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In reply to the discussion: Women's Reproductive Rights are every bit as important as LGBT rights or [View all]frazzled
(18,402 posts)Why does nobody care, or care for more than a second?
I've tried to post about this several times in threads over the past few days, and except for 2 or 3 people, nobody seems either to get it or to give a hoot.
I'll tell you who is starting to get it. People like my nephew and his husband, who have a daughter. Feminism is an issue for everyone, not least gay men and women. Every son, every daughter, every sister, every brother, ought to care about this.
Many states got away with discrimination by means of "conscience clauses" that allowed pharmacists to opt out of filling contraceptive prescriptions on the basis of their religious beliefs. And then there was Hobby Lobby, where the Supreme Court legitimized discrimination against women by private entities, if health insurance that covers contraceptives "offended" their religious beliefs. So now we're surprised that states are opening the door for discrimination against LGBT people? Hell, we let them discriminate against 50% of the population, and little stink was raised. We're now reaping the results of our apathy.
First they came for women ...