icon: And Texas has more people than New York State and Florida, with "several large urbanized cities"
(Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Fort Worth, El Paso) "with large population densities"
So what's your point this time? gun control New York has ~25% lower murder rate with half the gun ownership rate, than texas;
Pro gun Texas only has ~6% lower murder rate than gun control California which has ~9% lower murder rate than pro gun florida.
Texas has 20.8 million in 2010 census, while new York has 19.0, that's called parity jack, for comparison purposes.
California has 34 mill, florida 16 mill, the next in line Illinois with 13 million.
What's your point jack?
icon: I have a sneaking suspicion that our interlocutor is engaging in some sort of Kaufmanesque roleplay...
I have a sneaking suspicion you're not playing with a full deck of cards.
what I originally wrote: The best way to compare California, is with only 3 other comparable states, new York, florida, & texas, somewhat conveniently two pro gun, two gun control. 2013 stats:
Florida murder rate. .. 5.0 ... gun ownership rate 24.5% (due in part retirees)
California murder rate 4.6 .... ....................... 21.3
Texas murder rate .... 4.3 ............................. 36
New York murd rate.. 3.3 ...............................18
-- so calif/ny 3.95 avg edges out texas/flor 4.65