without offset. They'll extend the middle-class leveymg Dec 2012 #116
As part of the very deal you're otherwise shitting on...? alcibiades_mystery Dec 2012 #118
The Grand Deal included SS "reform". That won't happen - the measures will be considered separately leveymg Jan 2013 #156
Exactly. Sekhmets Daughter Jan 2013 #159
Cliff = two million cut off from UE SpartanDem Dec 2012 #33
There is no public housing out here and block grants = another few hundred thousand bucks in a Egalitarian Thug Dec 2012 #45
And Yet it was rejected because good is dumb AldoLeopold Dec 2012 #40
The President has not even reached the podium yet..... monmouth3 Dec 2012 #6
Yes, this post was somewhat premature CJCRANE Dec 2012 #12
Wacth out!! The Obamnapologists are out in force!! bowens43 Dec 2012 #7
Seriously Bowen! Classic blame and ridicule the messenger tactics! Pathetic! Probably paid trolls! In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #9
This message was self-deleted by its author backscatter712 Dec 2012 #14
Who are you to assert that anyone bama_blue_dot Dec 2012 #32
Welcome to DU. We need more blue-bloods from your part of the country. bluestate10 Dec 2012 #93
YEAH! Democrats on a board for Democrats are.. paid... trolls... dionysus Dec 2012 #129
so apparently, are the pamper filling despair trolls. dionysus Dec 2012 #128
Kick The Can.....nt global1 Dec 2012 #11
Your despair is noted. backscatter712 Dec 2012 #13
No need to negotiate! He has a mandate. Only a Chamberlain would negotiate with fascists. I'm suppos In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #16
Ooh lookee me! I'll end every sentence with an exclamation point! And spout off nonsense with no... phleshdef Dec 2012 #18
You're ridicule is noted. I will refrain from responding in kind as it serves no purpose to In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #22
Its more difficult than you could ever imagine. phleshdef Dec 2012 #27
+1 LOL!!!! FSogol Dec 2012 #24
BOOM! Some people really need to sit their asses down and read the Constitution. bluestate10 Dec 2012 #95
Good luck with that, considering the gerrymandered districts we ceded in 2010. MH1 Jan 2013 #167
!!1!1!1!! eleventy!11!1! dionysus Dec 2012 #61
Yes, you're correct. billh58 Dec 2012 #84
Where have I heard this shit before? JTFrog Dec 2012 #119
Because 450k is middle class! Marrah_G Dec 2012 #15
Oh In_The_Wind Jan 2013 #155
$400/$450 is a cave? Republicans cave on the principle, on the rate level, and on additional rates! alcibiades_mystery Dec 2012 #17
Please no logic SpartanDem Dec 2012 #21
+a gazillion peacebird Dec 2012 #28
It is a good deal given Harmony Blue Dec 2012 #23
Thank you for your response. While the details haven't been released I am wondering what your source In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #34
your original post was written like "squat" Kolesar Jan 2013 #151
What? Happy New Year to you too. In Truth We Trust Jan 2013 #165
Perhaps ypou should read Robert Reichs take on this: In Truth We Trust Jan 2013 #169
Here's my reply, already posted elsewhere alcibiades_mystery Jan 2013 #170
Blame Chuck Schumer and other Senate Democrats frazzled Dec 2012 #20
In Schumer's state, $250,000 per year for a family of four is not excessive earnings. bluestate10 Dec 2012 #97
That's a Dentist or a Plumber married to a nurse in NJ. Walk away Dec 2012 #113
The difference between 250k and 450k is not worth extending unemployment to you Recursion Dec 2012 #30
Never expected $250.000 number to stick. It was always subject kiranon Dec 2012 #31
That is how negotiations work. Harmony Blue Dec 2012 #36
Some on DU don't understand the art of negotiation. The world is simple to them. nt bluestate10 Dec 2012 #99
That's because everything is cabitchalation...get ha davidpdx Jan 2013 #160
And another episode of HairOnFireUnderground begins. JoePhilly Dec 2012 #37
obama crushed out a cigarette in my kitteh's eye. he wants us all to die too Joe. he is a very evil dionysus Dec 2012 #60
