My brother sent me this. [View all]
Step 1: Vote for Trump. Step 2: ...?
If you really want to make America great again, look to the future.
Let me be perfectly clear: If youre voting for Trump, you are not a person I care to know. Whether youre a blood relative, an old flame, a schoolmate, or a co-worker, your vote tells me you dont value my marriage (as Trump promises to appoint Supreme Court nominees who will strike down that marriage right), you dont value the safety and well-being of our children (as Trump incites violence against minorities), you dont support the rights or see the inherit value of women (see: groping, alleged child rape, womens health, right to choose, equal pay, etc.), you dont value each and every human life (see: gun control, right to choose, programs for the needy, immigration, value for all ethnicities) or you dont understand the dire importance of climate change (Trump thinks its a hoax.)
Can't seem to post a clickable link, sorry