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(6,440 posts)
124. But according to the rah-rah squad, there's nothing to blame the Republican House for
Sun May 5, 2013, 01:30 PM
May 2013

Everything is just peachy, and if you point out that the unemployment rate is dropping in part due to people giving up looking for work, or that American workers aren't reaping the benefits of record stock markets, then clearly you are just trying to undermine the glorious achievements of the Greatest President Ever.

Kick! n/t ProSense May 2013 #1
Message auto-removed Name removed May 2013 #2
Never expect a republican to see beyond their nose. HappyMe May 2013 #3
woohoo! 5 years out, jobs are back to what they were at the start of the recession! HiPointDem May 2013 #4
Look ProSense May 2013 #5
"if this pace continues for the entire year!" = but it won't, and hasn't. sequester. it will be HiPointDem May 2013 #7
"but it won't" ProSense May 2013 #8
my town is being destroyed by unemployment & you think i'm wishing for more? get out of your HiPointDem May 2013 #29
Mine too, but I guess that we're not supposed to believe our lying eyes. AnotherMcIntosh May 2013 #36
the sequester may cost us jobs, but look on the bright side Enrique May 2013 #33
Burns you up, doesn't it? Ikonoklast May 2013 #6
burns me up, yes. the slowest recovery in modern history. HiPointDem May 2013 #9
Due to a Republican House. Ikonoklast May 2013 #10
But according to the rah-rah squad, there's nothing to blame the Republican House for nxylas May 2013 #124
Nice attempt at deception. ProSense May 2013 #11
62 months & we're still not back to zero. slowest recovery in modern history. slower than HiPointDem May 2013 #13
More nonsense ProSense May 2013 #16
i didn't say obama had been in office 62 months. i didn't say *anything* about obama. HiPointDem May 2013 #21
What? ProSense May 2013 #24
the chart *you* posted is where the 62 months comes from. HiPointDem May 2013 #44
Try this ProSense May 2013 #47
i didn't say it did. i said "from the start of the recession". your attempts at distraction are HiPointDem May 2013 #83
It's not a recovery AT ALL. n/t duffyduff May 2013 #92
unemployment to population ratio 25-54 years -- lowest since women started entering the HiPointDem May 2013 #25
Maybe I'm missing something - but doesn't your graph show it is the slowest? whopis01 May 2013 #79
do you think Obama sets oil prices? maxsolomon May 2013 #12
no, i think obama doesn't control anything. he is entirely powerless to mystical forces of HiPointDem May 2013 #14
what, then, do you think a president controls with regards to the economy? maxsolomon May 2013 #15
obviously, presidents don't control anything and are completely irrelevant. you told me so yourself HiPointDem May 2013 #20
Perhaps someone like Kim Jong Un is more your style. DevonRex May 2013 #23
you have a big problem. HiPointDem May 2013 #86
To be expected. Worst recession in modern history. phleshdef May 2013 #18
slower recovery jobs-wise than the great depression. & unemployment was higher under reagan. HiPointDem May 2013 #19
Thats fairly misleading considering the unemployment rate was stuck well above 10%, even above 15%. phleshdef May 2013 #63
"& unemployment was higher under reagan." HiPointDem May 2013 #66
The recession Reagan faced was overall way less significant, especially the housing market. phleshdef May 2013 #74
This message was self-deleted by its author phleshdef May 2013 #41
From the worst recession after the Great Depression. Ikonoklast May 2013 #60
depends on how you define 'worst', the reagan recession reached higher unemployment. HiPointDem May 2013 #61
And he had a Democratic House and Senate fix it for him, that's why it was shorter. Ikonoklast May 2013 #62
Unemployment is just one economic factor. phleshdef May 2013 #64
You may wish to explain yourself better and write more clearly then. LanternWaste May 2013 #75
funny, i didn't say word 1 about obama. maybe the problem is with the readers. HiPointDem May 2013 #82
Win. Just chock full of win. Number23 May 2013 #116
When you were unemployed during the Reagan years, you did find work elsewhere. duffyduff May 2013 #93
Ya better believe it does! treestar May 2013 #57
The unemployment rate in North Korea is 0%, everyone has a job. Ikonoklast May 2013 #68
That's why Hannah LOVES North Korea. DevonRex May 2013 #78
Typical GOP\Basher meme; Downplay horrible horrid effects Republican Created recession was uponit7771 May 2013 #17
Whose propaganda is that? North Korea's or the GOP's? DevonRex May 2013 #22
5 years out and there are still fewer jobs total than before the recession started. that's a *fact*. HiPointDem May 2013 #27
Again, ProSense May 2013 #34
You know what? Try your bullshit on somebody else. DevonRex May 2013 #37
you know what? i don't care. you clearly can't even read. "the guy i like" = ? i don't like any HiPointDem May 2013 #85
Perhaps you'd prefer to return to the 10+% rate at the height of the recession? Sheesh. RBInMaine May 2013 #81
