2016 Postmortem
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According to Real Clear Politics (and they have no reason to lie), Hillary Clinton has 3,154,991 more voters than Bernie Sanders. Hillary has 12,150,597 while Senator Sanders has 8,995,606 votes.
Sanders has won 17 states. 10 states remain undecided. Hillary has won 23 states. Included among Hillary's states are New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, and Texas.
Hillary leads in pledged delegates 1645 to 1318. She leads in superdelegates 520 to 39. She leads in total delegates 2165 to 1357.
It's not undemocratic. Under the rules that both sides are forced to play by, Hillary Clinton is beating Bernie Sanders.
Clinton supporters have been accused of supporting the 1% and worshipping the wealthy and wanting a coronation and a bunch of other bullcrap. Here is irony that should not be lost on Sanders supporters:
1) In 2008, one of the talking points we had was that the Republicans were the party of old white men and that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama represented a more diverse future in American politics. In 2016, you now ask the party to accept that we were just kidding, and that we should elect a very old white guy.
2) You are now asking the party to accept that despite 3,154,991 more voters casting a ballot for Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders, that a backroom deal should be made at the convention to nominate Sanders because he happens to poll better against John Kasich than Hillary Clinton does at the moment.
3) Many of you are now hoping (some less privately than others) that an FBI investigation that sprung from a right wing smear campaign now delivers an indictment against Hillary Clinton. So you accuse Hillary supporters of siding with the 1% while, at the same time, aligning yourselves with Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy.
Despite all of this, and my misgivings about Sanders at other levels, I repeat my pledge that if he is the party's nominee, he will have my vote in the general election. But stop pedaling this notion that Hillary and Bernie's relative delegate positions are undemocratic. There are 3,154,991 reasons it is democratic.