L.A. County Board Hears Testimony on Vote Fraud [View all]
According to todays report by 'The Inquisitor" the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors heard testimony of vote system irregularities so irregular one vote supervisor said it reeked of fraud and he considered refusing to put his name to certify.
Testimonies given (as noted in the story - HERE ) include mulitple accounts of switching anomalies, family of 4 all being switched to a party they never heard of, and the lack of proper ballots being printed.
Furthermore, there was a million new regustered voters, and, accirding to CBS, the largest chunk were new voters 18 to 29 years of age.
Currently, Hillary leads Bernie, in L.A. County, by 170,000 votes with over 368, 000 provisional ballots remaining.
Unfortunately the article has a little bit of bad math, in reporting that Bernie needs to take 193 delegates away from Clinton, to take lead in July Convention.
Neither Hillary, nor Bernie will have anything " finalized" come the start of the Democratic Convention.
In the meantime, a wildcard GOP race is of serious concern, as the powers that be, in the GOP, are planning a whole new effort of the "Dump Trump" variety.
Can Hillary Clinton beat Mitt?
Bernie surely can!
Here's a video of the Board of Supervisors meeting.