2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)The Weapons of Mass Destruction and the FBI investigation [View all]
Back in 2003, some people from that era are still here, we had the increasing clarity that the country went to war on false pretenses. I remember Republicans back then. A few were embarrassed. Yes, that did happen. A few I personally know left the Republican Party. But then there was this core. They were resistant to facts. It did not matter even after the President all but admitted the fraud (and war crime) when he joked about it three years later. Incidentally, we expected Pelosi to put impeachment on the table, that is one of the things they ran on.
If you understand war crime law, there is a reason why Dems shied from it (cowards) and it is because under International law every member of Congress and the Senate who voted for it could be held accountable. So could the Joint Chiefs, and fleet and army officers of high rank, and some lower ranks that followed those orders. Incidentally, they proved what the Germans have always believed, Nuremberg was victor's justice.
But I digress, a core number of Republicans still believe the media lied and they did find WMDs. They rely on the 20 year old crap that would irritate the living day lights out of your skin if you were close to it. We knew where it was, because the UN noted that on maps.
Fast forwards to today. Like 2003 there were people who a year ago knew this email issue was serious. Some of us did more than just due diligence. We downloaded emails and started reading. I knew it was a scandal when one of the early one who were later classified had the name of a foreign leader with a message to the President. I know from my training as a historian, that this message would not normally be seen in any archive before at least 10, likely 25 years have passed. But I went further. I asked somebody who held a clearance...he was blunt, in the business this is what is known as born classified. It does not matter how they are marked or not marked. They are classified the moment they are typed
It turns out the Reuters experts told the exact same thing to Reuters editors about about a series of 22 early emails. This is back 9 months ago. I was willing to go sure, Right Wing conspiracy. But no. As more and more information comes out, and this must be human nature, the denial from core supporters becomes far more strident.
You know why I developed a contempt for core Republicans? My husband was on the lines, and they were willing to accuse me of fantasy thinking, just like you are, and being un-American. Ok, I am developing the same kind of contempt and I expect this scandal to continue to roll on, and you to become even more allergic to facts. And in this allergy, your party will hand over the Country to a madman. Don't Sanders me, he has yet to touch this. But now I consider both deep partisans to be exactly that: Beyond contempt.
And yes, I am angry, ok, pissed off. Because you are risking, by defending the indefensible, nothing short than your future. I know that when Trump is elected, yes, I used the when, because the scandal will continue and she is beyond wounded and many millions will stay home, I might have to find out where to request asylum. You think I am kidding. I am sure. Oh and like Republicans who blame the liberal traitorous left for not supporting the Iraq war, you will also blame the liberal traitorous left. Well guess what? Republicans are guilty of blind loyalty, but so are you.
Oh and finally, the Democratic Party is now a neoliberal right wing party. So don't try the but they...with me. It will get zero play.
Enjoy the scandal