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(7,006 posts)
70. Democrat huh
Tue Sep 23, 2014, 09:14 AM
Sep 2014

In This case, I will use the words in the Corporate Rag you quoted, against your point.....get ready.....this one will be too cute "

"The impact of an emergency manager on Detroit’s mayoral race took a new twist today as labor activist Robert Davis released e-mails from top aides to Gov. Rick Snyder that he says show that candidate Mike Duggan played a role in the selection process that resulted with Kevyn Orr’s appointment.

It was Davis’ latest salvo against Duggan, who is trying to become mayor of Detroit through a write-in campaign.

Davis, who works with the city’s largest labor union — the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 25 — supported mayoral candidate Tom Barrow’s challenge that Duggan hadn’t lived in the city for a year the day he turned in campaign signatures to make the Aug. 6 ballot. A Wayne County judge agreed.

Duggan dismissed any hint today that his involvement with the Snyder administration was anything other than to tell Snyder and his staff that Detroit didn’t need an emergency manager and that it would be a mistake to appoint one before the city could elect a mayor capable of fixing the city without a takeover.

“I tried very hard to convince the governor’s people not to appoint an emergency manager,” Duggan told the Free Press. “You see what influence I had. They ignored me.”

Davis provided the e-mails to the Free Press today. They were released as part of a lawsuit he filed against the Snyder administration, alleging that it violated the state’s open meetings laws in recruiting and selecting an emergency manager. State officials have turned over some e-mails and documents an Ingham County judge ordered released to Davis.

One e-mail from top Snyder adviser Rich Baird, who played a major role in the emergency manager selection, indicates that Baird had dinner with Duggan on Feb. 5. The e-mail appears to be to Kevyn Orr, more than a month before he was chosen as Detroit’s emergency manager, Davis said.

“Mike has made a reasoned, logical and impassioned plea to defer any appointment of an EFM until after the election in November,” the e-mail says. “He is concerned that an EFM will make too many decisions to resolve the short-term crisis in Detroit without regard to the long term (such as hiring a police chief, consolidating operations under an authority, not prioritizing city services in the same way as a strong mayor would, etc.).”

A second e-mail, to Baird from state Treasurer Andy Dillon, references Duggan telling state officials that another candidate for the emergency manager job, whose name was redacted in the documents Davis released, shouldn’t be eligible for the job, but “there is a role for him” in the effort to turn around Detroit.

Orr was appointed March 25."


Mike's a "Democrat" however worked with Andy "Dino" working for Conway-Mackenzie as a Consultant now -- former State Treasurer Andy Dillon -- who helps pushed Detroit into Bankruptcy for the purposes of his own personal gain. Amazing Democrats right?

Speaking of Andy, there was a meeting where Andy was called out on his tactics by the former City Council Women JoAnne Watson and C.P.A. Tom Barrow -- however, of course those who love corporate media would know nothing about this meeting:

"On March 12, 2013, Independent Underground Radio LIVE -- Michigan's Top Politico Program -- obtained a Exclusive Interview with President of Citizen's for Detroit's Future, Former Head of Michigan Licensing Board of Accountancy and C.P.A.- Tom Barrow.

In the interview, C.P.A. Barrow who's a 2013 candidate for Mayor of Detroit warned on Michigan's Governor Rick Snyder's intentions assigning a Emergency Manager to the City could lead to dangerous consequences for Pension Retirees.

Mr. Barrow specifically shared details of a financial review meeting he was invited to attend with Councilwoman Joanne Watson (D) and State Treasurer Andy Dillon. State Treasurer Dillon revealed under Barrow's tough and pointed financial questions, the City of Detroit did not have a immediate fiscal crisis.

During the meeting C.P.A. Barrow detailed how State Treasurer Dillon decried the primary reason an Emergency Manager was assigned to Detroit, was to deal with the City long-term debt by restructuring or eliminating Detroit's Retiree Pension Obligations.

