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In reply to the discussion: Pic Of The Moment: Making America Great Again By Kicking Grandma Out Of Her Home Over 27 Cents [View all]polynomial
(750 posts)Now knowing Trump, who he is, how he thinks, it should be no surprise our new economic system is working to be bankrupt driven. These are the laws he knows.
Now taking the outstanding people that characterized the Bush era that paralleled 911, that being the greatest economic swindle to begin the millennium, America now takes in more of the same with experienced musicians.
These failures are not consumer friendly. Bankruptcy is in a sense a tax friendly law for business via the bailout.
Now knowing that the special tax shelter carry over only for the one percent. That was a shock to learn about, notwithstanding how many other buffered laws are there for advantage to the well moneyed.
Bush terrorized the public, prompting the Democratic Party into bullets, as right to bare-arms, or ballots or bailouts as do gooders
yet Obama did little to address the gross criminal corporate actions for the war profiteering or in the Housing debacle.
Now a basic reason not to consider to vote Democratic, the Democrats wont prosecute likewise there is cause that many Democratic players are just as guilty.
Obama gives just good old hype that saved Jobs or prevented a depression.
Im beginning to believe a real depression is when a significant number of high profile political families are jailed and lose their wealth.
The Banks the Courts and the Justices in the Courts
now the individuals in the Electoral College, or the system it-self is not properly displays as far as the supposed demographics.
The Electoral College should show its present power plus list its members and how that representation is arranged before any election. The way the Electoral College is done is way too sneaky, and abused.
Profiteering and corruption is hidden in the harmony scaled in super-particular-ratio by song, dance, with glitzy moneyed commercials in the television cable theater. Trump knows how to play that game.
With that said America can see the horrific abuse by the corporate media that is responsible to serve the public yet keeping this a mystery for the last century. The gramma list is likely going to be huge.