1) Your numbers are wrong. 10% was the highest UE went, for one month, Oct. '09. HiPointDem May 2013 #125
It's MUCH WORSE than that. Labor force participation rate falls to lowest in a generation kenny blankenship May 2013 #120
Jobs that pay shit. progressoid May 2013 #26
Recovery: ProSense May 2013 #28
3 million fewer jobs today than before the start of the recession. FEWER JOBS THAN BEFORE HiPointDem May 2013 #30
Repeat, ProSense May 2013 #35
i didn't *say* the recovery began 5 years ago. but just for the record, it supposedly began HiPointDem May 2013 #51
3 million fewer jobs than before the recession, despite 5 years of population growth. HiPointDem May 2013 #84
Yeah really. progressoid May 2013 #40
No, ProSense May 2013 #52
Its called supply and demand. JoePhilly May 2013 #46
"They" have developed the "Jobless Recovery" into an art form... bvar22 May 2013 #76
The neolibs or globalists want that. duffyduff May 2013 #91
But it's still TERRIBLE for 18-29 year olds. pnwmom May 2013 #31
Nobody is claiming everything is great nobodyspecial May 2013 #38
We're not pissing in the punch bowl. progressoid May 2013 #43
i'd have no problem if the OP wasn't misleading. the rate they're touting is for ONE MONTH. HiPointDem May 2013 #45
There is a chart in the OP ... its pretty clear how long a period it refers to. JoePhilly May 2013 #53
the chart does nothing whatsoever to make it clear. HiPointDem May 2013 #55
looks clear to me. JoePhilly May 2013 #56
yes, you're right on the op, i'm mixing the two articles posted by prosense. it's the other one HiPointDem May 2013 #58
It doesn't mean squat, and not only that, one can't believe anything duffyduff May 2013 #94
I posted Boehner's ProSense May 2013 #39
I think we need a significant further stimulus. pnwmom May 2013 #42
It's also terrible for 50+ year olds. MineralMan May 2013 #67
You're right -- but we should be screaming at Congress. We need another stimulus. nt pnwmom May 2013 #70
What we should be doing is starting work on the 2014 MineralMan May 2013 #71
Any one of us who voted Democrat should feel that we have made a small contribution... JackN415 May 2013 #32
Oh, it's still gonna happen here ... Myrina May 2013 #49
... how many people have dropped completely out of the workforce? Myrina May 2013 #48
Good question! Most people have forgotten about us! DearHeart May 2013 #87
Since January 2009, about 9 million more not in labor force OnlinePoker May 2013 #114
More bad news for the folks who hate Obama. JoePhilly May 2013 #50
K&R For Good News. Warren DeMontague May 2013 #54
If GOPers help create jobs and raise Iliyah May 2013 #59
I find it interesting that. NCTraveler May 2013 #65
I'm afraid there are those who live to shoot down any good news. MineralMan May 2013 #69
Short term yes, long term is debatable. NCTraveler May 2013 #72
Lacking a crystal ball that works, I cannot see into the future. MineralMan May 2013 #73
not good enough is their constant refrain treestar May 2013 #77
I surely don't feel any closer to finding permanent work. leftyladyfrommo May 2013 #80
Absolutely. Those statistics are total b.s. duffyduff May 2013 #90
+10000.... AND pass the Trans-Pacific free trade assault, and expand H-1B quotas. woo me with science May 2013 #96
I know. leftyladyfrommo May 2013 #104
I think it's interesting that we aren't given reports of what actual income is snappyturtle May 2013 #106
I know what you mean exactly adieu May 2013 #113
Great news despite the fall out, inevitable. ;) nt babylonsister May 2013 #88
Like hell it is. More statistical garbage. duffyduff May 2013 #89
+1000 When stores like Dollar General are adding 10,000 jobs this month magellan May 2013 #97
Yeah, ProSense May 2013 #100
+1 leftstreet May 2013 #118
And plans for cutting SS, and for the Trans-Pacific free trade assault are still in place. woo me with science May 2013 #95
First, ProSense May 2013 #99
This is a triumph flamingdem May 2013 #98
How much of the change is due to long-term unemployed no longer being counted in the labor force? limpyhobbler May 2013 #101
Also how many have lost good jobs, and been rehired at crappy jobs? limpyhobbler May 2013 #102
Something That Gets Under Reported DallasNE May 2013 #103
Message auto-removed Name removed May 2013 #105
oh, right. My daughter helped that figure - though she still has no job bread_and_roses May 2013 #107
There are people ProSense May 2013 #108
and you think I don't know bread_and_roses May 2013 #109
So ProSense May 2013 #111
Just what skills John2 May 2013 #117
good news is always shit upon at the good 'ol du....you can count on it. spanone May 2013 #110
Good news! Scurrilous May 2013 #112
O Joy abelenkpe May 2013 #115
More deceitful, press release bullshit. Marr May 2013 #119
More ProSense May 2013 #121
Repeatedly reposting links helps them show up in search engines, I know. Marr May 2013 #122
People ProSense May 2013 #123
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»The lowest jobless rate s...»Reply #124