On Thursday, July 18th, Michigan's Governor Rick Snyder with his Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr announced Detroit, Michigan will launch the largest bankruptcy proceeding in United States history, after Detroit's Pension Board launched a suit to determine if Gov. Snyder and E.M. true mission in the bankruptcy process of the end City of Detroit Retiree Pension Guarantees."

The interview is here: https://soundcloud.com/webmaster-38-3/tom-barrow-mar-12-2013

Yep, that's the Democrat --- Andy Dillon. Should I place more information about his Consultant duties for the State of Michigan after his so-called retirement, the war of the Roses Divorce or the Caribbean Vacation. If so, just let us know.

Back to the "Democrat" Mayor Duggan

"State and local leaders conspired to plunge Detroit into the nation’s largest municipal bankruptcy in a series of surreptitious meetings that began soon after Mayor Dave Bing was elected to his first full term in 2010, the Motor City Muckraker has learned.

In early 2011, newly elected Gov. Rick Snyder and his executive team invited Bing and his aide, Kirk Lewis, to private brainstorming sessions. The topic – devising a strict emergency manager law that would allow an appointed official to break union contracts and privatize services in financially struggling municipalities.

The private sessions, which the mayor and governor had denied took place, marked the beginning of two years’ of secret meetings intended to deceive Detroiters, city workers and other stakeholders about the prospect of a financial takeover and bankruptcy, calling into question whether authorities ever intended to bargain in good faith, a requirement of Chapter 9 bankruptcy.

Involved was a surprising array of local and state politicians, including the governor, Treasurer Andy Dillon, Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr, mayoral candidate Mike Duggan/i], former Council President Pro Tem Gary Brown and a host of others


Motorcity Muckraker is a independent media operation however, it does indeed have the tendency to tell it like it is.....including as a quoted source of many local 2,4 and 7 (S.E. Michigan) News stations. Loving how the "Democrat" Duggan was secretly meeting for years on end with Baird and Rick Snyder. Two REPUBLICANS. Maybe if Duggan is a "Democrat" it's in name only.....just like Andy D.

Oh, one more point....speaking of Baird, Rich Baird, the Governor Rick Snyder right hand man:

"The Snyder administration initially explained the Michigan exemption as “an inadvertent error made apparently in closing documents during the home purchase process.” But Democrats, noting Baird’s background at a major accounting firm, had called on Snyder to fire him.

Botke said Baird’s property tax bill would have included a line indicating how much he saved because of the exemption, but she suggested it was easy to overlook. “Do you read every line on your tax bill?"

With the township admitting error, Baird took on his critics this weekend, reportedly threatening to sue Michigan AFL-CIO President Karla Swift over a newspaper editorial and Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer for suggesting during a recent television appearance that Snyder "has crooks working for him" in state government.

“I do not like being termed ‘a crook’ and am considering suing Gretchen Whitmer and others,” Baird told Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville in an email chain distributed by the Michigan Democratic Party. “Thought you might like to know.”

MDP Chairman Lon Johnson defended Whitmer, saying she has “not only the right but the responsibility” to hold Snyder and his closest adviser accountable.

“Baird’s threat is nothing but a blatant and outrageous attempt by the Snyder administration to bully Leader Whitmer into silence about the pattern of cronyism and questionable activities by top Snyder officials,” Johnson said in a statement.

Baird, who hired Snyder for his first job back in the early 1980s, joined the governor-elect’s transition team as he prepared to take office following the 2010 election. He currently holds the title of "transformation manager."


By the way, Gretchen -- the Democrat Baird who double dipped for a Property Tax Exemption in two states (one of which after being caught, he paid back) threatened to sue a REAL DEMOCRAT -- State Senate Majority Leader Gretchen Whitmer. So far, Baird boasting about a lawsuit for Whitmer using her Constitutional right to Free Speech has went nowhere.

And back to the point...Duggan is some type of interesting type of "Democrat", huh?

