kioa: 27 states have both higher guns per capita & lower murder rates than California & New Jersey.
It seems your thesis needs some work.
You then proceeded to show, by your link, that of the 20 states with higher murder rates in 2013 than California, 16 of them are pro gun states, only Alaska with a small population. Actually only one has stricter gun control, maryland, while Michigan, new mex, & Illinois are about neutral these days, not really pro gun despite having shall issue.
Furthermore, when citing California vs much smaller populated states, you are comparing apples to oranges, since California has several large urbanized cities LA, SF, san diego, Oakland, with large population densities like 20,000 per sq mile, non-existent in many of the smaller progun redstates - apples to oranges.
The best way to compare California, is with only 3 other comparable states, new York, florida, & texas, somewhat conveniently two pro gun, two gun control. 2013 stats:
Florida murder rate. .. 5.0 ... gun ownership rate 24.5% (due in part retirees)
California murder rate 4.6 .... ....................... 21.3
Texas murder rate .... 4.3 ............................. 36
New York murd rate.. 3.3 ...............................18
-- so calif/ny 3.95 avg edges out texas/flor 4.65
It seems your counter-thesis needs work.