I have a feeling I'll be using "Trash This Thread" a whole bunch tonight. GoCubsGo Dec 2012 #94
What did you expect. There are some here that only see a black and white world. bluestate10 Dec 2012 #100
People on the left who refuse to compromise are identical to teabaggers who refuse to compromise. RomneyLies Dec 2012 #38
Exactly!! polmaven Dec 2012 #41
It has been a one-way process whereby the people on the left continually "compromise" In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #43
Can I offer you a bucket of water babylonsister Dec 2012 #46
I would hope for a FDR leasder...don't know what you hope for? Keep the water, you may need it. In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #48
FDR had a massively Democratic House AND Senate RomneyLies Dec 2012 #49
Well said. randome Dec 2012 #54
Obama better leader then FDR? Really? Wow. just fucking wow. You are talking about a man who led us In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #58
About 20 times better leader, in fact. RomneyLies Dec 2012 #64
bush accomplished more than obama albeit all terrible. To even push such gibberish is very revealing In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #68
Actually, no. Bush didn't. RomneyLies Dec 2012 #69
Obama, had he been the leader you portend him to be, then we wouldn't be having this discussion at In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #82
If Obama was the piss poor leader YOU CLAIM RomneyLies Dec 2012 #85
Doesn't come close to FDR who cleaned up wall st, created the SEC, created jobs through the TVA, WPA In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #96
Ahhh, now it becomes clear. billh58 Dec 2012 #90
You see nothing but the brilliance of your own suppositions and that is in itself pathetic. You know In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #104
Aww, now it's an billh58 Dec 2012 #123
"anyone but Obama" sect who are currently swarming on DU." Number23 Dec 2012 #121
Too true, and they're billh58 Dec 2012 #125
LMAO NYC Liberal Jan 2013 #147
FDR governed during a time when patronage was still big and rebels could be punished bluestate10 Dec 2012 #103
My pony just drank my half full glass of water!!!111 greatauntoftriplets Dec 2012 #107
This guy is totally bald by now. DevonRex Jan 2013 #142
Again, you apparently do not understand what the word "compromise" means RomneyLies Dec 2012 #47
see my post 43 In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #50
The post you just replied to was a REPLY to post 43 RomneyLies Dec 2012 #51
The may I suggest you actually read it. In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #56
I read it RomneyLies Dec 2012 #57
you obviously have reading comprehension issues. In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #66
Apparently, you are politically naive. RomneyLies Dec 2012 #67
Apparently you are a condescending individual. Yes, lets compromise. Lets have "peace in our time". In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #87
And again, I say your stance is the same as a teabagger's stance. RomneyLies Dec 2012 #88
I was looking for a tea party taliban meme. I found this, it's close to what I've heard lately: freshwest Jan 2013 #143
It is called a negotiation for a reason. Jennicut Dec 2012 #42
Please see my post 43 above. In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #44
This is not an argument. It is a macro. Shivering Jemmy Dec 2012 #79
Will someone, anyone, billh58 Dec 2012 #131
I'm kinda busy too. DevonRex Jan 2013 #141
Well I guess you should have voted for Nader still_one Dec 2012 #52
The poster voted for Nader in 2000. That is what got us where we are. nt bluestate10 Dec 2012 #105
Yeah it was all the Progressives fault that we continue to have DLC/3rd way bullshit. In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #108
I would have no idea still_one Dec 2012 #110
NOW who doesn't want to compromise ever ever? Pretzel_Warrior Dec 2012 #53
it's concern trollery at it's finest.. or a complete lack of understanding of reality... dionysus Dec 2012 #62