If you think the costs of water are tough, try a dysentery or cholera epidemic! n/t TygrBright Sep 2014 #1
Ironic that this water problem is engineered by the same people who want to repeal the ACA Jack Rabbit Sep 2014 #4
How much does free water cost? FrodosPet Sep 2014 #34
I'm not trying to badmouth Detoit's water works Jack Rabbit Sep 2014 #41
I don't believe Mike Duggan is a Koch patsy trying to screw the citizens of Detroit FrodosPet Sep 2014 #45
LOL.....Really now? LovingA2andMI Sep 2014 #56
Yes, Mike Duggan is a Democrat FrodosPet Sep 2014 #62
Democrat huh LovingA2andMI Sep 2014 #70
Uh noes! He's a politician!!! OMG everyone panic!!!!!!!!!!!! FrodosPet Sep 2014 #79
Wait, WUT!?! politicat Sep 2014 #91
Exactly Aerows Sep 2014 #19
We subsidize school lunch, maybe need to subsidize water as well. Provide each house with jtuck004 Sep 2014 #2
we don't hve to susidize the water hollysmom Sep 2014 #29
Renters don't have to pay their own water? Recursion Sep 2014 #55
It is indeed a Michigan thing.... LovingA2andMI Sep 2014 #57
I don't know any renter in any state that pays water, it used to be such a small amount that it was hollysmom Sep 2014 #97
In DC you do. VA, too. Recursion Sep 2014 #98
Well, the judge can always arrange to take the profit motive OUT of it rocktivity Sep 2014 #3
The Detroit Sewer and Water department is a public agency FrodosPet Sep 2014 #9
However they are for profit bl968 Sep 2014 #61
That is incorrect FrodosPet Sep 2014 #63
Did the Great Lakes go dry while no one was looking? freshwest Sep 2014 #5
It's not the water that costs so much FrodosPet Sep 2014 #11
And it's not the water or the pay for said people maintaining the Aerows Sep 2014 #20
I wasn't seriously making a case against infrastructure spending, you know. freshwest Sep 2014 #32
I feel sorry for the people at DWSD FrodosPet Sep 2014 #37
As I said in one or the other replies, here, I support all public workers. freshwest Sep 2014 #38
It is all in-house FrodosPet Sep 2014 #42
Excellent. I also live in such a system. But some landlords turned over billing to private firms. freshwest Sep 2014 #46
People love to hate and fear Detroit FrodosPet Sep 2014 #49
That what taxes are for. Sivafae Sep 2014 #77
What is your position on usage caps? FrodosPet Sep 2014 #82
yeah, i was thinking about that Sivafae Sep 2014 #90
VICE did a story on this, if everyone watched what I posted they would be informed snooper2 Sep 2014 #78
Everybody hates the city I love FrodosPet Sep 2014 #80
I don't hate it, just being realistic...They need to have a massive relocation project snooper2 Sep 2014 #81
Well, I guess they can go down to river with a bucket then SpartanDem Sep 2014 #13
And create a public health care emergency in their community Aerows Sep 2014 #21
I wasn't actually making that case. I just feel that Detroit's dilemma is not the fault of the freshwest Sep 2014 #35
water water everywhere and not a drop to drink ... (nt) sunnystarr Sep 2014 #16
Not until it is treated, anyhow FrodosPet Sep 2014 #39
Dear Goddess. sheshe2 Sep 2014 #36
'America, meet your new landlords. The Kochs.' freshwest Sep 2014 #43
I know we will not get them all with our first pass in 2014. sheshe2 Sep 2014 #50
Are these deliquent customers still getting free water? valerief Sep 2014 #6
Absolutely! Earth_First Sep 2014 #25
Thank you for posting that valerie, sheshe2 Sep 2014 #30
Commercial customers HAVE been getting shut-off notices FrodosPet Sep 2014 #47
Why Yes, Indeed.... LovingA2andMI Sep 2014 #58
Looks like you have not done your homework FrodosPet Sep 2014 #66
