It's a metaphor. If he's cheating on this, where else is he cutting corners? If he's gaming the system here, where else is he doing it? And how badly? What fast one is he trying to pull today? It's indicative. An indicator. A signal. Evidence to underscore the basic measure of the man. It's revealing of the type of individual he is, his tendencies, his defaults if you will. It's instructive and indicative of the kind of things he's likely to do and ways he's likely to respond in the future. You want someone who bends the rules because he either can't or won't or maybe doesn't feel like he has to conform to those rules? That he thinks they don't apply to him? That he can selectively apply to his own life, practice, business, representation, whatever? And HE chooses? So for the state of Kentucky, HE chooses? With THAT attitude?
I certainly don't want a "representative" like that!!!! Where he decides what's good for me and my family and my community based on what HE finds convenient? With that scofflaw attitude? Our reps whom we elect to go into government (where there are these things called "laws" and "rules" and "regulations" and fully-vetted "standards" and "guidelines" get into government and turn their noses up at those things, and decide they're just gonna do it their way and fuck the rest of you?
It's a small thing. So is caulking. Dumb little annoying detail. Who gives a flying F? Until your tiles start falling out of your bathroom walls because you didn't think you needed to bother with any. So is decent wiring. Big deal, just grab that old stuff over there with the cracks in the insulation and the bare copper showing. NUTHIN'S GUNNA HAPPEN... I don't wanna spend the money. Why should I have to go to the trouble of going out and buying new? This'll be good enough! Until something DOES happen, and the resulting fire that got started burns the whole frickin' house down.