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This is what love does to your brain
Its really an addiction.
By Sean Apr 23, 2018, 9:10am EDT
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Sean Illing
So being in love is like being hooked up to a perpetual dopamine drip, and you get a little hit every time you see the person or touch them or think about them?
Helen Fisher
Dopamine drip I love that phrase! I havent heard that before; its a great way to put it. But the dopamine hits occur even when youre not with the person. You can think of love as an intense obsession, but its really an addiction. You think about them all the time; you become sexually possessive; you get butterflies in the stomach; you can read their emails and texts over and over again.
But I say its an addiction because we found that, in addition to the dopamine system being activated in the brains of people in love, we also found activity in another part of the brain called the nucleus accumbens.
This part of the brain is activated in all forms of behavioral addiction whether its drugs or gambling or food or kleptomania. So this part of the brain fires up in people who have recently fallen in love, and it really does function like an addiction. Which is why romantic love is a far more powerful brain system than the sex drive.
Sean Illing
Ive heard you say that casual sex isnt as casual as we think. Why not?
Helen Fisher
Its not casual because when you have sex with somebody, and its pleasurable, it drives up the dopamine system in the brain. That can push you over the threshold into falling in love. And when you orgasm, theres a flood of oxytocin and vasopressin. Those neurochemicals are linked with the attachment system in the brain.
So there are all these potential chemical triggers that can get activated when you have sex with someone, whether its casual or not. Something like one-third of people whove had a friends with benefits relationship have fallen madly in love with that person.
So casual sex is not casual: It can trigger these brain systems for romantic love and feelings of attachment.
Sean Illing
In other words, dont have sex with someone unless youre prepared to fall in love with them.
Helen Fisher
Exactly. If youre on vacation and there are natural barriers and youre unlikely to see them again, then thats probably safe. But otherwise youre risking falling in love, and that might complicate your life in ways youre not prepared for.