Where's the PROOF this is happening..... LovingA2andMI Sep 2014 #69
They're sending mail. They're not turning off the mains. politicat Sep 2014 #92
Yep, no mention of them in the article. Cal Carpenter Sep 2014 #71
Maybe these fuckers could look into this theaocp Sep 2014 #7
Or this FrodosPet Sep 2014 #48
The Federal Government should pay for residential water and plumbing FrodosPet Sep 2014 #8
What a stupid idea Travis_0004 Sep 2014 #12
I'm just trying to figure out how to get everyone FREE water FrodosPet Sep 2014 #14
Give every household 1000 gallons free Travis_0004 Sep 2014 #24
In California, we had to ... aggiesal Sep 2014 #26
Your post illustrates how much water we waste in this country NickB79 Sep 2014 #28
Do you use only 12 gallons a day? Travis_0004 Sep 2014 #44
And I thought Bush was a fascist. nt Dreamer Tatum Sep 2014 #51
Only us corporations get the free water..... Dont call me Shirley Sep 2014 #10
That is incorrect FrodosPet Sep 2014 #52
That happened after they were getting lashed about it, by the public then the UN. Dont call me Shirley Sep 2014 #72
If they just plainly said, "We want poor people to die," they would be laughed out of court shenmue Sep 2014 #15
Who should pay the expenses to provide water? FrodosPet Sep 2014 #17
FEMA shenmue Sep 2014 #18
And will spiral into a larger Aerows Sep 2014 #22
It's a good thing that there are payment plans and assistance programs then FrodosPet Sep 2014 #27
You keep on posting about raw sewage. former9thward Sep 2014 #73
Do they pay for everyone's water? FrodosPet Sep 2014 #23
simple solution... Rewilding quadrature Sep 2014 #31
If these people can't pay their water bills, how are they going to pay their property taxes? n/t PoliticAverse Sep 2014 #33
I think this is predicament just a slice of the larger picture GitRDun Sep 2014 #40
I say raid the police pension fund! ncjustice80 Sep 2014 #53
Access to clean, safe drinking water is a basic human right. blkmusclmachine Sep 2014 #54
According to the World Health Organization FrodosPet Sep 2014 #65
Canada used to be world renowned for high quality public utilities, water, gas, electricity, Monk06 Sep 2014 #59
The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department is a branch of the City of Detroit government. FrodosPet Sep 2014 #64
My understanding is that the bankruptsy proceedings have put an appointed City Manager in charge Monk06 Sep 2014 #67
Your understanding is wrong. former9thward Sep 2014 #74
Missed the existence of the mayor. I thought a state appointed city manager was in charge. Monk06 Sep 2014 #94
A new Mayor was elected and took over water this summer. former9thward Sep 2014 #95
The problem is bl968 Sep 2014 #60
That sounds like a great idea! FrodosPet Sep 2014 #86
This is kindling for riots. <n/t> frustrated_lefty Sep 2014 #68
Are you bringing the kerosene and matches? FrodosPet Sep 2014 #76
Detroit's infrastructure was built for a city of 2 million. former9thward Sep 2014 #75
Jesus Christ. Talk about fucking cold. Arkana Sep 2014 #83
Not as cold as you think FrodosPet Sep 2014 #85
Yes, as cold, even colder. How is this compliant with the UN resolution per bl968's post #60? valerief Sep 2014 #87
Does the UN Resolution require in-home delivery? FrodosPet Sep 2014 #89
This is implied in Dmitry Orlov's view of soft (Soviet) vs hard (American) crashes GliderGuider Sep 2014 #84
Let it Rip: Duggan takes control of water department FrodosPet Sep 2014 #88
How proud his mother must be yurbud Sep 2014 #93
Prick. dipsydoodle Sep 2014 #96
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