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In reply to the discussion: CNN Camerawoman "Not Surprised" by Peanut-Throwing: "People Think We've Gone Further Than We Have" [View all]calimary
(84,573 posts)Funny, though, Patricia is exactly what these judgmental assholes are belching about - SHE'S got a job at which she works hard every day and earning a paycheck and doing quality work, building a career and a reputation as a professional camera operator and technical specialist, and being a contributing member of society. As a retired newsperson myself, believe me, I KNOW how hard the camera crews work! Could it be that the nut-throwers' hatred of her is because she's more living proof of how wrong they are? She's the living breathing embodiment of their LIES, abject IDIOCY, bone-marrow-deep prejudice and RACISM, sheer INHUMANITY, and embarrassing SMALL-MINDEDNESS. I bet they assume they're better-educated than she is, too. Oh, excuse me, black people are just lazy moochers, correct? That's what we all know to be true, isn't it? Wink-wink. WHAT? This one isn't? But, but, but... what about our theory that black people are just lazy moochers? Damn her then!
Wonder how many of THEM in that convention center among the melanin-deficient are mooching off the system even as we speak? After all, what about all the studies and statistics that show most welfare recipients are white?
And add that to another undercurrent I bet some of this human backwash in that convention center is thinking also - HEY! Why is SHE taking a job that a good Christian white man should have?
Well, the hell with them!!! I wish we knew the names of the nut-throwers. Lying racist weasels. Well, they can hide from us. But they can't hide from The Big Guy Upstairs. He knows exactly who they are.
I also feel bad for those of us who thought, presumed, hoped, or were taught, that racism in America is a thing of the past. I myself dared to think that, when Barack Obama was elected President, then and there we had direct evidence that racism in America was a thing of the past. Man, was I wrong! It just gave all the racists license to act out, uglier and more flagrant than ever. And the republi-CON party embraced them and gave them respectability. They ALL publicly shame and disgrace America to all the world, with every breath they take.
We can all take a lesson in true nobility from Barack Obama, and from Patricia Carroll, too. Thank Heavens that there are people in this country like them - who can serve as a counter-balance to the madness we see on display FAR too often, here in the 21st Century.
It's just literally dizzying! I mean - we're IN THE 21ST CENTURY forcryingoutloud!!!! This Troglodyte thinking is STILL alive and well at this late date? Unbelievable. Astounding! Disgusting! Deeply embarrassing! And downright sad.