I don't think it has to be just one or the other. Robb Dec 2012 #81
ok pal.. time for IGGY!!!11!1 dionysus Dec 2012 #127
Compromise is Required in Best of Political Environments Indykatie Dec 2012 #55
your bitter tears are nectar to my soul. dionysus Dec 2012 #59
really? whatever floats your boat. seems kinda pathetic to me though. good luck with getting a life In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #70
what's pathetic to me is the Pamper Filling Outrage™ based off of bullshit... dionysus Dec 2012 #117
That $250,000 figure fadedrose Dec 2012 #65
Oh, the drama... SidDithers Dec 2012 #71
Hmmmmm Hekate Dec 2012 #73
why did I come into this fucking thread? CatWoman Dec 2012 #74
You thought it was satire:-) CitizenPatriot Dec 2012 #77
It's practice for The Onion, really amazing parody! Hekate Dec 2012 #91
you want I should kick your ass, Midori? Skittles Jan 2013 #144
Okay, admit it. This is satire. CitizenPatriot Dec 2012 #75
That may explain the OP, but what about the 15 special souls that rec'd this dreck? Number23 Dec 2012 #124
i'm late in replying CitizenPatriot Jan 2013 #172
Oh, noes! Ian David Dec 2012 #76
Let me play a song for you on the world's smallest violin. tritsofme Dec 2012 #78
You forgot. bluestate10 Dec 2012 #109
Don't look now, but it looks like you might have pissed your pants. MjolnirTime Dec 2012 #80
HOFU Trajan Dec 2012 #86
$450,000 is not bad. It is not a sellout. There is such a thing as negotiating. bluestate10 Dec 2012 #89
Get the poor man a hair extinguisher! Hekate Dec 2012 #92
I'm recommending this thread. Robb Dec 2012 #98
I knew it!! Number23 Dec 2012 #126
He said no increase on incomes below 250K, and this includes that jberryhill Dec 2012 #101
But once again, the Dems appear to be reasonable while ZRT2209 Dec 2012 #102
I'm ok with bargaining on the numbers, JoeyT Dec 2012 #106
I agree with the general sentiment of what you've said. What we've seen thus far is a moving to the In Truth We Trust Dec 2012 #111
You have taken self-parody to new heights. Hekate Dec 2012 #122
Evidently that makes you an insulting apologist! Wheres your justification? Care to explain In Truth We Trust Jan 2013 #134
Yep destroy the Country wheh ALL WE"VE complained about was lack of DainBramaged Dec 2012 #130
It's what I voted for. Zoeisright Dec 2012 #133
Ladies and gentelmen, I give you the distilled essence of DU's "General Discussion." WilliamPitt Jan 2013 #135
lol Will....Go Pats! Happy New Year to the distillery too! In Truth We Trust Jan 2013 #137
Prayers to the distillery WilliamPitt Jan 2013 #139
Hyperbole. I vehemently disagree with the op. xxxsdesdexxx Jan 2013 #136
What specifically in the original post do you disagree with. That this is not the deal we voted for In Truth We Trust Jan 2013 #138
Don't make me pull this car over! NYC_SKP Jan 2013 #140
So, he's Dictator in Chief now ? steve2470 Jan 2013 #145
It is ok a person with a D after their name is doing it so it HAS to be Good! stultusporcos Jan 2013 #146
Hello stultusporcos. Welcome to DU. In_The_Wind Jan 2013 #148
You sure do! stultusporcos Jan 2013 #150
What we don't detect is "complete sentences"...eom Kolesar Jan 2013 #152
If my reply were verbose, would that make you happy? stultusporcos Jan 2013 #166
I'll prove you wrong... trumad Jan 2013 #149
I have an R after my name! ... eom Kolesar Jan 2013 #153
Oh, come on. Did you really expect any more? bitchkitty Jan 2013 #154
How do you figure that? Sekhmets Daughter Jan 2013 #157
This is how via Robert Reich: In Truth We Trust Jan 2013 #168
I love Reich, but he has never held an elected office. and gets rather fanciful in his solutions. Sekhmets Daughter Jan 2013 #171
Obama is damned if he do, damned if he don't. serbbral Jan 2013 #158
Purist nonsense from the TeaLeftParty. ....YAWN...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... RBInMaine Jan 2013 #161
Well, my taxes went up. That's what I voted for. nt msanthrope Jan 2013 #164
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»SELLOUT! This is NOT what...»Reply #147