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In reply to the discussion: I am so pleased about the backlash Indiana is getting over the bigoted anti LGBT law [View all]calimary
(83,443 posts)I am TOO!!!! EVERYBODY's getting a smack down in Indiana.
Frankly, boston bean, I think this is EXACTLY what we pro-choicers need to do, too. I haven't heard ANYONE connect the dots as far as should be done.
CONSIDER (And this has already happened):
With a law like this in place, it's not just gay couples who'd get turned away from a restaurant or a flower shop when they're planning a wedding.
It's women trying to get a prescription filled for the Pill. We've already seen the stories and the foolishness of the pharmacists who say their consciences can't fill such a prescription. It's against their religion. Can't bring themselves to just do their jobs and leave their politics OUT OF IT. They have to meddle in our personal lives, all the way into our bedrooms!
THIS is a golden opportunity to help others connect those dots, and demonstrate that this involves LOTS of different rights that the religionistas don't like and want to take away. Some of these, they've ALWAYS wanted to take away, and many of those involve women. I have actually heard a few people on the radio who state flat-out that the problems really began in our society when women gained the right to vote. More recently, astoundingly enough, there was even a female legislator somewhere in the South, I forget where, who stated rather oddly that she thought women shouldn't have the right to vote! That would include her, too, presumably - IF what she said she wanted ever turns out to BE what she wanted. I would not be surprised to hear some rhapsodizing about how soon they might be able to legislate their right to order us to wear chastity belts. Women would be next. In many cases before the Medievalists among us target that other voting block they want to keep controlled: Blacks and Latinos. Mainly because the air seems to have been let out of the balloon for women's rights. Certainly women's reproductive rights. We have to reinflate that balloon. OR bring in our own Goodyear blimp!!!!!
Where else do you imagine that side of the aisle will try to get away with applying this law next? How far do you think they'll be tempted to stretch it? Especially empowered and undoubtedly emboldened by what mike pence did, and how their darling ted cruz just stepped up to voice support? Think of all the people they don't like. Religiously and otherwise - but you can find ways to stretch religion over all these excuses too, if you're really clever and manipulative. And I wouldn't put it past this particular opposition.
We need to understand something. Our gay friends and brothers and sisters need to understand this. We women need to understand this. Our friends and brothers and sisters in other targeted skin-color groups need to understand this. We need to understand the opposition and take it VERY seriously. They're fired up for their idea of God. They think they have God on their side. So they're NOT going to let up OR accept retreat.
As though we were dealing with our own domestic ISIS.